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Chancery Sale. THE CIRCUIT COUST FOR THE Conntyof Washtenaw, in Chancery. Adolph Wetzel.C'oiuplainant, vs., Elizaboth Wet.el,defendant. In tuis 'cause it satlsfactorily appearinr by dueproof that itcannotbeascertalnod in what state or country the said defenriant resides, on inotion of E. B. NorrU of Counsel, for Complalnant oi'dcred that ilefendant cause her appearance in thig cause to be entered on or before the flret dy of May, A. D, 1889, and in default ttiereof said lull be taken as oonfessed by said defendant and that suid complalnarit cause this order u be dulv publislied or personally served persuant to law. Dated at Ann Arbor this 80th day of November A. D. 18SS. E. B. NOKRIS. EDWARD D. KINNE. Sol. f or Complt. Circuit Judge. (A trne C'opy) ArthurBrow' Deputy Itegiëter. m Estáte of Ruth Ann Greenfield. dTATE OF MICHIGAN C0ÜNTY of Wasbtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate iourt for the CouMyof Wanhtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city ofAnnArbcr, on Wedneaday thefiltli diiy ol Keeeinber in the year one tliousand eijtht hundred and eighty-eiht. Present, Wiiliam ï). Harriman, Judae of Probate. In the matter of the esta te of Euth Ann Greenfield, deceated, Charles McMullen the ailminlstrator of 8ail estete, comes intocourt ar.d rpresents that he is now orepared torender his final account, a8 such admiaistrator. Therupun itisordered, that Saturday the 22nd day of Dfcemher, inbtai.t, at ten o'clock n the foronoon, be aasigned for cs:aninintr and allown g such account and that the heirs at law of iaid deceased and all other persons interested in said nstate re required to appear at a sesston of eaid court. then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ano Arbor, in said county, and show cause, f in y the re be, why the said ac ountshould not be allowed : And it is further otdered that said adn'inistrator gire notice to the persona iterestedin said esiatc of the pendency of said account and the hearing thereof by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Anh Akbor AkGus n newspaper printeJ and nrculating in said county two succesiive weekp previouB to said day of beariug. VVfLMAM D. IIARKIMAX, (A truc copy.) Judge of probate. Wh G. Dot y, Probate Register. HOWCANIGET throngh my work to-day ? I feel miserable, head (cay, tired, pain in my back, my food won't dlgest, cay whole body sceinti out of order. We answer that it is so wonder you are in such a broken down coadition, and you will keep Ketting worse unlesa you can cure your LIVER. This important organ ís out of order and you must cure itbypromptly uaicg those never failingHHHKMnBB9B9aB9 Dr. C. McLane'sCelebrated Liver Puls. They wlU restore you and give vigor and health to four whole system, maldrjg you strong and wolL 0nly25 cents a box, and tneymaysave your life, sk your Jruggisl for the genuino XXr. O. 2WCcXji-3LIsr3E;'JS GELEBRÁ TED WIER PILLS - 1IADK BY - FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. ÏS-Look out for CoxnrrEaFEns made in St Louis. ÜSEIVORfPOLÍSH ftereÏ3.e PERFUMES THE BRKATH.


Ann Arbor Argus
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