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Blown From The Mine

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Renova, Pa., Nov. 5. - Sixteeu dead an borribly mangled bodios are lying on hasti ly constructed tables iu a small blacksmitli shop at Cook's Run, ten miles above here the result of the most disastrous acciden that has ever o curred in this part of Fenn sylvania. The Cook's Run mines emplo; about 160 men, but for some; twenty were at work on Saturday af teruoon when an explosión occurred, which resultec in the instant deatU of sixteen miners anc the probable fatally injuring of thre otbers. The explosión took place in one of th many gas noekets of the mines about 250 fee from the opening. One miner, who was working some distance away, was blown through the air-shaft and his body was no found until 9 o'clock yest?rday morning when it was discovered in a brush pile. Two others were burled out at the mouth of the mine, and their lifeless bodies were founc 170 feet from where they had beea eui ployed. Superintendent George Miller states tha the explosión has a parallel only in the Poca hontas mine disaster, and tdat the cause o it will, perhaps, never be learned. Hun dreds of people from tbe neighborhood vis ited the scène of the disaster yesterday. Fragments of clothing worn by the vic tims of the disaster are scattered among the limbs of the surrounding trees, some of them fifty feet ahove the giound. Five of the killed are Swedes, six Italians, two Irisa and three Hungarians. The following are the names of the killed John Carlsen, aged 25; Charles Alman; John Anderson, aged 20; Mm-tin Pierson, agec 30; Aaron Carlsen, aged 85; John Beckus aged 28; Stephen Beckus, aged 32; Michae Marcy, aged 22; Sylvester Marcy, aged 20 Dom Closkey, aged 40; George Melleto, ageri 32: Maurice Yanks, aged 27, and two un known- all unmarried; Michael Curran.agec 87, wife and eight children; Patrick Donley, aged 55, wife and seven children.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News