Anarchists Celebrate
Chicago, Nov. '.2 - Two big trains steamed over the Wiscoasin Cuntral road Sunday, loadeii with Anarchist sympathizers. to tbe graves of the five exeeuted Anarchists. The weather was cold and a sharp wind blew over the bleak prairies, causitig the crovvd to huddle together for varmth, Mrs. Parsons was not talkin anarchy and trying to sell her husband's book. Mrs. Spies, the mother of August, was not there. but was representad by ber daughter, Gretchon. Some of the members of the Eugel family were present. The crowd scrambled thourih the mud led by a band of music, behind whieh was a number of little girls, merabers of the Socialistic Sunday school, carrying floral decorations to lay on tlie graves. After a sueech was made by a Detroit Anarchist fiCty little voicas rung out in a song about the dead Anarchists which c.tused the tears to flow from the eyes of a large numbar of those on band. At its close the chairrnan read the ! letter from Albert R. Parsons to his hildreu, written two days before his execution, with the unrlerstanding that it should not be opened or read before the first anniversary of the execution of the Anarchists. The writes bids his children an affectionate goodbye, and says bis Ufe is offerod up as a sacrifice on the altar of liberty, and he leaves to thera a lejaoy of an honest name and a duty dona. He tells them to be sober, industrious and cheerful and always obey their motber, whom he savs is the grandest and noblest of women. The letter closed with a blessing and the request that it be read on each suoceeding anniversary of his death.
Ann Arbor Argus
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