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Graad concert at University hall tonight. The Unitarian library contains over 1,600 volumes. It has raiDed every Friday for seven or eight weeks. Sam Krause is the happy father of a twelve pound boy. Emma Juch and Hope Glenn in University Hall Nov. 26. The Episcopal church has started a mission at Foster's Station. Alvin Wilsey is building a new brick barn on his lot on Fourtb street. The walls of the addition to the high school are slowly assummg shape, No greater lady pianist in this country than Mme. Teresa Carreno, Nov. 26 Fred Besimer and Dudley Loomis left for their camp at Rush lake. Monday. Mrs. Cynthia Masten of the fourth ward died of heart disease Monday, aged 84 years. Get your tickets eavly for the Emma Juch concert. Boards open Wednesday next, 21st inst. Miss Elsa Clark Cushing, Mr. Willis Nowell and five other artists in grand concert to-night. Barney Morrison is up again for drunkenness. He in now thinking of going to Australia. Rev. Mr. Bradshaw was given a reception at the Congregational church last Friday evening, A cannoD with which the fifth ward republicans celebrated, burst but without injurine anyone. Rev. Dr. Barp married William Kent and Miss Anna Donavan,of Ypsilanti, in this city, last week. The J. L. Hudson band, of Detroit, give a grand concert and dance at Germania hall this evening. During'the past ten years, six stu dents have been in training in this city for the Unitarian ministry. Adolph Wolter and Miss Amelia Weise, both of this city were married Sunday by Rev. John Neumann. Bhtz & Langsdorf have placed the elestric light in their haudsome new store and it looks handsomer than ever. A reception was given in the parlors of the Fresbyterian church last evening to the new pftstor, Rev. J. M. Gelstou. The next meeting of the Chautauqua hterary cirele will be held at Mrs.Neal's on Ingalls street next Tuesday eyening. Young ladies are supposed to ask heir gentlemen friends whethr they lave seen Noble's advertisement er not. John Koch of Koch &Henne was presented wiEh a handsome gold watch on the occasion of hisfortieth birthday recently. William Frey was sent to jail for ten days Wednesday by Justice Frueauff on a charge oí being disorderly and a vagrant. The republicans celebrated in this city last Tuesday evening with a large torchlight procession and speeches at the rink. It is said tb at Burcufield cleared $835 from his election bets. A number of our young democrats are wearlng expensive suits. The violin, which Willis Nowell will play in Umversity hall this evening is 175 years old and was formerly owned by the Czar of Russia. AU members of the Washtenaw Mu;ual Fire Insurance Company who had not paid their assessments, November öth, have been suspended. Prof. S. T. Ford, gives an elocutionary entertainment in the M. E. church for the benefit of the Cocker .League, Friday evening, Nov. 23. It has been some years since the Ann Arbor streets have been muddy for so long a time as they have been of late. The sun was not to be seen last week. Judge Cooley will address the New York State bar association next January ou '"The Comparativo Ments of Written and Unvvritten Constitutious." There will be music in the air this evening, the J. L. Hudson band at Germania hall and the Boston láymphony Orchestral Club in University hall. A little daughter of C. M. Vogel teil iown stairs Mouday some üfteen feeti breakiug an arm and badly bruising her. It was a narro w escape f rom death. Chas. S. Woodward, formerly of the Cook house and more recently of the Brunswick in Detroit, has assumed the management of Toihemus' livery stable. Prof. Steere will delíver a lecture at the Meihodistchurch on Monday eveniiiL?, JSIov. 19th, Subject: "His trip to the Piiilippine Islands." Admission 10 cents. James Riley was brought before Justice fond, Friday, by offlcer Schott charged with being drunb on the streets. He plead uilty and was sent to jail for twenty daya. Six or eight men witli teams aud all he masons that could be found were at woik the ürst of the week on the new P. & A. A. depot, which will be puslied hroufth to conu pietion. A. P. Ferguson, the road cart mauuacturer, is building a good sized addiion to his shop on Detroit street that ie may the better meet the growing domand for his road carts. Justice Pond officiated at a wedding n this city last Saturday, the contractng parties being Martin Alfred, an Augusta farmer, and Miss Lillie liarry, au Ypsilanti school teacher. Kev. John P. Cleveland, a near rela;ive of President Cleveland, saya the Ypsilanti Seutinel, preached a memor" al sermón in this city in 1841 on the leath of General Harrison. A barn belonging to Dr. Charles lowell, near this city, burned Monday vening and Dr. Howell's pony was so adly burned that it had tobe shot the uext morning. There was no insurance. Mrs. Ann Grandbois, of the third ward, died Monday, from cáncer, aged orty-nine years and nine months. The 'uneral exercises were held Wednesday orenoon, the remains being taken to ..odi. Edward Tayior was arrested Saturday n a complaint tiled,before;justice Pond y Andrew J. Scully, charged with ssault and battery. He plead guilty ndpaid fine andcosts amouuting to 5.85. Albert Rosser was arrested last Thursday for being drunk on the streets ad taken before Justice Pond, where he plead guilty. He paid a fine and osts amountinij to 6.20 ,aud was dish arged . The Washtenaw Post has issued its annual almanac for 1889. It Is a very ueat pamphlet with a large quantity of Germán reading matter including a oem written by Mr. Dancer, one of he local writers of the Post. The Tappan hall association has arranged for a series of lectures every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in the parlors of the Presbyterian church, by eminent divines. Tbe first lecture is by Dev. Dr. Radcliffe, ef Detroit. The Cadillac State Democrat says that "it is announced tnat FLarry W. Ashley, general manager of the T. & A. A., will in a few weeks be married to he daughter of Wellington R. Burt, ate democratie candidate for governor." Eight coaches filled with East Saginaw and Flushing parties were brough1 over the new Saginaw road to this city, Monday forenoon. leaving Monday evening to return. The party numbered 350 from East Saginaw and 50 from riushing. SïPatrick Kirk was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Scbott for being drunk in the streets and was brought tefore Justice Pond, Monday. He plead guilty and was fined $3 and $6.20 costs, and in de'ault of paying nis fine he will remain n jail twenty days. The large wagon contaminar the flreworks for the Ypsilanti republican cel ebration VVednesday night took öreust as the procession was starting and ;ue fireworks went off all togetber and not so as to make an advant-ageous display. The buining wagou was run in ,he nyer. Jamea Reynolds, when brought before Justice Pond Monday, charged with beintjUrunk on the streets, said he was just stopping over and was in a great hurry to get out of town and the state. He was told that after he had spen five days in jail, the quicker he got out of town the better. It is currently reported that in one ;own in this county there are no less than thirteen applicants for the postoffice already in the field and that in another village there are at least ten. Are there not more of our Kepublican friends as much entitled to the offices as those already applying? Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, of Boston, will speak at the Unitarian church in this city next Suaday, both morning and evening. Her morning subject will be "Religious Culture". Mr. Sunderlaad's evening lecture on the "liegands of Genesis", will be posponed a weeK to give place to Mrs. Howe. Thomas Condón was arrested Friday ou a warrant issued by Justice Pond on a charge of being a disorderly person or in other words of being a common druukard and tippler. He plead not guilty and his trial was set for this morning. He was unable to give baii and was committed to jail to await trial. ' In his sermón on "Ten years in Ann Arbor", published in the November Unitarian. Rev. Dr. Sunderland speaks of the work as follows: "a new church bas been erected; a liberal religious library has been created; a parsonage has been built; a monthly magazine has been established, and the parish is without debt." James Dorathy was before Justice Pond Monday for being a common drtsnkard. He said he couldn't con scientiously plead guilty to that charge but he acknowledged being drunk on Saturday. He was given twelve days in jail and warned that if he again ap peared before the justice, he would get a year in the house of correction. VVm.Campion, Ji, VVm. Spears, and two tramps named Mcüermott and Day were caught in Chelsea about inidnight Weduesday night just af ter they had knocked a butcherdowu and were going through him for bis money. The charge against tliem is highway robbery. They all ran wlien the marshall put in appearauce but a pistol shot brought them to a standstill. Allen Webb unhitched a horse belonging to Joseph Cly, last Fridav, the horse being tied under a shed at the time, and drove away. Webb didn't mean to steal the horse but he had violated the state law aud on Tuesday, Justice Frueauff seutence.d him to ninety days in the Detroit house of cor rection. Driving horse's one don't own is dangerous business. Unity Club last Monday eveninggave an interestiug programma, Prof. de Pont gave a talk ou the "Edueation of Fiench youtli," and Mr. Suzuki, one of the Japanese students in the University, one on the "Japanese University," given as they were by these gentlemen well acquainted with their subjects, the audiance received much of knowledge and proflt. Mr. McOmber gave a very pretty flute solo which drew no small applause trom those üresent. The Toledo & Anti Arbor railroad is going to build a grand new depot at Ann Arbor, wtieh will take the shine all off the Michigan Central depot at that place.- The Center. It is reported that the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad is to build a new depot at Ann Arbor, which will rival, if not surpass, the Michigan Central depot.- Manchester Enterprise Again we go away f rom home to learn the news which would ïf true delight all Ann Arborites. But unfortunately the "grand new depot" will take the shine off only the present old shed known as the Toledo depot and the old rattle trap of a building known as the Lake Snor depot in Manchester.


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