rpEN DOLLARS REWARD- Lost on Monday, on eituer Hurón, Main, Washington or Fcurth Btreets, three blus amountlng to $40. Thoflnder will receive$10 reward on briuging the money to t h is office . DINING ROOM GIUL W AXTED at. 23 South State. Opposite lirown uid Cady'sGrocery store. 4446 WANTED-A counter about Iwonty-flve l'eet long-, F. S. Prettyman's News Stand. No. 9% Ann Street. --46 WANTED.- The service of a competent " nursecan be had by addressing Lizzie C Pareons, Hamilton block . 41--43 FOR RENT- A barn on South Fifth Street. Inquire at Ajbgds office. TO RENT.- A part of a large eonvenient house. Also unfurnished rooms, corner of Jeflerson and División streets. Inquire at 47 División. 37tf. FOR SALE- New house of eight rooms 48 MillerAve. Inquire of Wm. Gerstner, No. 3 Detroit street. 37tf . FOR RENT,- Scveralbouseslocated in different parts of the One large house especially adapted for keeping roomers and boarders. Apply to Hudson T. Merton. 37tf FOUND- A pocketbook seven miles east 'of Ann Arbor on Ply.mouth road. Owner can have same by calling on W. C. Murray, 15 Pontiae street, proving property and paying costs. FOR SALE- House and lot on East Cather. ine street cheap. Inquire up Rtoirs over Fred Brown's saloon, Main street. TARWAI.KS.- I make and repair tar walks, also do teaming. Orders will be promptly attend?d to. AddreBS CM. Thompson, P.O. Box 1846. POR KENT, Several Very Desirable PIANOS, r in Excellent Couditiou.- Apply at the AROUS Office. 4Stf FOR RENT- A modern house with furnaoe, gas and water accommodation. in fine location. For particulars apply at ' North university avouue. 16 tf. WANTED- A competent frirl for general house work. in a private family. Enquire at No. 2 Forest ave., cor. Washtenaw. 41-43 FOR SALE- Several very desirable building lots located in different parts of the city on monthly installments or long time. Apply to Hudson T. Morton. IJ OTIOE is hereby given that I will jay no I ' debts contracted by my son, Andrew Schiap pioasse. Antonia Schiappicasse. WANTED- Everybody to use Furnum's Patent (Jhampion Weather Strips for doors and windows They are the best in the world. Will save you their cost in wood and coal in one winter, protectyou from cooldrafts and they will become your house. They are permanent and a sure protectlon against all etorms. No spring triggers or circle irous. None equal. None can excel. Orders lef t at C Eberbaeh's or No. 12 Lawrence street will receive prompt attention. The ÜNiTAitiAN (Rev. J. T. Sunderand, A. M., editor) will be sent to new ■eaders for examtnation, tbree months or ten cents. Addrfiss,TheUnitanan, Ann Arbor, Mich. "Most excellent."- Rev. Dr. Thomas, Chicago. " By all oddbthe best religious monthy in the United States." Proposasfor Wood. Sealed proposals for 130 cords of wood, foiir eet long, dry second g-rowth white oak, in uantlties ol' not less than 25 cords wil] be reeived by the undersigned until the 15th of íovember, 1S88, inclusive up tosix p. m. The wood is to be dellvered as called for and all within sixty days af ter awarding the contract at the city engine house. Eight to rejeet any or all offors is reserred. JAS. R. BACH. City Heeorder.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News