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Before It Is Born

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Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, on being asked when the training of a cluld sh'ould begin, replied, "A huudied years before it is born." Are we to infer from this that tbis generation is responsible tor the cndition of the race a huudred years fiom no wY Is this wonderful generation the natural result oï the pioper diet and medicines of a huudred years ago'i It is conceded that in other lands that most of the wonderful discoveiies of the world in this century hav come from this country, üur ancestors were renred in log eabins, and suflered hardships'and t'.ials. But they lived and enjoyed liealth to a ripe oíd age. The wonien of those davs would endure hardships without apparant fatigue that would startltj those of the present age. Why was it? One of the proprietors of the popular remedy known as VVarner's Bate cure, has been faithfully investigating the cause, and has called to his aid scientists as well as medical men, impressing upon them the f act that there cannot be an effect without a cause. This investigatíon disclosed the tact that in the olden times simple remedies were administered, compounded of herbs and roots, which were gathered am stored in the lofts of the logcabins,and when sickness came n, these remedies from nature's laboratory were ued with the best effects. What were these remediesi What were they used fer? Af ter untinng diligent .search they have obtained the formulas so generally used for various disorders. Kow the question is, how will the olden time pieparations affect the peo pie of this age, who have been treated under modern medical schools and codes, wilh poisonous and lnjurioHS drugs. 'Ibis test bas been ca.e fully pursued, uutil they are cmivinced that the pieparations they now cali Warner's Log Cabin remedies are what our much abused svstems require. . , Among them is what is known as Warner's Log Cabio sarsaparilla, and and they lianklv aunounce that they do not consider the sarsaparilla of so much value in itself as it is in the combination of the various ingredienis which together work roarvelouslv upon ; the syslem. They also have preparations forotnerdiseases, such as Warner's Log Ciabin cough and consumption rtmedy," "Log Cdbin hops and Inictau remedy,"" VVarner's Log Cabin rosecieam."íilso a "Log Uabin piaster " which they aie conüdent will supplant all others", and a liver pil), to be used 8eperately or iu conuection with the ulher remedies. We hope ihat the public will not be disappoinled in tht-se remedies, bui i will reup a benefit from the investigations. anu that the pioprietor will not be embarassed in their iutroduction by dealers trying to substituto remedies that have been so familiar to the shelves of our druggists. This line of remedies will be used instead of others. Insist upon your druggists gettiiig them for you if he hasn't them in stock, and we teel conlident that tliese new remedie ill receive approbation at our reader'8 hands, as the louudeib have used every care iu tht ir preparation.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News