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Conncil meeting next Monday night Amphions at Univeraity Hall December 6. Pecks Bad Boy at the opera house tonight. ZigZag Monday night played to a full house. Shutdown for the season, the Ann Arbor fruit works. The storm doors at the postoffice were putup last Friday. There are 341 members of the Baptist church in thlsclty. J. T. Jacobs & Co., are offering big bargains on 1,000 overcoats. H. J. Brown's üne exliibition of holiday goods opens to-morrow. Prosecutiug Attorney Norris will open a law office in Y psilanti. Mrs. Michae) Andrés died on ïhursday of last week, aged 64 years. Toofany, a tailor on Fourth street, died last Saturday, aged 22 years. The ladies of the lïaptist church will shortly have a sale of fancy anieles. The örst concert after Thanksgiving, will be at üuiversity Hall, December 5. Amphions and University Glee Club at University Hall on Thursday eveu. ng, December 6. The Ypsilanti light guards had a hop last night and the Chequamegons furnished the music. Mo services in tlie M. E. church last Sunda evening, owiug to the illness of Rev. Dr. Studley. IlenryG. Wantv, a former Ann Arbor boy, is talking of starting a newspaper in Muskegon. Eddie Green was sentenced to ninety days in the house of conection Monday by Justice Frueauff. Fred H. Hunter, the üve yearold son of Sh ui ley II u n ter, d ied of diphtheria on Thursday of last week. The circuit court begins next Tuesday with a hundred cases on the docket, many of wliich wiil betried. John Curti3, died at the Pontiac asylura las Wednesday and hisremains were brought here for burial. Rev. Mr. Bradshaw preached the Union ïhanksgiving sermón at the Congregatioual church yesterday. Chas. Haneison,charged with assïult anl battery upon a neighbor's boy, has been let off on suspended sentence. The new storm door of the Cook ïouse, wliile not exactly ornamental to he house, makes the offlje more comfortable. John M. Bird and MÏssFlorence E. Walker were manied Wednesday at he resideuce or Mr. and Mis. Walker, of the third ward. Rev. Dr. MacCracken, of the University of New Yoik, delivered an able ecture on John Calvin at the Presbyerian church last Sun day. . Our high school rugby eleven were much more than a match for the Deroit eleven iu Detroit last Saturday and won by a score of 12 to 0. Malcolm McCollum. son of Mrs. Clarsou McCohum, and a former resident of this city, died at his home in Deroit, JSov. 20, aged 63 years. Twelve young ladies in the Amphicn Club assisted by the eighteen gentlemen of the Glee Club, will give a grand oncert at University Hall, December The marriage of Miss Louise Meindrman, daughter of Mrs. Dr. Hartley, o Mr. Killüeu, law '86, now of Milwaukee, Wis., is announced for Deern ber 6. The barn belonging to A. A. Meuth, n the corner of División and Detroit treets, burned very early last 8undv morning. The loss is partially covered y insurance. Thomas Condón, wbo was arrested November 9 on the charge of Deing a isorderly person and plead not guilty, will be tried to-day on that complaint before Justice Pond. B. Keenan was 80 pleased witii linding bis lost pocketbock through the medium of a little advertisement in the Augus, that he says he will alway8 ake the Akgus hereafter. The most suecessful gueaser among our subscribers can get a $35 india ink bust portrait, hand3omely framed of himself or some member of the family, without cost. Seeourad. The republicau pole on the corner of Main and Ann streets was cut down Tuesday. lt broke when itcaoaedown. This has no political signilicance. It didn't break so long as is was useful. Ann Arbor has 2,959 children of sclioo' age and Adlian only 2,356 and yet Adrián presumes to claim a larger population than Ann Arbor. Will not the census of 1890 send Ann Arbor anead? The Michigan Central main line is being relaid with rails which welgh 15 pounds to the yard heavier than the old rails. The rails in a single track a mile long of the Michigan Central will welgh 281,600 pounds. The boiler and machine works of Keeves, Hunter & Co., oaught üre Wednesday from the smokestpck. By hard work, the flre depiirtment saved the building. Loss $200. The building was insured. J. A. Bohnet writes trom Seattle, Washington territory.that the first frost there, occurred November 13. Dwight L. Moody , the evangelist, is now preachng three times a day in ■ Seattle to crowded audiences. Christian Elzel,of Scio, while returning home from this city last Saturday, was thrown from his wagon and received a severa concussion of thebrain, remaining unconscious by the roadside for some time bef jre he was discovered Louisa Desotell alias lxmisa Walsh will be tried to-day in justice court on complaintof being a disorderly person The warrait was served November 3. She plead not guilty to the charge and gaveSloObail. Next Monday evening, Prof. Mark W. Harrington will give an interesting talk before the Unity club on the School of the Chinese Foreign Office, and Mr. H. M. Holmes, of the Register, will read a paper on the State Board of Health. Der Deutsche Hausfreund is the name of a new Germán paoer to be started in this city in a week or two by P. G.Sukey. Mr. Sukey will have his office over Duffv's store. He has ordered a new outfit of type, &c, and will run a neat eiglit page paper. The flrst marnage recordad :u the old files ot the county was that of Luther Hamilton to Hannah Freeman, December' 30, 1832, by Rev. John S. Luiss. Marriages of an earlier date may be re corded but this is the flrst one the county clerks placed on record. Isaac Shlpley was found gmlty of an assault ar.d battery upon Julius Weinbey by a jury in Justice Pond's court last Monday and recommended "to the extreme mercv of the court." It was clainaed that the assault wascommitted with a milking stool. He was fined $5 and $20.20 cos ts. Articles of association were filed in the clerks office, Wednesday. for a "restaurant club" Fifteen members organized the club and state the purpose of Ihis association shall be to promote social intercourse amona: il s members and to provide for them the conveniences of a club house. At the residence of the bride's parents on Second street, yesterday Miss Emma 8chairer,daughterof J.G.Schairer, was miirriedto WilliamSteufer, president of the West Poiut, Nebraska, national bank. ïhe bride is a sister of D. F. Scbairer. The groom is a prominent republican of Nebraska and a man who will yet be heard l'rom. Peter J. Lehman, has formed a partnership with his brother, the newly elected prosecuting attomey and M. J. Cavanaugh, uuder the üim name of Lehman Jiros. & Cavanaugh. It is understood that Mr. Cavanaugh coutemplates removing fromClielsea to this city iext spring and Chat the Chelsea branch of the business will Uien be run by P. J. Lehman. Bart J. Doran, professor of physical culture at.the Michigan Military Aeademy, who is training our young men n the mauly art of self-defense at Noi Ann atreet, dropped into our office Wednesday, accompanied by his bullterrier pup "Garry" that he purchesed of J. J. Walker, the well kuown breeder of game dogs. U. G. McGuire, general secretary o the National Urotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and the Federation of Labor, will speak in Fiiemen's hall, on Saturday evening, December 8th, on 'Organized Labor, its Aims and .Benefits". Ladies are invited to attend the meeting. Secretary McGuire is one of the big guns of the labor orgairization and shonld be greeted wilh a big house. Mat Simpson, a sign painter, died at the county house last Friday. Ile became helpless this fall and his son :rom Florida arranged to (are for him. But the terrible yellow fever scourge 8truck Jauk8onville and nothitig more was heard fiom the son. The funda jave out. The city assisted in caring :or him for a time, but it was finally found necesswry t také him to the county house, where he died Friday.