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When Bby waa slck, ire gve her Cutorta. When ano was a C'nütt. eibe c.ned foj Castorla. WTieu sho bocain j Miss, ah clniig to Caatoria, Whou the bad CüilOren, slie gre tlieni CastorU, Estáte of Gauss, Minors. STATE OF MUJUKfAN COÜNTY of Washtenaw, ss At a session of the Probute Court for the Countv of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofllce in the city of tnn Arbir. on Wednes(J:iy, the aist day of November in the yearone thousand eight hundred and eijj-hty-eig'ht. Present, Wm. D. H.irriman, Judge of Probate . In the matter of the estáte of Emanuel Gauss, John Gauss and Michael Gauss, minors. The Guardian of snid ward ccmies into court and representa that he is now pre pare cl to render bis animal accountas such Guurdiün. Thercupon it is ordered that Tucsdav, the i3th day of December next, at ten o'cMck in the fortnoon he assigned for examininfcr nd allowin such arcount, and that the next oí kin ofsaid ward and all othcr persons interested Ín said estáte are required to appear at a si-ssion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said Countv, and show cause it any there be, why thp said account should not be allowedt And it is further ordered that said Guurdian irive notice to the persons interftsted in said estáte of the Kendencyof said account, and the therenf. y a copy of tliis order to bc published in the Ann Akbok Akgus a newspaper printed and circulating in said county three suciessive weeks previous to said day of hearing, WILLtAM D.HARRIMAN, (A truc copy.) Judge of Probate Wii,l;a"m G Doty, Probale Reg-ister. Estáte of Ella M. Brush. STATE OF A1ÍCHIGAN, COUNTY of At a session of the Probate Court for the Countv of Washtenw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of ni Arbor, on Wednesdav, the 2ist dny ot November in the y. ar one thousand eigrht hundred and eighty-cight. Present, Wm. D Harriman, JudVe ol Probate. In the matter oí the estáte of Ella M. Brush, minor. Johnson Knig-ht, the Guardian of said ward, comes into court and represents thai he ís now prepared to render hisannual account as such Guardian. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, ihe iSth day ot December next, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, be astigned for examinin and allowin such account, and ihat the next of kin of said ward and all other persons interest) d in said estáte, are required toappear at a session of sttid court, then tö be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor in said county, and show cause f any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered that said Guardian give notice to the peraons intcrestcd in said estáte, of the pendeocyof said account, and the hearing thereof, by causinef a copy of this order be published in the Ann Arbor Akgus a newspaper printed and circulating iu said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearingWILLIA D. HA.RRIMAN, (A true copy,) Judc of Probate William G. Doty, Probate Reg-ister. TÖTÉALËRS Dealers in Books, Stationery. Albums, Plu8h Go. iris, Christmaa Cards and Goods for the Holiday trade are invlted to cali and examine our stook. The best assortment in the State. WHOLESALE ONLY. Catalopue and Price List furnighed upon application IBÜ DETROIT m WSB, -WHOLESALE- Newsdealers,BooksellersanclStationers 86, 88 & 9 0 W. Larned St., Ccr.alWayneSt', DETHOIT.MK M. HOW CAN I Gfl throngh my wk to-day? I feel miserable, headachy, tired, pain in my back, my food won't digesfc, my whole body seems out of order. We answer that it is no wonder you are in snch a broten down condition, and you will keep setting worse unlesa roa can cure your LIVER. This important organ la out of order and yoa must cure it by promptly using those never l'nln _■■■!■ WIW Dr. C. McUne'sCelebrated Liver Pilis, they will restore you and give rigor and health to 5our whole system, making you strong and welL, 'nly 25 cents a box, and they may save your life, Ask yourdruggist forthe genuina X3xr. O, OVEoIjiLlVnE:' GELEBRA TED LIYER PILLS - MADE BT - FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. !9Look ont for Coüktesfeits made in St Louis ÜSEIVORYPOLÍSH FTERE?rí.E PERFUMES THE BREATH. IF YOU WISH TO Purchase a second hand bicycle, you will flud that the majority of wheels for sale are not COLUMPIAS. Riders of Columbia bicycles seldom wish to sell their wheels, Columbias are easily and cheaply repaired and will bring more vvlien offered for sale second hand than any other make. 9KHH THESE F(TO= - mmm - - One 52 inch "Volunteer Columbia" new, a big bargain, $90.00 VELOCC COLUMBIA. One 'Veloce Columbia," bas been used but little, price $115.00. C. W. WAGNER, Agent for Columbia Bicycles, 21 South Main St., ANN ABBOB.


Ann Arbor Argus
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