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The regents of the university seltled the qnestion of the removal of the clinic to Detroit at their meeting last FrWay eveniug. President Angelí in nis annual report recommended its speedy settlement as it would be better for the internal harmony and prospenty of the medical depavtment. The removal would make the expense greater to both students and faculty, it would require additions to be made to the faculty and would cause the university to be called upon for larger expenditares. The same argument as used to cause the removal of the clinics to Detroit could be used to move a part of the homoepathic and dental departmenta there and this would e a dangerous disintegratiou of life and a calumitous diffusion of f orce. The students would lose the advantages of the university library and university life. The Detroit hospitals are not much larger fchan ours and a Detroit practitioner in nis annual address to the state medical society said there is no hospital in Detroit which is properly equipped or which has money enough to pay its running expenses witnout financial embarrasment. The president recommended that the state erect a commodious hospital inthiscity to which could be brought those who are county charges. The regents adopted a resolution olïered by Regent Vnletts,l'thatit is neither practicable nor desirable to remove any part of the medical department to Detroit and it is the settled policy of the board that the university be maiutained in entirety at Ann Amor."' Regent Fields of Detroit was the onlv regent to oppose the adoption of Uie resolulion which settles tlie fact that the university clinics remain here. NEW FACULTV HEMÜ3EBS. The.regenls in executive session last Friday appointed Dr. J. N. Martin to the chair of Obstétrica made vacant bfi Dr. Dunster's deatl), for the coming' semester, at a salary of $2,000 per annum. The annfintmpnt of Albert A. Steinlfiy as professor of music jHH ary of S1200 wa uoutirmed, Hp of Dr. N. S. Hoff a of practical dentistry at ÜÜWkly of S1200. Fred X. Scott v;is m; int librarían at SiJiMi salary. J Campbell, assistant pi : anatomy at $500 assistants were apjjHHH'RstoIosv 'and microscopy, 1UB WD' 300; or" ganic ehemigjHMWi Gomberc: $192; physio)ogi(Hppj-y, J. V. Ricker $132; quHpnalysis, Chas. P. BecknjH HKcarmacy, Junius D. Scblü Hï surgery, John F. AUgHBI)r. (i. II. ChaSen was nBKtnnt at f 100 salary. Or. O: Kas also made curator of the .; i Buuseum at aSlOO per annum. pinior literary class has elected IPu) Sheldon, president; Miss l'enny-ice-president: O D. Vandersluis secretary and Mr. Milhmau, treasurer. Prof. B.M. Thompson has issued a Mttle pampblet. entitled an ''Outline of i a Snit in JSqniiy," tor the use of the Laenior law class. DB. MACLJEAN STIRRED UP. The action of the regents regarding f the clinic agaia brings Dr. Maclean to il the front and the Detroit Evening j Journal quotes him as saying: j "1 shall not give up yet, because I believe the inherent meritsof the cause will carry it through successfully, notwithstanding the action which the board to jk Fnday night. regents i have nfiver given thi matter fair conBsideration. They have surïered our arguments, but they have done so, as it were, ander protest. The board is under the influence of persons at Ann Arbor, tvhose petty interests cause them to oppose the extensión. These persons tliink that something is to be taken f'rom Ann Arbor. Tbey cannot see that the change would be a real benefit to the tovvn as well as to the state at large. JJut the profession and I think the people of Michigan favor the scheme, and the public opinión will soon eompel the regents to fairly investígate. And wheii once investigated I have no fearof the resnlt. The fallacious and sophisticated argumenta of President Angelí and the others will not bear the light of reason. They can't stand." THE NEED OF AN ART OALLBRY. President Angelí favorably called attention of the regents to the pressing need of an art gallery, when he referred to the large and valuable pieces of the Roger:s collection of statuary not yei unacked because the university has no place to put them. The state has been presented by an eminent sculptor of whose name and fame America is well proud, with statuary estimated in value to be worth S2ó0,000. She ought to be able at least to provide shelter for sucia a gift and facilities tor so arranging the statuary that it might aid in ticating that love of art that is inherent in civilized mankind. The prohibition club will ereÜt a Piske pole. The masteipiece course is taken by lifty students. Tb.8 spring vacation will be three weeks later than formerly. Dr. Arndt has been Tgranted leave of absence for the second semester. The freshman and sophomore game of foot ball oceursto-rnorrowafternoon. A reeepLion was given to Prof. Steinley at Ilobart hall, last evening. A quarter of the students in the literary department last year were young ladies. The freshmen class last Satuiday elected Mr. Var.Inwegon, foot ball captain. There are flfty-eight high schools whose graduates are admitted to the Univeraity on diploma. The Chronicle met the cut in the pnce of the Argonaut by coming down to seventy-flve cents a year. No university in this country is carrïed on with so little tuouey in proportion to its size as the Universitv of Michigan . The university library contains 67,759 volumns, 13,892 pamphlets. There were 5,361 volumns and 1,278 pamphlets added during the past year. a large number of which were ttifts to the nniversity ïhe rugby association last Saturday elected J. E. Duffy, president; O. K. Button, vice-president; Will Hall, secretarv; J. D. Armstrong, treasurer and Wilkinson, Ducharme and Iliuchman, directors. The christian association has been called upon to flll a few vasencies in its officers this year, VV. A. Nichols has been elected treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Jénning, corresponding secretary, G. M. Walker, librarían and Prof. G. S. Morris, a member of the board of trustees. The game of foot ball between the freshman and junior medies was Indecisivo each winning a goal. The third goal will be played to-morrow. The flrst goal was won by the juniors in quick 01 der and the second was won by the freshmen after y long and hotly eontested fight. The prohibition club has elected Ca V. Nafe, president; W. A. Jvichols, GjJ E. Mcjlwain, Win. 'jilin Johnson, C. S. Buttolph JessiMH E. H. Stevens, and Mark V well, vice-presidents. E. ,li recording secretary Mr. Mehle, correspc r


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