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Tbere's a 720 acre tract of valuable hardwood timber, near Perrington, tbat has hitberto escuped the woodman's ax beoause the tille has been in dispute for the past 50 years. Tbis has finally been settled, and D. T. Smith, a Romeo resident, hus purehased it and the primitivo forest will be laid low the coming winter. Sam Thomas, a New Hudson man, who was fooling around the heels of a hard kicking colt, was landed clear across the dark river into the other world by a single blow f colty's hind foot. A Michigan woman, who resides not more Ihan 1,000 mil s from Port Huron, is now Jiving with her fourteenth husband. As she's s lady of excellent health and rngged constitution, the chances are good for her getting into the twenties before life's journey ie ended. A couple of Crumbs, father and son, Jaekson county people, went out huntmg partridges one day recently for a sick iR-igbbor. The son wasn't an expert marksman, but managed to accidentally shoot his paternal ancestor before they'd bagged any feathered game. The eider Crumb tnay survive. Peter Burns, a Kimball farmer, harvested 278 bushels of potatoes from eight bushels o! seed. Prolific tubers. A Grand Rapids woman left her husband because he inildly and meekly intimated that twould be a good idea for her to clean uy the house. But he doesn't propose to b baffledjn that mannerand has already begun divorce proceedings. Here'a hoping that he may have better success next time, in catching a neat and orderly f rau. A Luther editor has been presentad with a cucumber US, inches in length. Considering the lateness of the season, that pencil pusher ooght to be able to keep cooi The people who depend upon the cucumber piekle as an appetizer might as well be hunting up a substitute. The great cucumber flelds in the vieinity of South Lyou were n. g. this season - too hot in the summer and too írosty in the autumn. More than 0U0 students are brightening up at the Ypsilanti state normal school. There is a 1,000-acresheep ranch in Alcona oounty, owned by L. R. Dorr and Robert Reed. That is how they do things in the wild and woolly west. A Detroit detective was given a reprimand and a $10 fine for barshly handling a lady who objected to having her house searched by the inquisitive official. The schools and churches have beeti closed at Clarkston on account of the scarlet fever scourge at that vlllage. Bherman's general merchandise store at Okemos was burned on the 7th. Odd Fellows hall was also burned. Loss, $4,500; insurance, t'Ó.W). A train of twenty-nine palace etock cars oaded with Montana cattle, passed tbrough Battle Crebk the other day on the Chicago & Grand Trunk. These cars are uicely ünished and art fitted up with a view of making the long jouruey comfortable for the stock transported. The eutire distance from Montana, to New York is made in tour days - regular passenger time. Detroit now feels sure of that nmch talked of ten-story building, as work thereou is to be begun at an early date. T'will be a worthy addition to the business blocks of Micbigan's metropolis. The Menominee man who advertised his wife as having left him without provocation and warning people not to trust her on bis account, now wishes he had kèpt quiet. The advertised wife got back at her liege lord by sayiug that she returned to ber fatner's home to get something to eat and wear, and advised the public not to tust her husband on her father's account. Sidney Levick has been convieted of bing a Washtenaw couuty farmers bouse, notwithstanding he was ably defeuded by a lady lawyer, Mra. Mary C. Whiting. But there seems to be cases where eveu a lady's pleading availeth not. Edward McCaig has been jailed al East Saginaw for obtaining a fellow workman's wages aad appropriating tbe money to his own use. Abouttberaost satisfactory way to enjoy money is to honestly earn it 'tbough there are some people who don't wu to have learned so simple a fact. A couple of Pawn river boys dug ten acres of potatoes - two car loads - in tbree aud a half days receutly. Spray work for boys. Prof. Hogan, of balloonparaehute fame, hos made tbirty-seven ariel trips this year, and although be has been buinped several times and nearly drowned once or twico, ho still in the ring and ready for bvsiness. The Michigan wheat erop, according to the October erop report ot the state department averages 15.67 bushels per acre, indicating a total yield of 23,581,504 bushels. Of other crops the average yield per acre is: Oats, 35 bushels: Corn, 64 bushek of oars; barley, 28 busuels. It takes a woman to guess. Miss Margaret Shaw wou the $5 offered by a Greenville merebant to the person who suould correctly Dame the number of seeds coutained in a pumpkin that was plantad in his show window, whilo the 3,278 other guassers got - left. The State Dairy association will convene at Jacksou some time in February tü discuS9 the breud-aud butter question. Mr. and Mrs. M. Burke, Au Sable people, went out for a cali the other evening, and a chap who didu't like them took the opportunity to burn their home, whieh was worth $1,000. The man who can enjoy that sort of revenge is- well, is no man at all. The September salt output was a little more than 40i,000 barrels, making a total of 3,072,428 barrels for the year to Oct. 1. Tbis is 200,000 barrels less than for Uie corresponding period for 1887. Money seems to be moderately abuüdant in the Saginaw valley, the Bay City and Saginaw banks having $6,000,000 on deposit. That iscertainly not a bad shovving, espeelally when we consider the ease with wbich Canada may be reached. Martha Strickland, a lady lawyer of De troit, argued a divorco case before the state supreme court at Lansing on the Sth. 'Twas the first time a lady ever raised her legal voice befoie tbat august tribunal. "The world do move." . A partridge new against a large plateglass window of a Battle Creek store aDd shattered tbe costly paue, but the hunters whowere scouring the woods of the vicmity on tbe fame day oouldn't bag a single bird. Beware of the deadly gasoline. Mrs. George Weaver, a Hudson lady, was badly burned by tbe slulT taking fire while she was cleaning some household utensils with it. A specia'. train on the" Gaylord división of tbe Michigan Central, bearing some of the chief officials .oí t.lie road, ran into a team at tbat plac ■, si-verely, if not f atally, in j uring the two occup mts of tbe vehicla. The Standard Oil company bas purchased tbe Blooiniield 0:1 company of Jackson, and thelngalls Oil company of Detroit. Slowly but suiely the Standard is getting all its rivals out of i ho way. Ishpeming feolí a üttle nervous over the appe'aram;o ui iliputheria in neighboring towns, eiiic.e b r memories of the dread disease am not piesaist ones. Hunters ara said to be so uumerous in the upper península, and so anxious for a "pop" at a deer, that in many places it's actually danjerous for tbe woodmen and the omnipresent land-looker, who naturally object, under tbe circumstances, to dyiug game. A. P. Varney, an Allegan county farmer, sort o' calculates that he's got the spryest on'on laml n America. Fiom oue acre he harvested 7t7 bushels of breath perfumara, and this isu't ratsd as an extr;i good onion year either. Al Moore, a wellknown Saginaw City druggist, bas been arrested for taking $65 from thB sufe of R. J. Birney, a fortner employer. A too intímate acqamtanceship witL the beverage that intoxicates is said to havo led to his dowufall. There's said to be 1,000 ehurches in the state without a pastor, and fully half that number oí ministers who are out of a job. This state of things would sem to indícate a hitch somewhere that ought to be remediad. A wealthy Grand Raoids man has been hauled up and fined four times since the spring posies bloomed for taking in an overioad of tire water, and ach time he's been imbued with tha idea that would be wise to reform. Esst Saginaw has a woman who recently ate four pouncts of bananas in fifteen minutes, and sha avers her ability to do it again if - she eau get the bananas. East Saginaw property owners aren't exactly happy, because local insurance rates, like the pnce of wheat, has a decidedly upward tendeucy, and that, too, just befor tbe advent of a long, cold winter. ,_,__


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