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One Fact Is worth a column of rhetorlc, sald an American statesman. It is a fact, established by the testimony of thousands of people, that Hood's Sarsaparilla does cure scrofula, salt rheum, and diseases or affeetions arising from impure state ór low condition of theblood. It also oyercomes that tired feeling, creates a good appetite, and gives strength to every part of the system. Try it. fffcinEPFft nracAW'S perfect ÜIDER. PRESÉRVAME. A thoroughly lested and holesomc preparatloa Lor aiTestiugferineutation, ciialiliiipr one to huve rich, sparkling eider the year around. Has been on the market six yoars, and is indorsed by tliousandsvrho have used it. It thoroughly clarines, itud Imparta no forein taste. Put up inboxes designed lor 32 and 50-gall. packages. retailingat 85 and 50 ets. Sold by denlors. or sont by m;ul on roceipt of price. INMAN BRO'S, Phakmacists, Akron, 0. Art Loan Exhlbition. At Detroit Sept. 1 st. to Kov. löth. One tare for round trip with 25 cents additional for admission via. the Michigan Central railroad. Tickets sold on Thursday of each week until Nov. 15. 34-44 II. W. llaves, Agent.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News