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yyhy Ayer's Sarsaparilla s preferable to any other for the cure of Blood Diseases. Beoauae no poisonous or deleterious ingredients enter into the composition of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ayer's Sarsaparilla oontainf" only the purest and most effective vinedial ptoperties. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is preiired with extreme care, skill, and clean 'iness. - Ayer's Sarsaparilla is pre. cribed by gading physicians. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is fo sale verywhere, and reeoinrnended by ', jirst-class druggists. - Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a medicine, and not a beverage in disguise. - Ayer's Sarsaparilla never fails to effect a cure, when persistcntly us.ed, according to directions. - Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a liighly conentrated extract, and therefore the ïiost economical Blood Medicine in tlie market. - Ayer's Sarsaparilla lias had a sucfessful career of nearly half a century, and was never so popular as at present. Thousanils of testimoniáis are on 81e from those benefited by the use oí Ayer's Sarsaparilla. PREPAKED EY Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, yiass. prioe $1 ; ei bottles, $5. 'Worth $5 a bottle. "the ann arbor SAVIITGS BA1TK ANN ABBOK. MICHiaAN. Bapital paid in $50,000.00 flapital Secnrity ... $100,000.00 Transacts a general Banking business ; buys and siüs Exchanges on New York, Detroitand Chicago ells drafts on all the principal cities of Eu ropei also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, I.on ion and Glasgow, via, the Anchor I-ine of SU-flm sbips, whose ratcs are lower than most other first tss lines. This Bank, already having a large business, :nviu njerciiants and others to open accounts wifch tlten with the assurance of the most liberal con U-nt with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest is prvid semi iamually, on the first davs of January and July, on all suir s that were deposited three rnonths previout to tbose days, thus afïording the people oí this cit) md county a perle-" depository for theu fends, together wun a air return in interest for tlu. stoc. Money to Loan on Approved semi ities. DraECTORi- Christian Mack, VV. W. Wines, W IHarriman, Daniel Hiscock, Wm. Deubel, and WlUard B. Smith. OFFICEKS: aiRISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINES, President. Vice President CHAS. E. HISCOCK. Cashier. ñí Freshesi h$&h which make the most Pulatable Dishes are those found at MATER & OVERBECK'S. They have facilities forkeepiugthem and aim always to sell the Best the Market affords. Teas and Coffees We are making a Specialty of Fine Teas and Coffees and are Selling them dl Low Prices. The Best Groceries in tne Market are jnst the one's we keep. Crockery and Glass-ware. Garden and Flo-ver Seeds. Is PayCASH for Butler and Eggs. all and see us in the Hangsterfer Block. Haver & Overbeck. ilffS wtcli tnthe woria. Por- MSr'WiÁ&HI feet timo-i IIIhM Wftrrant.d. Heaj y$Ll:lfíl]t't'' Ji JOSÍmSUii OoM Hunting Cbí. T#ï?VrK(egnt manlficeo. i'ní?'"! VM Hth líf e'nd gente1! h é 'Wr """- rft# wllh worfcs nnd cafies of EJí?í?-'v - J-'AííJr oqtt' vlae.OE PEUSOM ffifíoiiiírV taencb ïocalityca cnre oo ji . Tii'iiÜtfnífc1 FUEE. Uow Ís tliis pos8íblt Lf.v-:!&ii Sí"-?í2y Wcanswer- we want oue parttlrtiriíiM Hifi show lo thoie whocall, complete Hnofoor ï Tt:ry uewÍuI HOLSEHOLi SAMPLES. Tliese Mmrlca,3 wM an th wtch,we nend free.und flr yon teve krpt tbeni la yoiir homn fur 'Z monllis arnl bhotvii them k thoBe wbo muy have called.lhcy berunin your own propfrt.v; i tu poeeibi lo inftko tlii Krent ofVer.iieiiditit; tlio MOLÍ (.4)LU WdKtnüdCOSTV Barapl' fr-e. as tlie Pliowinpol toefiimplesín any lornlliy, alwaVH rosulu lo a largo trado for mjivrier our ampies liftve boen in h l(n-)iy for a nnnth ot tw weuflMullyBtít fron. tOCX to SóÜtO Ín tnui.' 'rom the rarroundtng cntry. Thí% ie moet wnnderful offer ever kium-n.lR innrte ín order tïial our Raniplo mn y le pll at mie whrrcfhey run bcBtMin, aM nver Amriea. Wrlie M onc. n4 t ikcBiin-orihecbnitt. Keari#T Hui:! N-hardlynny irnobl tor yon in ho tbt'Kainplcs lo lbofc who nmy cali at vm.r tiom nrt yourreward will bw most Hutts'itf tory A po Ui c.trd on io not f-Bf lo tro f n her, why nnharnt i doOB. lïiil If vuik klíI vuraJdreB tonce. yon can uw ure PBEIi mw ol tij U-st Roliii pulfi wnicbeo lo ttio world And (.'ir lartry liticol CSTIV N,!!!.:?. W"pnv tïl ctun-J. f-clrvt, tc UdicaaliliÜ-btiAaON CO.,Box 13, f OUTLAMJ, AIAINB. "JONES HE PAYS THE FREICHT" ( Scales of all Sizes. 5 Ton Wagon Scale wlth Brass Tare Bearn and Beam Box, fSO. For free Price Listof all kinds, address JONES OF BINCHAMTON, BINGHRKTON, N. V. Bookbindery. You can get your Harper's, Century's and Scribner's or any magazine boun tor 50 cents and upward per vqlnme ai e Argus office. Blank Books an Jiote Books manufacturad. Schoo nd Sunday School Books oound and wpaired at very reasonable ratetBook and Album repairing a speci alt) üpposite postoffice Main street. í. . SCHLEEDE.


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