Renews Her Youth. Mrs. Phoebe Ulieslev, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa. tells the tollowing remarka ble story, the truth of whicb is vouched for by the residence of the town: "Í am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness foi many years; could not dress myseii without help. Now I am tree from al pain and soreness, and am able to uoal my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renewec my youth, and removed completely al disease and pain . " Try a bottle, 50cts. and $1 at Eherbach &Son's Drug Store RemSn=aiN CURES Rheumatlsm, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Neuralgia, SoreThroat.Swellings, Frost bites, Sprains, Scfatica, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Promptly and I'ermsnenllj withoui Ketutn of Fain. For Stablemen iP Stockman, THE GREATEST BEME'JY KNOWN FOK HOKSS AND CATTLB DISKASES. Sold by DruggitU and Dealers EvcrywTure. The Chaiies A. Vbgeler Co., Balto., Md. "JONES HE PAYS THE FREICHT" Scales of all Sizes. 5 Ton Wagon Scale wüh Brass Tare Beam and Beam Box Í60. Fer free Pnce Lisio all kinds, address JONES OF BINCHAMTON. BINGHKJSITON, N. V. EbcRBACH & SON, BBüaaiSTS PHARMACIST8. AND No. 12 South Main Street DEALEKS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ï)ye Stviilw, Artist's and Wax Flower Matermls Toilet Anieles. Trusses, Etc. PllRIÜMULIUlliliN Special attcntion paid to tnt: turnishinif of Physi cians, Chemista, Schools, etc, with pnilosophical and Chemical Aparatus, Bohemian Chemica.1 ( Jluss ware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reajjents, etc. Physiciaiu' Prcbcripüons CarofuUv Prepared i ▲llhouffi.
Ann Arbor Argus
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