And Now There Are Six
And Now There Are Six
The body of another young woman, the sixth in a series
of unsolved murders in the Ann Arbor.Ypsilanti area since
"7, was found at an abandoned farm yestf th
icrritorial Rd., just east of US-23, in Northi ii:iiup.
The body of Dawn Basor Gale Rd. near
Vrecland and in Superior is msi ;.;p. iw iwdy of Maralynn
Skelton was found on Ann Arbor's northeast side on Pem-
berton Dr. just west of Earhart Rd. The body of Jane
Louise Mixer was found in th? ' ' .7 Cemetery on Cross
St., two miles east of Ypsilanti in Wayne County's Van
Buren Township. The body of Joan Schell was found in
a field near Glacier Way and Earhart Rd. on Ann Arbor's
northeast side. Her body and Maralynn Skelton's body
were found within a qr ; • :- -•' s ther. The
body of Mary Fleszar i s .. ,;„„ Township
farm on the north side of Geddes, three-tenths of a mile
west of LeForge Rd. and two miles north of Ypsilanti.
(Story and picturi •e latest murder on Page 1.)
Police Investigations
Michigan Murders
Crime & Criminals
Coed Murders
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Mary Fleszar
Maralynn Skelton
John Norman Collins
Joan E. Schell
Jane Louise Mixer
Dawn Basom
Alice Kalom
Vreeland Rd
Van Buren Township
Superior Township
Penberton Dr
Northfield Township
N Territorial Rd
Leforge Rd
Glacier Way
Geddes Rd
Gale Rd
Earhart Rd
Denton Cemetery
Cross St