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The Week In Congress

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Washington City, Oct. 4.- Hoar introduced a bilí ín tbe senate yestenloy fixing a c'-ty for the meeting of the presiciential elector. Tlie votes are to ba cast in tbe electoral college on the second Monday ia January. The senate substitute lor the Mills tarifï bill was reportad and notice given tliat it would be ealled up Monday next. Hale's resolution came up calling upon the secretary of war for an explanation oL the Benet circular insíructing those in charge of United States arsenals to discrimínate in favor of Democrats - other things being - hen makiug remováis or appointmente until the places were equally divided. A partisan debate followed in which the sins and omissions oL both parties regarding civil service reform were pretty thoroughly ventilated. The bill for the relieí ii the Chippewa Indians in Minnpsota was debated without action, and the senate adjournefl. ïne house passed the senate bill for the Lincoln lnnd district in New Mexico. The conference report on the bill for the relief of the survivors of the Tallupoosa wreek was agreed to. Tbe conference report on the defleiency appropriation bill was presented, but Duim said it could not be agreed to without tbe presence of a quorum, as the frianda of the Oklahoma bill would object. Pending dubate the house adjoumed. Washington City, Oct. 5. - The senate began its work yesterday by further debate on the Kale resolntion rclating to Gan. Benet's circular. Darinj the dubate Stewart said tuat tii'e civil service law was a law to promote duplicity an3 lying, and it ought to be rc-pealed. The resolution was agreed to. Tiie bill fixing the remuneratiou for fourth clnss postofhVes at a commission of loO per cent, wlien the receipts ' are J8i) per quarter or ess, and 75 per cent. up to $100 per quarter, instead of 50 per cent., where the receipts are $50 or less per quarter was passed, to take effect July 1, ÏÉÜU. The bill to dónate the Fort Brooke I tion at Tam pu, F a. , I passed. The raaji on the tarilï bill 31'inted. Iv uiiys v-otei s 10;hat when tlie'stmate aclji-iui-.'ts ii .ne, lu Mouday, and ttaen, nttër u sliiirf'sAi tbe seimte Mdjourned. The bouse passsetthe seiiats V'll pvrmitthifi ;he use of petroleum en stertötsvs not car' passengers. The conference report on the deöciency bilfqiime up, and" was debated at lengtb, the subject of tbe talk being tbe appropriation for a home for vromen Of Utah who desire to esr-ape from polygamy. the end of it was the rejection of the report. Allen of Mississippi gave notice that no btlls can get thr_ugh tS-dpy without a quorum, and the house adjournod. Washington City, Oct. ó.r-The only business done by the honse yesterday was the passage of a concurrent resolution to appoint a select senate and house committee to investígate the alleged bad work done on the aqueduct tunnel for this city. Attempts to pass a bill authorizing the Sioux & Southwestern Railway company to bridge the Mississippi, arfd to consider the Nicaragua canal bill were defeated on points of no quorum. A bill was reported appropriating lS(),í.r' tb eomplete the iinproveiiient and dredtriné'ÖÈi fcfae St. Clair Fíats canal. A cess was taken at 5 p. m. to 8, at which tirae t.venty-seven' private --pension biils were passed, and the house adjourneJ to Monday. Washington City, Oot. 9.- The senate yesterday passed the house joint rfsolutions for a committee to inquire iuto the construction of the aqueduct tunnel for the water works of this city. Blair offered a resotution of inquiry into the execution of Ijouis Riel in Canada for treason in 1885, and wbetber said Riel was an American c'tizen. The senate tariff bill wastben taken up, and af ter an unsuccessful attempt by Harris to make an agreenaent limiting the debate, Allison took the floor and advocated the passage of the bill in an extended speech, being followed by Vanee in opposition thereto. Hiseock got the floor, and after a brief secret session, the seuate adjourned. A bill was introduced in the house appropriating 200,000 to suppress epidemie diseases ou the lines of commeree in the United States. Mason of Illinois moved that the banking and currency committee be discharged from further consideration of his resolution relating to the alleged levying of contributions for political purposes on banks holding government money on deposit, but the regular order was called for. Hatch read a statement to show that plows made ia Indiana were sold in Canada for 84 less than in this country. Wheeler spoke on the tariff, declaring that tbe senate bill was in the interest of monopolista. At 2:30 p. m. the house adjourned. Washington City, Oet. 10.- The conference report on the general defisieney bill was agreed to in the senate yesterday, and Edmonds, after expressing regret that the provisión for Mrs. W aito, widow of the late chief justice, had been left out, introduced a bill to pay that lady tne remainder of the justiee's salary for one year and asked immediate consideration: Berry objected. Hoar's biil to flx tbe meeting of the presidentia) electora, etc., was passed. The resotution for an mvestigation into the assassination of Joseph Hoffman in Washington county, Texas, was adopted Blair made a long speech on the exeeution of Louis Riel. A resolution was adopted for an inquiry into the number of alien owners of American mines, and a bill for the erection of a bridge over the Mississippi at LaCrosse, Wis., was passed. Hiseock spoke in favor of the senate tariff bill, and the senate adjourned. E. B. Taylor of Ohio gave notice in the house that he would object to all bilis except those for appropriiitions and pensions, in the absence of a quorum, and be forthwitu objecied to two tnat were proposed. A bill appropriating $50,000 to enfoi ee the Chinese exclusión act was passed. Tbe conference report on the general deficieney bill 3ame up, and after some pnriisui debate a yote was taken reaultine - iyes, 'Ai; nays, 8 - no quorum, wüereupon Douaherty of Florida, to pay Taylor tor bis objectloos early in the day, raised tbe point of no quorum and tbe report faiied to pass. Tue senate electoral ooilege bill was pussea and the house adjourneii.


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