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In The North Division

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In the meantime matters ou the nortli side were not much improved. The company got out a score of cars on tbree different lines, and ran them pretty steadily until dark, loaded with pólice, the few passengere, it is claimed, being mostly strikers who got aboard to "work" on the new men. They did not have so much success yesterday as tUey did Mouday, only succeeding in getting half a dozen, perhaps, to weaken. As the day wore on the strikers got more excited, and prooeeded to more vigorous measuresto stop the traffic, and the time of the conductors and drivers was largely taken up in removing obstructions placed on the track by the strikers and their friends. Atoue point on Garfield avenue some curb stono layers took a hand aud rolled curb stones on the track, tut they came to grief quickly, for thoy were ooserved by the pólice, and promptly marchad off to tha station. The first blood was shed on this street at thi corner of Oichar . A numb-r oí cars ere passing on üai field aveuue. The streets wre j n]ind with a honling mob, and the tracks were covered Jlii c bsiructions. Some emp:,,yps of tlit' road and tlie officers removed tbe debris, bilt as last as it was tuken aw it wns replaced. The mob becanie so great that tbe sergeant in c-omiuand of tbe men ordered a cbarge. The ofBcers, aggravated souii'what ac tbe slubbornness of tüe striUers, respiuded with a will. They made a rush and used tbeir clubs freely. Men acd boys were bit, and bit hard, loo, and soite women who were, if anyohinj;, more demonstrative tlian tbe men, got hurt. A woman narned Wide, who was particularly demonstrative auinst tbe new men, was badly wounded by offieer 644, who gave her a severe blow. i Tuis, of coui'SB, raised tbe excitement to si bigber pitch and up toward the barns tbe f e w cars tbat were run were stopped by barricades at nearly every square. Cartloads of stones were upturned on the tracks, ash barrels emptied of their contente, filleil with stones and rolled in front of the borses as they approached, and bill boards torn down and thrown across the tracks. Soroe of tbe children from the public schools, infected with tbe excitement of the moment, seconded the efforts of tbe strikers, and ín piping voices adjured the reportei's to be sure and mention that the boys of their school- giving its name - were in the fibt agaiut the ".scabs " The wi nieu were quite as numerous and even more demonstrative than the men, and denounced the drivers and con(iuctors iti vigorous epithets and almost in tbe same breath begged them to "act like men" and qiit tUeir cars. Bnt the presence of the policu causad their ap ils tofall upon deaf ears, and aftor tlie 1 ist of the obstructions had been removed by the officers the cars were driven into the bam. While this'was being done there was an incident wliich niig'it have aused one man to be strung up to a lamp-post had the maddened crowd been a little q;iickr in its movements. A little boy bard. y 11 years ! old was banding over thu track- wliethei' to piek up a stona or not could not be determined- when two men in a bugsy drove up. One of them, who is reported to have been ex-Assistant State's Attorney Furthman, who cama into temporary prominence during the Anarchist trial and is now counsel for tbe road, jumped from the vehicle and commenced to horsewbip the little fellow. He soreamod with anguisb, tbe crowd set up an uneartblyyell and Furthman, dragging the liotle fellow into the bugsy, drove away at a breakneck speed. No attempt was made to run out cars after dark and the excitement measurably dimiuished. Fout men and two young boys were arrested during the af ternoon and booked on the c arge of inciting to rkt. Last night a large placard, distributed by the strikers, was displayed in the windows of hundreds of stores and private residences and on out-door fruit stands in the nortb and west divisions. It reads: "Protect Chicago labor against Pennsylvania paupers. No Carnegie tactics for us."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News