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We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfeetly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obliuations made by tjieir fiïnr West & Truax. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walding, Kinnau & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. E. II. Van Hoesen, Cashier, Toledo National Bank, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intérnally, acting directly upon the blood and mucub surfaces of the svstem. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. jPJjoYALLSBWJJjfc PQWDER Absoiutely Pure. This powder oever varíes. A marvel of purity, strength and wholsomeness. More economical thun the ordjnary kinds, and cannot be sold in oompctirinn with the multidude of low test, short weis-ht of alum or phosphate lowders. Soldonly in cans. IIoym, Baking ?owder Co., 106 Wall Street, New York. WANT COLUMÑT MALE TEACHER WANTED- in school 111 trict number rs, townshlp of Solo, to teach a flye month's school. Apply lo P. Tuoim-v director . FOR BENT- A barn on South Fifth Street. Inquire at Aboub (ifiice. TO KENT.- A part of a large eonvenient house. Also unfurnished rooins. corner of Jefferson and División streets. Iuquire at IV División. 37tl'. TfORSALE- A lot (ivc by four rods ai the A QOrtheast corner of Nortb. and Socond Sts Good b ïilding lot. D. Cramer. 37-39 FOR SALE- New house of eiglit rooms 148 MillerAvc. Inquiro of Wni. Gerstner, No. 3 Detroit street. 37tl'. TpOK RENT.- House, barn and pieee of land ■ near -Pittsüelcl jünctlon. Good well of water. Apply tolludson T. Morton, Ann Arbor, Mich. ö' tl' TfOR SENT,- Severa! housef located in diffeï-1- ent parts of the city. One larg-e house espeoially adapted lor keeping roomers and boarders. Apply to Hudson T. Marton. 3Ttf WANTED- A yoiinsr man with ezperlence in the grocery business to clerk in store. Must i ie a good accountant. Addrcss drawer D post office. FOUND- A pocketbook aeven miles eastfof Ann Arbor on Plymouth road. Owner can havesatneby ealliníf on W'. O. .Munay, 15 l'ontiac street, property and paying eosts. TpOR SALÉ- House and lot on East Cathor. ine street cheap. Inquire up Ptairs m er Fred Brown's saloon, ïlaiu street. TARWALKS.- I make and repair tar walks, also do teaming. Orders will be promptly attend?d to. Address C. Al. Thompson, P. O. Boxl8i6.__ _____ POR REST, Several Very Desirable PIAJSOS, ■ in Excellent Condition.- Apply ut the Aegus Ofliee. 48tf POR RENT- A modern house with ïurnaoe, -- gras and water accommodation, in fine loeation. l"or particulars apply at 21 North unlversity avenue. 16 tf. A C. NICHOLS. DENTIST. Libe r víc-'i ■! [ir :. Orer ' Andrew's liook Store No. 13Soutli Main Street. TO GBT FKKSH ANp claMs SKKVED IN ANY 8TTLK IS AT J.SCHIÁPPICASSEE'S 3 E. HURÓN ST. WE KEEP 'lili: FIHEST 8ELECTION Candies, Nuts, : W mSTTES, AND TOBACCO, ' IN THE CITY. TRY OUR "D. So V." Standard or Skiko1 Hiiamis of Oystbhs. Jersej SweetPotatoes; Flaccue Faney Gatsup (theflnesl made); Öty of Struita Codfiah tent (rom ilif! largest and genuin ■ Cod); all classes ui smal! Fruits aaa Vegetobles; rerj i - t .brands of Cauncd (joods: Nuts (osBOrted or separate); bulk and Shell Oysters; our Culi tinesof Can Fruits. Vegetebles, Fish. Meate Stnest Florida Orangos, LemonB, etc., etc., are ousurpassed. DWYER So VHAY, Wholesal Oygterand Fruit Dealei s. DETROIT, - MICHIGAN. GlUËK. PRÊSÉRVATSVC, A thoroughly tested ftndw] oí' jomoj for arrestingfennentatioii. onabLii one to have rich,sparklingcidertheyeararoui!d. 1. i the market six yoars, and is in I arnU whohaveused it. It thorouglily clariüe imparta no foreign taste. Fut up in boxes ed i'or 3 and 5D-gall packages. retal 1 ing u. . W ota. Sold by dealers, or seni by mail on receipt of price. INMAN BRO'S, Fhakiiacists, Akron, 0.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News