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Estáte of Henry W. Ellsworth. STATE O F MICHIG-AX, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At a seueion of th Probate Court forthe County of WaMhteuaw holden at the Probate Office in thö City of Ann Arbor,on Alonday, the cighth day of October in the year one ihousand eibt hundred and eighty-eigbt. Present, W ílliara D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of, the estáte of ïlenry W.Ellswortb, deceaaed. On reading andfiling the petition, duly verified, ol Williara H. EUaworth, piayiflgthnt Administration of said eetate in a y be grauttd to liiuieelí or soiueother suitable person. Jhereupon it is ordered, tliat Monday, tbc fifth day of November next, at len o'clock in the otenooD, V assigned for the hearing ol Baid petition, and that the beirs at law oí studdeceased, and all other persons interested in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a iession of said Court, thea to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Anu Ariior, and ehow cauec, ii any tbtre be, wby the prayer ui the petiuoner should not begranted: Aud it is furlher ordcred. that said petitioiier give notice to tbe pcTsoiJsinterefrted in taid estáte, of the pendeucy ol said petibion, und the btaring thereot, by causing a copy of tlns order to be published in the Akn ikDtK AKGus, a uewspaper pnnted and circuiatcü in said Uounty, tbreesuceessive weeks previous to said day ol ncarinK, W1LLÍAM D. HAK RIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge 01 l'robate. Win. fJt. Doty, Probate Uuitttur tstate ot Elias J. Johnson STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol At a session ol ihe l'robate Jourt lor Lbe County ol Wushienuw, bolden at the Probate Unice, in tbe City ol Ann Arbor, on Tucsdiiy, the 16th diiy ot C'etobcr, in lbo jear ane thouaaud eight hundred and eigbty-fight. Present, Williaiu D. H.irriman.Judge ol l'robate. Ir tbe umi ter ol tbe eslute ol Elias JJohnson, deceased. Uq reading and filing the petition, duly venfied of Charles 11. Kichmuud, praying tbat admiuistration of eaid estáte may be granted to Klibu B. Pond or some olher suitable peison. Tbereupon ït is ordertd, thaiMonday, the 12th day oí November uext, at ten o'clock id the lorenoon, be assigued lor the hearing of said petition, and that the heir at law ol' said deceaeed, aud au other persous interesled in said state are required to appear at a session of baid couj i tht-u 10 be bolden al Lne Probate oilice in tbc city ol Aun Arbor, aud show cause, it auy tbere be, wby the prayer ot tbe pclitioncr nbnuld noi begramed: Aud it is lurther ordered, tbatuaid petitioner give uotieeto tbe persons intertsied in saitt estateol the pendency ol said peulion, and tbe heanug thereol, by causing acopyollbis lo be pabflataed in lbe Amn Aubok Aegus, anewspapei printed and circulated insuidtounty.three suceessive wet'ks jirevious to sa'd day oí hearing. W1I.LIAM D.HAHUIMA.N A true copy.] Judge ol probate. Wm.U. Duïy, Probate Regisitr Estáte of WHIiam H. Calkin. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜÍTY O ol' VasMc-naw,ss. At a session of tbe Probate Court lor the county ol Washteuaw, holden at the Probate office in tbe city of Aun Arbor, on Friday, the nineteentb dny of Oclober in the yeHr one thousuud eight hunared aud elgbty-eigbt. ljrestiul, V rn. 1. llarrimuu, Judge ol l'robate. In the matter oi the Estáte of Wn. H. Calkin, deceased. James Taylor, trustee for certaln fuuds and proper, iet, Oí saidestatc, cowu'i iulo cuurl and represcuts, that he is now prepaied (to reuder bis annual account as such trustei', Thereupon it isordeied, thatSoiurday, thetenth duy of November uext, ai ten o'clock in 11; loreDoon,be assigned foreiamimng and allowing such account, and tbat th dtTlees legawes and belrs-at-law ol said deeeased, and all other persons interested in sa'ul ebtate are reouiredto appearat asessiou ot said coort tbeu to be noWenatthePiobateOnloe.inthe cltyot Ann Arbor in said connly and show cause, il auy tbere bc the said aöcuunt should uot be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said lrustee give uotieeto tba persons imeresu-d in said estáte, of the pendenoy ot .nd account and the hearing therof, bj cauglng a copy ol this oidc-r to BepubliaBéá ÍS EEê Ann Abbo Aiiaus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county thn-e successive weeki, pievious to said day ol hearing. wU.LIA.M D. ifARlUMAN, [A true copy] Judge oí Probate. W. G. 0OTY. Probate Register. , Proposais tor Wood. Sealed pioposals tor 150 oordsol wood, tour fect long, '■■: seoond growth white oak, in auantotiesof notlesstl wlU be reeeivedby the ondersigned untll tbe IStool November, IS88. inclusive up tosix ). m. Itie woodisto be dellvered as.oalled for and all witliin sixtydays tiftcr awarditig the contraot al iho city engine house. Btght to reject any or aU offers te reaerved. JAa R BACH City Kecorder.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News