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"Try Ayer's Pilis" For Rheumatisin, Neuralgia, anti Gout Stephen Lansiug, of Yonkers, N. Y aya: "Recommended as a cure for hronic Costiveness, Ayer'.s Pi]s ]lave relieved me from that tronble and also trom Gout. If every victim of this disease would heed only three words of mine, I could banish Gout from the land These (word8 would be - Try Ayer's JIÜ? the 'ue Of Ayer'8 Pil!s aI. I eured myself permanently of rheimin smt 'hiel, I,ad troubled me Trfl months. Theae Pilis are at once hai mless nd effectual, and, I believe, 3 prove a speciüc in all cases of iiicipieut Rheumatism. Ko medicine could have served me in better 8tead."-C. C. Koek, Corner Avoyelles Paxish, La. ' - 9 HoPkins. Nevada Citv, writes "I have used Ayer's Pilis för sixteen' years, and I think they ave the best Pilis ín the world. We keep a box of thèm in the house all the time. Tliey have red me of sick headaclie and neuralgia Sinoe taking Aver's Pilis, I have been lree from these coinplalnts." Avi,I'llp'i,derïd great benefit from Ayers PllJs. Five years -ao I was taken so 11 with rheumatism 'that I was nable to do any work. I took three boxee of Ayer's Pilis and was entirely euved. bui that time I am never Without a box of these nills " - pPtPr Christensen, Sherwood, Wig. Ayer's Caíhartic Pilis, PBEPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dealera In Medicine. PvjVlCHIOAN Time Table (Kevised) Jtjly15. 1888 eastwakd. ■ o 2 _ a wiTiosi. =á 8 -é s fe í í l i Io II S PÍ íH lí za A M A. M. P-M. F. M. P M. P. M. .M Chicago, Lv. " 9"0 3)0 440 I 10 10 s 5í Ealamazm, .. 10 50 133 6 58 (i 50 8 . ü 2 27 6 8S Crek li 15 21 ■ 7 ' 7 5S 27 3 ÍS 6 ackson 1 0 4 1 8 49 9 35 6 !■■ 4 46 8 Iras Lake.. 1 43 9 85 6 43 5 i' elsea 2 04 10 12 7 IV 5 '7 )e.ler 2 17 10 24 7 '7 61 Delhi Mills... 2 32 7 37 AMN AEBOS.. 2 43 5 811 9 41 10 40 7. 6 0i YpailHliti.... I 3 II í46 9Ö3II' 53 S 08 6 17 Wayne June' 3 2S 6 C5 lili 8 33 (! 43 Petroit 4r 11 8 45 10 4S 11 5" M 731 it. The a'n 10 10 II 05 2 00,2 10 12 45 25 3 SO Palla View... '4 59 3 44 6 48 íriatr'ra Falle 2 21 5 08 1 3 47 li 60 Buffalo [ 232 X3S' n 15' 69M 4 6 8 05 WESTWARD. I S8 Í - WATIONS. L I gf L f 1 I Sá 'f & BdAhIo II 80 51 'i' 9 00: 1 00 lag'ra Kall 12 45 6 48 2 ÍS 6t. 'lhomaa... 'JO 55 1110 1 "5 5 40 A. M. A. M. P. M. ' V Detroit, Lv... 7 30 9 Id 120 4 00 i. ... ' Paym'Juiít' 8U 9 53 14 45 8 SS 10 551 ' 'pallan! f 8 83 10 17 -'12 5 12 90H18 XNABBOB.. 8 50 1" 40 2 24 6 30 9 15 1185 iV :elhi Milis.. 9 5 42 ; textor 9 08 6 50 9 44 6 1 ' ihclvea 922 c 05 10 ■■! 5 27 i nuw Lake.. 9 48 6 27 I" 25 5 42 , ackwin... . 10 13 1145 3 57 7 Mi 1055 1' 54 6 5 (atlleCreek 12 09 123 4 38 8 52 12 87 2 1 7 65 ; :alaniazoo..-!rO 20 i 5 ÍS' 9 46 12 8(17 8 4' I hi-auo Ai. 8 10 640' 9 TOl1 " 7lll 7 451 (i 4C O.W. HUUtiLES. B. W I1AYKK G. P. & T. Agent, Obtengo. Ag't Anu Arboi. STXPHEN PRA TTS STEÁ M BOILER ITOBm (Estahlished 1865. Mairafr of ïlifrh imd low Pi-wwri' and Stram Henting Boilers of uil kinds; smokt pipes, nreschinfrs, etc. Old boilers luden in ex chanpe for new. Rivets. boiler platen and boiler tubesfor sale. Oor. Foundrv st , and Mich ('entra' R. R. tracks DETROIT MICH. iü Ihroagb. my work to-day? I feel miserable, headlohy, tired,pain in my back, my food won't digest, my Vhole Éody Beems out of order. We answer Chat it is no wonder you are in sucb. a broken down eondition, and you wlH keep setting worse unless ou can cure your LIVER. This Important organ Ib out of order and you must cure it by promptly naing those nevcr failingHHBBBBHQHBHBBi Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Liver Pilis. lliey will restore you and give vigor and health to pour whole Bystem, making you strong and well. Only 25 ccnt3 a box, and they mayaave your life. 4sk your druggist for the genuino Dr. O. JVEoXjA.IO'E'S ÜELEBRA TED LIVER PILLS - MADE BY - 1 FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. I Kï-Look out for Coctnterfeits made in St Louis, ÜSEIV0RYPÖÏ5SHFToERE:?n.E i PEKFTJMES THE BKEATH. __ ____ ______o__- - - i TÖDEALERS Dealers In Books, Stationery. Album?, Plush Go.nls, Christmas Ciinls and (oods for the Holid iv rrade are iiivítcd to culi and oxamiue our stock. The host assortmeat in the State. WHOLESALE ONLY. Cntalogue and Price List furnibed upon application tuf, KñJHT iewsiwn, - WH O LKSALE- Newsdcalers.BookselIersandStationers 86, 88 Sc 90 W. Lamed St., Cor.fWiyueSt , WHOITJIUH. Cn SkR"BI INMAN'S PI5RFIXT IDER. PRESÉRmitfii. Athorougnly Lcstód aiuhiuu-sinc'1i'll:'ia imb for arresting f ermentation, enabliiiK one t nave rich. sparkling eider the yeararound. Has boen on the market six yoars, and 8 indorsed by Í11OUS; ands who have used it. It thoroughly elan Hes h nu imparta no foreign taste. Put up in boxea desipi ed for S3 and 50-(?all. packapes. retailiiiKat !k)ftnü 60 ets. 8old by dealcra. or sent by muil on reeeipt ofprico. INMAN BROS, Phaiuiícisxs, Akron, 0.


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