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CTJACOBS OH FOR RHEUMATISM. f I " :- 3L; I l.L 09 " 3 a ' " - V 2 - s s m LJO I ? w J ' - 2 c o r !;■ f I C Sold by Dmggüts and Dealer Everywhere. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO, BA.LTIMORE, MD. FBO 111 A SPEUJLALTY AT OSCAU Oi. SOUG'S DEALER IN All Painters'Supplies 70 S. MAUí ST. PIan8 for Frescoing furnished on application. p WAGNER&BBO. Manufacturera of arriagcs, Wap ad %ies. OUK WOKK IS FIBST-CLASS. 11EPÁI11I1 ii BOfiSESHOEUG A SPECIALTT. 35 37 and 39 First Street, C. H. MILLEN Insurance Agent Ne. Í South Main St„ Ann Artor. The oldest agencv in the city. Ls tablished a juarter of a century ago Representing the following first-elass companies. Home Ins. Co. of N. Y., - $7,000,000 Contineutal Ins. Co. of N. Y. 4,207,20t Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y. - 1,735,563 Girard Ins. Co. of Thila. - - 1,132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford - 1,419,522 Commercial Union of Londoa 12,000,000 Liverpool, London and Tlobe3? '"OO.000 "Rate8 low. 'Losses liberally adjustea and promptly paid. C. II. MILLEN. EbcRBACH & SON. BBÜO-O-ïifS PHARMACIST8, AND No. 12 South Main Street DEALERS IN Erug"s, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PURE WIJVKS & LIQIÜRS Special attention paid to tne furnishin of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosophical and Chemical Aparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glassware, Porcelain Ware, Pure Reaents, etc. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Prepared at Allbours. CAUTION Beware of Fraud, as my name and the prloe are statnped on tlie bottom of al! my advertlbd shoes beiore teaving the factory, whlch protect the wearers agalnst high prices aud Inferior vooöb. If a dealer offers VV. L. Dougla shoes at a reduced priee, or savs he haa tliein without my name and prlce staniped oa tha bottom, nut liim down as afraud. f í'M m Í ujrm SmÈêÊÈÊmmÊ WÊÊSÊ W. L. DOUCLAS PO wHUCl GENTLEMEN. The only calf 3 SEAMLESS Rhoe smootli nsidc. lío TACKS or WAX THREAD to ÍOT KIP ea3y "" hand"sewei "d WILIi W. E. DOUGLAS 4 SBOE, the original ind only hand-sewcd welt $4 shoe. Equal cusom-maae shoes costlup f rom $6 to S9 ifp h RODGííAS 3B0 PÓLICE SHOK. lallroad Men and Letter Carriers all wear them. Smooth Inslde as a Hand-Sewed yiioe. Ho Tacks or WaxThread to lmrt the f eet. W. L. DOIIGLAS 2.50 SHOE ia unexcelled orhenvy wear. Best Calf Slioe for tlie nrice. ilXñ,P-aLOXJGÍAS 8-35 WORKING. MAN'S SHOE is the best in the world ior ough wear: one pair onurht to wear a man a vear. W. L. ÜOUOLAS 3 SHOK FOB BOYS 3 the best School Shoe in the world. W. l. DOIIGLAS 1.75 YOUTH'S School moe 'gires the small Boys a chance to wear tl est shoes In the world. AU made In Conptrees, Button and Lace. K not BEoMxON.etASSr.lt0 W' DOÜGLAS' FOR SALE BT WILLIAM RHEINHARDT & CO


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