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A HUNDRED YEARS A HERO! How öeth Warner Won a Wie and Became Famous. Colonel Seth Warner,of Vermont, the famous hero'of the Revolutionarv wu was a leading üghter tor the liaxpshne grants. These titles were disputed by the State of New York and its authonties obtaiued an edict of the King ot Lngland in their favor. The settlers were stung by the supposed injusuce. lhis state üf things brought Colonel beth Warner to the front. With Atlmn Alien and others he actively opposed every effort of the New York state authorities to euforce posession, and hnally he with Alien and others, were outlawed and a price put on their heads! To circumvent New York, it ws necessary that s.-meone should ge .rato thatstateand gain required iBfoimtion. Col. Warner, assuming íor satety the name ot "Dr. Howard," undertook this perilous and romantic gouiney. While on his way home he stopped at a country iun, where au old gentleman and daughter were storm-bouud. Ihe f ther feil ill and the daugbter called upon Col. Warner, who, wiih bis wide knowledge oL Simple remedies, successfullv treated the "old man," and he finally wou this devoted woman for a wife. Such incidents were not uncommon in those years. hen the doctor was not easily reached, monlhs of sicUness and even lite were otten aavtd bv sume unprofessional friend versed in the use of siöple herbs anU roots. Ihe health of early settleiü aud their powers ot endurance convince us that such mediciues did ouly o. d and left no. poisou in the blooü to work as much ïujuiy to the system as would the disease ïtbelf. In time of peace the Colonel was in constant demand for his knowledge ot simple remedies aud their power ovei Ele. liut it was left to, auother of hi8 name to ihe piesent age to give to the public wbnt was theu used with such po.i-ive success. Warner for over a hundred years luis Bhared with Ethan Allen ihe administration of the American people. Colonel Setb Warner belongs to a family of wide distinction; no less tl an eiKht members thereof won tame in the ' regular practice of medicine. JLooking to the adoption by the peopleof thisgeneralion of the old time s imp e remedies, bis direct decendent, H 11 Waruei. the well kuown pronnetoVoi W arner's safe cure, tor many years has been experiment wnta old time roots and herbs formulae and, h - sèuch lïaving beeu finally rewarded SttSfum he g.ves the world the r snit These recipes and formuUe m otherdays accompiished great thinjis because tliey werepurely vegetable and co nbined simply as" to cure the dbwN iMd.cated,without inj.ury 10 ihe system. In harmouy wilh tbeir old time character we learn that he proposes to cali tí.em Warner-3 Log Cabin medies Ufing as a t rade-mark an old-fasmoned American log cabin. We undersland ihaibeïnteiidBto put forth a saisa,"rilla,'' for the blood, the sarsapanMa tself being but one of a number ot simple and effective elementa; "Loguu.ui KopB and buchu," a genera Biomacb tonic and invigorator: "Log Cabi courü and cousumpnon remedy, i'Warner'a Log Oabm hair tonic;' a preion for tbat universal dis-se Catarrb, callad -Log Cabin roseen am, Wanièr'8 Log Cabii piaster; uU "Warner'a Log Oabinliver pills.' whicli are to be used in couuection witli tne oiher remedies, or iudepeudently as ïequired. Warner's safe remedies are already sti.ndards of the most pronouucea scientiflo value in all parts of the world. i and we have no doubt the Log GabiD i remedies, for the diseases they are 111tended to cure, will b of equal ment for Mr. Warner bas the reputatior. ot connecting bis name with no prepara tion tbat is not meritonoua.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News