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TRY IT YOURSELF. "It is oí no use to argüe the question, Phúip, I m neither stubborn noropinionated, j have simply had a lesson that will last a ifetime." "Look here Jack! you are like some old xichelor that has been jilted by one woman and goes about declaiing all women are false." "Not at all! my brother Charley died of Bright's Hisease br-irght or by 'ïsing one of these so called 'blood purifiers' - the kind you see attractively advertisea in every nook and corner. I contains iodide of potassium, 2 drug useiul in extreme cases when cautiously jiven under a doctor's supervisión, but deathdealing to all who take it in quantity. iyour brother had died under such circumstances, you would hate patent medicines as I do." "I do dislike the name of that mis called 'blood purifier," for I have heard a first class physician say it is the cause of half the cases of Bright's disease in the country, and it is strange the proprietors have not been prosecuted for selling it. But I was recommending Vinegar Bitters and that doer not contain any mina al, narcotic ur other hurtful drug." "Oh, nobody supposes that old woman's remedy will hurt anybody; the question is will it cure anything? i'd as soon think of taking some of my grandmother's herb tea.' "You would be betler off, Jack, if you had some of that tea to tone up your system now, instead of taking a glass of brandy to make you s eep one night and perhaps a bottle of beer the next." "Is this a temperance lecture, l'hil?" "No, it is a Vinegar Bitters lecture. I've taken the medicine more or less for fifteen years, and look the world over, you will not find a healthier man than I am." "What is all this nonsense about old style and new style Vinegar Bitters; are they different. "Yes, the old style looks like coffee with milk in, the new style like coffee without The man who made the old style for :tventy years - a practical chemist - made a milder, pleasanter preparation, adding to il here, and taking from it there, until he prouced, my wife says, the finest medicine ever ade. It cured her of constipation, and it ures the children of hives and all the littlë lments they ever have. If my wife thinks ïey have worms, ?he doses them with old yle. We always have both kinds in the ïouse, and together, they keep the doctor way." "And you insist that the proof of the puding - " "Is in the eating- precisely. Jack, get a ottle of the old style Vinegar Bitters- men, I hink, prefer old style usually - try it, and ou will then be like an old bachelor, who, fter railing against women for years, falls n love with a good woman at last. You will -ly there are good and bad patent medicines, jut Vinegar Bitters is the best of the lot." "All right, Pbil, to please you, Hl try it nd report results." Only Temperance Bitters Kuown. A Beautiful Book Free. ADDRESS, R. H. McDONALD DRUG CO. 532 Washington St., New York. "the arn arbos S AVINGS BANK ANN ARBOK, MICHZÖAN. Capital pald Ín $50,000.00 Capital Securlty - - - $100,000.00 Transacts a general Banking business ; buys ano sells Exchanges on New York.Detroitand Chicago sells drafts on all the principal rities of Eu rope; also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, In don and Glasgow, via. the Anchor Line of Sttam ships, whose rates are lower than most other first class Unes. This Bank, already having a large business, inviü merchants and others to open accounts with then with the assurance of the most liberal dealing con sistent with safe banking. In the Savmgs Department interest is paid semi annuiilly, on the first days of January and July, oo all surrs that wete deposited three months previou to those days, thus affording the people of this cit aod county a perte-'v depository for theu funds, together witn air revurn in interest for th same. JHoney to Loan on Approved fiecui ities. Dirbctors- Chnstian Mack, W. W. Wines, W D. Harriman, Daniel Hiscock, Wm. Deubcl, an Willard B. Smith. OFFICEBS: CHRISTLAN MACK, W. W. WINES, President Vice Presiden CHAS. E. HISCOCK. Cashier. The MA VgggliÜ which niake the most Pulatable Dislies are those found at MAYER&OVERBECK'S. They have facilities f or keeping them and aim always to sell the Best the parket affords. Teas and Coffees. We are making a Specialty of Fine Teas and Coffees and are Selling them at Low Prices. The Best Groceries ín ine Market are just the one's we keep. Crockery and Glassware. Garden and Flcrwer Seeds. We Pij CAH for Sülter and Eggs. Call and see us in the Hangsterfer Block. Mayer & Overbeck. Bookbindery. Ton can get your Harper's, Century's and Scribner's or any magazine bound for 50 cents and upward per volnme at ths Argus office. Blank Books and Note Books manufacturad. School and Sundar School Books bound and repaired at Tery reaaouabl rates Boofc and Album repairing a specialty OppeoiU patofBo Main street. F. J. ScauouB.


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