Bach & Abel
Weather indicationa; The next4 ycars probably very chilly. Fifty cents a yard to be saved on a Broadcloth, is worth looking out for. "We can now put you in the way of doing it. A happening that is not likely soon to come about again. We can this week, give you a 54-inch Broadcloth, at $1.25 a yd. Former price, $1.75. They say we sell more Horse Blankets than any other house in the city, and yet the counters with these goods are in the basement, and we hardly say a word about them in the papers. Shrewd Ilorsernen don't think of buying until theyfirst visit this _Basement. New Ilampshire One-Strap Blanket, 80 c. New Hampshire Strap Blanket, 90 c. White Plaid Horse Blanket, $1.10. The' 'Boss"HorseBlanket, $1.60. Square Wool Blanket, Strapped, $2 and $3.50. All Wool Blanket, Strapped, $5 and $6. What we are doing this week in Dress Goods. You ought to pay some attention to these prices if you think of buying a NEW DRESS. io Pieces of 36-inch invisible Checks and Plaids, 37Jc; made to sell for 60c. 12 Pieces of Broadcloths in all of the New Shades, at $i ; made to sell for $1.25, 25 Combination Suits, one pattern of a kind, at $10, $12 and $14. They are all good styles and at about half price. 25 Pieces ALL. WOOL Henriettas, 42 inches wide, 37 c; made to sell for 60c. 10 Pieces Colored Silk Warp lienriettas, at $1; made to sell for $1.25. 8 Pieces FANCY PLAIDS in all of the New Colors, 42 inches wide, $1 ; made to sell for $1.25. 20 Pieces Fancy Suitings, 54 inches wide, at $1; usual price for these goods, $1.25. Ladies' Cloths in all colors, 54 jnches wide, 60c; usual pnce, 75c. A Few Special Bargains this Week in Silks. 20 Pieces of ALL SILK Arinures, at $1.10; usual Drice, $1.40 aad $1.50. These arĂȘ GRAND GOODS TO WEAR. The best Faille Francaise in America, for $1, you will find on our counters this week. We have but a few pieces and they won't last long. LOOK AT IT. Our Black Surah, at $1, is a great bargain. Probably the Best Wearing and Richest Lookmg Silks when made up are the Pean de Soie. We have a full line of these Silks, and at prices that are as low as in any house of America. Examine the $1.35 and $2 qualities. BACH & ABEL.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News