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Kept Islands For Sale

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One man in a seaport tou-ri seemed to be entirelv alone in his rnethod of procuring a livehuood He discovered islands for a living There have been explorers since the days of Oolurnbus to these days of Henry M Stanley, but this man was not an explorer, he did not fit out an expedition or lead a party for the eurichment of g-eographicaí knowledge. Other men, being short of provisions, sometimes go out to a streajn and cast in their lines to catch a mess for svipper or break fast. Tbis man, when short of funds, went out to sea and fished at an islánd that he might live oí' it until he could discover another When he was saUing the main it had to be a very ifrary and circumspect island tliat could elude his search. His name was Capt. Jennett. lie was of Freuch blood, but born in this country; and at the time the writer met him he claimed to have discovered ninety nine islands. and as he claimed to have obtained a patent for each island f rom the United States government. he was the owner of that numberof islands, scattered around the globe. When he meutioned in a casual way that aoinnp; his unconsidered ti-iíies he had so many islands, the writer expressed his astonishment, and said that the ! est desire of his heart had aJ ays been to ! possess an island. "Weü, 111 give you one," said the captain, with all the free her tedness that characterizes a sailor. "I've got more i than I want." "Yonr kïndness almost overpowers me. Whatmust I do to enter into possession?" "All you have to do is to fit out a vessel to oecupy it and ship the guano on it, of whieh you are to deliver to me onethird of eaeh cargo AU my Islands are guano islands W hen 1 find another kind of island in my net I just let it go. I have too many to be bothered with any tliat havent a fortune on the surface ready for shipment. " He tuen produced a time worn patent, issued Nov 30, 1869, by Hamilton Fish, secretary of state, which stated that the gallant captain had discovered "thelslaud ot' Roucouor, on the Muskiteer bank, in the Caribbean sea," and was eutitled to the guano on it if he worked it. A list of articles necessary to the worklng of it was next prodnced, in whïch the exact number of pieks, shovels, planks, nails, tents, wheeibarrows, provisions, and, indeed, evi vthing required was sot down in tabuJated fonn. Thefirst load of guano brougkt to market, he declared, would pav for all of these articles, and leave a handsome profit besides. Some of' the islands he discovered were in the Pacific ocean, some üe near the banks of Newfoundland, others - the greater portiou of the list - are in the Caribbeau sea, and some along the coast of Bruzil They are not down on the charts. as the captain cares more about keepinjr thein for his own proüt than for occupation by the public.


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