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A A. MEUTH, 24 DETROIT STREET NEW YORK MEAT MAJRKjp Carnes a full line of cholee fresh .u smokert meats, sausage and lard. An eic-hteel years experlence in New York City enaSüï me to put up meats in regrular Now Yo style. Tel -hone connectiona. i W. VOGEL. Ann Street. CHOICEST CUT8 OF STEAKS. A kinds o meats and sausages. Presh lard always in stock. Poultry in seaso. " MiSCELLAN'EOUS. " D OBKRT S. OER, Aqbntfob TOLEDO BÜROH PLOWS, VÍCTOR SCHOOL FURNTTURE, TOLODO PICTURE FRAMB8. Manufacturer of Electric Enamel Furnitur Poli8h and varnish restorer, silver and zino polishes, eto. tí Detroit Street. JT W. AMSDEN, - DïALER IX- FLOUR, FEKD, COAL, AND ALL KINDS OF HARD AND SOIT WOOD, BALED HAY AND 8TRAW. Also Llnseed Oil Meal an excellent feed for stock. Ño. 33 East Hurón Street, ueit t Firemen's Hall. MILLINERY& DRESSMAKING?" lyjRS. A. OTTO, HL X Xj Ui I N" IE I?,, U Fourth Street. Full and complete line of ladie and chtldreng hats. cap and bonnets in all the surnmer blocke at the loweat prices. All the new hades in flowers and ribbons for trimming. Cali and inspect my goods before purchastng. iy RS. F. L. UNDERWOOD Dress, Cloak and Mantle Maker, 1 North Jfain Street. Special attention giren to wedding trousseau and traveling costumes. Oood flts guárante In every instance. Good references giren if desired. MUSIC DEALERS. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, 26 South Fourth Street. Pianos, Orgahs and The New Rotary Shuttu "STANDARD SEWIN0 MACHINE." Largest stock, lowest prices . Easiest terms . ALVIN WILSEY, PAINTERS VyM. HERZ, NO. 4 WEST "WASHINGTON STREET. H0USS,SlGS, OAMEKAL AND FRESCO PaINTBR, gilding, calcimining, glazing and paper hangfng. Al) workis done in the best style and warrantí d to gire satisf action. PHYSICIANS. p HOWELL, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 1OOM 4, MASONIC BLOCK. Telephone, Dr. Nichols' office, Telephone, No. 100, at the House. Calla Answered Day or Night. FR. Ij. JU. WHITE Clairvoyakt Physiciak, Has removed to 204 Trumbull Avenue, Detroit. Especial attention to the treatment of chronio diseases. JR. JAMES C. WOOD, OIBce Cor. Hurón and Main. Residence6 South División st. Office honra f rom 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. llá. TJR. H R. ARNDT, Office over First National Bank. Hours: 10:39 to 12; 2:30 to 3:30. Can be reached at residence. West Huron St., at the "Prof. Niohol place" by telephone No. 97, and will reply to calis in the evening. RESTAURANTS. rjlONY SCHIAPPACASSE, DEALER IN FRITITS, NUTS, COSTFECTIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Fresh consignments of fruits received dally. Cali and see my new erop of oranges, lemom, and bananas. No. 5 Main Street . A NTONBRAHM, EEASTAUEANT & CONPEÖTIONERY' Depot street, opposite M. C. freight house. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Boft drinks, full line of tobáceo, cigars, eto. T JACOB KOCH'S LITTLE GRA3ÏD BESTAUKAÍÍT AND ICE CREAM PARLORS, Meals to order and lunches at all hours for from flve to twenty-flve cents. Confections, tobacoo and cigars. Twenty-four East Washington Street. lyCRS. WM. CA8PARY, COR. ANN AND FOTJRTH STREETS. Bakery, Kestaurant & Oonfeotionary Store. Ice cream and soda water, fresh bread, cakee , and canned goods. A good meal for 25 cents. Lunches at all hours. ANN ARBOR SMALL FIÏUIT iVÜRSERY AU kinds of Berry Planta. Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellwanger Barry, Rochester, N. Y. 82 Order must be sent at once. _dEi Wiies ai)dSi)rUps Sweet and sour home-made wine for invalids. Bonesett Shrub, Raspberry Wine and Svrnp. Dried Pears. Plymouth Rock EggB. EM1L BAUR West Huron Street, 13 the Grand Kapids Bustnsa College and Practical Training School. [Estab. 1866.] Busiacas, Short-hand and Type-writing ooursea tboroughly tupht. Send Tor College JournaL iddres, A. S. PARISU. Oi1id Kii-io. Uien. 1HIH fÊk Bb, m m m a% invitations, BEI ■ BI I ElcRant Styles. leraniPrfntïig ffLUUiiiu e8vPrfc'r JohnHanley, 171 Woodward Ave., Detroit. WAMTCn MAM To Uke tbe agency of ANItU IflAN onr Sáíps : size 20x18x18 inches; weight BOOlbs.; retall price$35; oilicr sizes io proportion. A rare chanco and permanent business. These Safes meet a demand never before supplied by other Safe companies, os we are not eoverned by the Safe Pool. Address ALl'lNiC SAFE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News