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' WILL GIVE One Hundred Dollars FOK ANY CAK OF MALA KI A, BHLIOUSÍÍKSS, l'BVER& AGDB thatthe Oond Old Dr. Chase' CHOLACOCUE w Jl not cure. Your drugglBt keejs it ; if not addrwn u, sendlng $1.00 per bottle. CHASK MEDICIiOB CO., Detroit, Mich. Farrand, Williams & Co., Wholesale Agents. mrr i_ tQC Mild GOLD WATCHfl ■%■■■■ Bnr9rmwövSoLdior ! 1 I ittkm111 Utely. Bost SHiklkh 1 HKctJII vabtctl ta th world. Per-I ÊvoèillësÊfflB1 ylSSTSolld Golli [lDDtiDK Cw. f! SSfflMraBfiFrBy dl ltotl' ldlee'and geoU'iiie WflP&"JMr eqnsl viiae.OXE PERSOM fe-B 3 ÜWÉl In eacb localtty can secare on 7gLuMimoiaÜPHSfe'} FREE. Bow ia thiapOBBibleT SflGJEÖEEi on in ch locallty, to keep la tbelrhomea,iindiiiiow to thosewboeall. a complete line of oor vafaableand very uaeful HOL'SMIOMI SAMPI.LS. Tbes n raptos, well as the watcli .we eend free.amJ after yoa fasve kept ttiem la yonr homo for njontlis and shown them lo Uipm wbo my have clled,tbey becotoO yoar owu property; t ís posatble tomakothln prent offer, eendlng tbo SOLID GOLD walcïi and tOSTY samplts ín e, at tliesliowineof ibe K&xuplca tn any locallty, lwsvs reBUlts ín a Urge t rade for ns; aftt;r our ampies Imve been In a local Hy for a roonth or two we usually get from $1000 to S5OOÓ lu trade from th üiirroundlng country. Thls, the most ■wonderful offer ever fe tif.wn.fs inado In order thst our samples roa y bo place J at oric wttere tbcy cao b twen, 11 over Amurica. Wrlte at onre, and ifuikf'siire of ttiechwnc?. Beaderit wlll ht huuV.y any Imubl ior jou toahoiv ttiennmplea lo tUose irlio may tall at your tui tuft nd yoar reward wlll b noêt eatlafwciory. A postal carrt oa wblch to writenscotBbotl cent au. 1 aftcryonkuowallfyoa do not caro to gofurtber, why imhann ladooe. ll'youdo ■end your adilrew at once, yon con eecurO KHKI', une of tli btnt solld KoW watclies Ín th worM and our ri Uno oí tOSTIY SAMPLES. We pay all espn-o. frclptU, etc. KidrnUEO. Sl'iNÜUN CO., hoz SU, POUTLaMj, MA1KK. jOhloIHPEOlEW3lM8tesfVsL VT_. tWAfïRAN7LD CHOLEfiA PROOF. -yf" rf1_ Expnsas pi.f!-.;r;. vi.sist CI_v CfF PRIZES IN U. S. Sc FcrïEIQM 2TVl SLá TRlíS 2 WEIGHED 2S00 UB3. -í; í , í Seno Fotí lEE0RiCTt0N fi pmcE CF 5& THESE F&MOUB HOOS, ALSO FOWLS Br 4 L. B. SILVER CO Cleveland. O V {Thia Company loljl y?J for hreciMni? pnrpose in 1887. SerjJ firf:nts and menttun t:,ia iwtper.) V íjí íuii freign countrlca VKJLAUmAv Kiven. Nomodelsrequíred. MrS8Bvy Tiiñs. S. Si'bague íSon, 37 (ylf jlftira t1 ngrfss Street "West, O The BUYERS' GV IDE is issued Maicti and Sept., each year. It is an eneyclopedia of useíul iaformation for all who purchase the luxuries or the necessities of lile. We can olothe you and furxiish you with all the necessary and unneeessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, flsh, hunt, work, go to ohuroh, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is vequired to do all these things COMFOFlTflBLY. and you can make a fair estímate of the value of the BTJYEBS' GUIDE, whieh will be aent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay poatage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago. 111.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News