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A A. MEÜTH, 24 DETROIT STREET NEW YORK MEAT M1BKET Carrie a full line of cholee fresh, sal sinoked meato, sasagre hih! lard. An eightee years experience in New York City enable me to put up meats in regular New Tor style. Telohone oonnections. í"-i W. VOGEL. Ann Street. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS A kinds o MEATS AjVD SAUSAGES. Fresh lard always In stook. Poultry in seaeon MiSCELLAN'EOUS. p OBERT S. ORR, Aobntfoii TOLEDO BURCH PLOWS VÍCTOR SCHOOLoFÜRmTITcRE,RE Manufaoturer of Electric Enamel Furniture Polish and varnish restorer, silver and zinc polishes, eto. 4 Detroit Streot. T Vf. AMSDEN, -Dealer ik- FLOUR, KEED, COAL, Also Linseed Oil Meal an excellent feed for stock. No. 33 Eaet Hurón Street, next to Firemen's Hall. MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING. ,TRS. F. L. UNDEHWOOD Dress, Cloak and Mantle Maker, 81 North Main Street. Special attention giren to wedding trouseeau andlravelingcoitumes. Good flts guarantec in efery instanc. Good refrences giTea íf deslred. MUSIC DEALERS. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, 85 South Fourth Strest. Píanos, Ofgans und Thï New Rotary Shuttle "STANDARD SEWING MACHINE." , Largest stock, loweet prices . Easiest terms. ALVIN WILSEY, PAINTERS TM. HERZ, NO. + WEST WASHINGTON STREET. tÍ8U3S,SlGN, OAMBHAL ASB FRESCO PINTER, gilding, calciminin, glazlng and paper hanging. All vrork is dn in the best styl and warranted to gly atisfaotion. PHYSICIANS. 7Ï HOWELL, M. D., PHY8ICIAN AND SÜHGEON, HOOX 4, MASCNIC BI.OCK . Telephone, Dr. Nichols' offloe, Telephone, N. 100, at the House. Calis Answered Day or Night. rjR. JU. D. WHITE Clairvoyant Phtsician, Has removed to 204 Trumbull Avenue. Detroit. Especial attention te the treatment of chronic diseases. JIR. JAMES C. WOOD, Office Cor. Hurón and Main. Re!idence6South Dirision st. Office hours f rom 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. ra. Telephone No. 114. TJR. H R. ARNDT, Office over First National T3ank. Hourg: 10:30 to 12; 2:30 to 3:30. Can be reaehed at residence, "West Huron St., at the "Prof. Niehola place" by telephone No. 97, and will reply to calla ia the evening. RESTAURAN TS. rfiONY SCHIAPPACASSE, ü in FRUITS, NUTS, CONFECTTOXS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Fresh consirnments of f ruits received daily. Cali and see iny new erop of oranges, lemons, and bananas. No. 5 Mam Street. A NTON BRAHM, EEASTAUBANT & OONPEOTIONEETDepot Street, oppoaite M. C. freight house. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Soft drinks, full line of tobáceo, cigrars, etc. T JACOB KOCH'S LITTLE GRAND RESTAURANT AND ICE CREAM PARLORS, Meals to order and lunches at all hours for from flve to twenty-flve cents. Confections, tobáceo and elf ars. Twenty-four East Washington Street. lyTRS. WM. CASPAKY, COR. ANN AND FOÜRTH STREETS. Bakery, Eestaurant & Oonfectionary Store. Ice cream and soda water, f reeh bread, cakes, and canned goods. A good meal for 25 cents. Lunches at all hours. ANN ARBOR SMALL 1MURBÏ All kinds of Berry Plants. Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellwanger Barry, Eochester, N . Y . 8P Order mnst be sent at once. _3 Wiies ai)dSi)rUps Sweet and sour home-made wine for invalids. Bonesett Shrub, Raspberry Wine and Svrnp. Dried Pears. Plymouth Rock Egga. EM1L BAUR West Huron Street, la the Grand IiapIJ v Business College and Practical Training School. [Estab. iBüü.} Biitineis, Short-han'l and Tjp-wrlting oouraes thorouphly t"eht Send fr College JouroaL idiiresi, . S. FAKISH, So.ho H.n., ilicu. III f 1 HsRnt Steles. JohnHanley, 171 Woodward Ave., Detroit. WáUTm UI II To take the ajeney of AN I til IflAII our Sites ; size2fcxisil8 inchea; weight SOOlbs.; retail price $30 ; othc t aizes in proportion. A rare chanco r.nd permanent business. These Safes meet a demand never befor supplied by other Safe companles, as we are not (rovrned by the Saf Pool. Address ALPINE SAFE CO.. Cincinnatl, Ohio. )btaiaed in the United Statos and ForeignCouïres. GEO.H.LOÏHRUP, 70 Griiwold St.. Detroit, ülict.


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