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Thomas Carrol, of Ann Arbor, has been granted a pension. A teaoher's exanmiation will be held in Manchester, üctoüer 26. To Mr. and Airs. Phi] Stimson, yesterday morniug, a son and heir. The Baptist state convention wnl meet in this city, next Wednesday. A grand democratie mass meeting is promised for this city, Tuesday , Oct. 23. ■ A social was given in Hobart hall last eveniug by the ladies oí St, Audrew's chureh. Hangsterfer &Co. will close outtheir coufectionery business and restaurant and will seh the fixtures in theii store. Joseph l'arker and MissNellieFoley of this city, will be married Tuesday' eveniug by Kev. Fr. Fierle at bis resideuce. Charles M. Irwin, of Chicago, and Miss Haltie B, ttice, of this city were married here, Wednesday, by Rev. C. Al. Sliauk. A prohibilion meeting in firemen's hall last evening was addressed 'jy C. Nafe, of Indiana, and 8. B. Cox, of Keniucky. Filibert Iloth was married in this city last Sunday to Miss Clara llolïman„of Marathon, Wisconsin, ev. John Neuinauu. A flne bickory pole was erected by the democrats in front of the resideuce of Mis. lleury V. Hogers on Huron street, last Saturday evening. The new T. and A. A. depot lias been commenced and will be rapidly pushed to completiou. It is located on Second street, south of William. Evening service will begin at the ünitarian snaren next Sunday evening. Mr. Sunderland will give the lirst of his Sunday evening lectures 'for the winter. Dr. Frank Vandewarker and Miss Eliza Scanlan were married by ïtev. Fr. Fierle at his residentie last Monday evening. They have the best wishes of many friends. On our fourth page to-day, will be found a striking and instructivo illustration of the comparative worth of the various kirds of baking powders now in the market. John R. Miner has purchased a half interest in the Medical Advance. Dr. H. C. Allen owns the other half interest and will continue as editor while Mr. Miner will be business manager. Mrs. Rebecca M. Wells, sister of Rev. E. Steele, died last Saturday of cnsumption, aged sixty-one years. The funeral services were held.Tuesday from the house, 88 East Huron Btreet. A big pole 12-5 feet long was raised by Michael and Phillip Duffy at Whitmore lake, Wednesday. A big crowd was present and rousing speeches were made by Louis Boyle and M. J. -Lehman. fiiiS A delightful series oí novelettes begins in this week's Akgus and will continue every week for sorae time. The Argus will strive m every way to merit the appellation of the best paper in the county. Mrs. Gwinuer, .mother of A. Gwinner, of Detroit stieet, died last week, aged seventy-eight years and nine days. The funeral services were held Saiurday afteiuoou from the residence of A. Gwinner. A flsh on exhibitiou at Caspar Rinsey's yesterday, which was tl. ree feet long and weighed eleven and a half pounds, was speared in the Huron river by Charles Warren. A pretty big fish to come out of the river. Fred Foley, who was serving a seven years term in the lorna House of Correction for burglary, escaped lecently by getting out through the washroom on to the roof and thence to the ground. He was sent up from this city. A new law, real estáte and abstract firm will be started in this city the first of next January by W. D. arriman, C. H. Manly and W. G. Doty. It will be a streng 3rm. They expect in time to erect a flre-proof building to store their abstract books. Captain C. H. Manly speaks iu Hillsdale and Lenawee couimes six nights bef ore the campaign closes. He is dated at Litchfleld, October 24; Llülsdale, October 25; Jonesville, October 26; OgJeu Center, Oct. 30; Blissfield, October 31 and Tecumseh November 1. The Tuesday club met for the Srst time tías year ou ïuesday last and , gan its eighth annual meeting. The i essays for this period will cover the Staart period iu English history, and the tíist essay next Tuesday will be upon James I. A series oí twenty-nine essays will be read during the year. Thomas Clarken died at his Home iu this city last Suuday ageH forty-seven years. He was a stone masón and had served in the capacity of marshal, deputy sheriff and constable. Oí late years he had been in poor health The funeral services held on Tuesday at Bt. Thomas church were largely attended. The Ann Arbor Musical Union is the name of a new societv organized Tuesday evening with Dr. C, G. Darling president.; Miss Emma Hayley, tary; D. C. Fall, treasurer and Prof. Keiivvick, musical director. It meets evsry Tuesday evening at Mr. Wilsev's music store aad its object is thecultivation of musical talent. The Pittsfield town house was crowded at the democratie meeting las1 Thursday and some good speeches were heard. Th last democratie meeting in the towu house had been held twelve years before and only half a dozen assembled and found they couldn't get in, ïhings are looking up in Pittsfield and the democrats should be greatly encouraged. Some of our citizens should give heed to their sidewalks. They are liable to the city for damages resulting from defective walks, and they would coufer a favor which the many pedestrians would appreciate, should they repair or relay their walks. Ann Arbor seems to be imbued with tne spirit of improvement, but there are still niauy sidewalks which need improving. The Cleveland guards in uniform will go up to Dexter next Wednesdav evening on a special train. A grand torchlight parade will be held in the evening, and Willard Stearns will speafc. The Umversity democratie club will also go to Dexter on the special train. Auybndy who wisiies to go is invited and the fare tor the round trip will be only twenty-five cents. An old Spanish coiu 10e years old and in good coudition is owned by Clark liarris, of liirmingbam. It was recently plowed up on hls farm in Troy and is quite a eunosity. - Detroit Free IJre--s. li. L. Speechly, of this city, has a Spauish coin which beats this. It bears date 1772 and is of the size of our half dollar. It was plowed up in the Saline union school district, twenty-two years ago. The council ordered suit brought against Dr. VV. B. Smith for violation of tne city ordiuance requiring stone walks to belaid. The walk in question was laid in front of Stimpson store on Ann street, last week, between the hours of three and üve in the murning. Dr. Soiith appeaied before Justica Frueauff, and hisattorney, J.F. Lawrence, secured an adjournment of the case till af ter electiou, on the ground that he was now too busy eleetioneering to attend to it. A brilliant meteor wa3 seeu oo Tuesday evening last, about eight o'clock. It passed from the southwest to the northeast, describing a sweeping curve up toward the zenith and then dowuward until it buist into many little balls and spmks, making a spectator dodge instinctively as from the descent of a sky-rocket overhead. It was a glorious sight, but lasted only a moment, as it s'jon vanished, leaving the everlasting stars alone and lonely in the far-away heights of the deep blue sky .