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Estáte of Susannah Johnson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTT of Wanhienaw.Bs. At a cesión of the PihBte Court for tho county of Washtenaw. bolden at the Probate office ín the city of Anu Arbor. oa Wedncsday, the fourtenth day of Noremlier in the yearone thonsnnd elirbt hunured and elghty-Hght. Present, Wm. D. Harciman, Judge of Probate. In the matter ot the Estáte of Smaunah Jounso deceased. On rt-atlin and rllïnpr the petition duly rerifled of Ellu Jano Clark, prayin that aduiinistration of saldesta'e miy be xrauted to henieir or soui ui nr suitable peraon. Thereuponit Is ordered, that Monday, thetenth Hj of December next, at ten o'elouk In the assigned for th tic.nnjr of said petition .int that the he.lra-at-law ol aid decoased.and aU other persons intereated in said estáte are requiredto appearataaession of said court tben to be nolden at the Piobate OfBoe, in the city oí Aun Arbor and show cause, lf any there be wtiy the prayer of the petitioner should not be grxnted: And U Is (uriner ordered, tbat said pelltiuner eive noticcio the peraon ioterested in said oatate, of the pendency ot aaid petition and the henririff thereof, by aanging a copy of thU oider to be published in the Ann Abbob Abous, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three successive weeks previous to suid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. [A true copy] .ludge of Pr iite. Wm.O. Doty. Pioi.ateReirister. Estáte of Austin A. Wood. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtcnaw, ss. Al a sesaion of thn Probito Court for the County of VVuhteuiiw holden at the rronate Office in the City of Ann Arbor on Wednesday Ihe ïtl dar o{ December, In the year ona thouüand eiirht hundrod and eighty-riitht. Present, illiani D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Austin A. Wood deccaned. 1-conhard Gruuer, the admlnist ratr with the wlll annexcd ui said est ae, como ioto-oun and reprenentsthat h' is now prepared to render nis aunual account s such admii ÍBtrator. .. Ihereupon it is ordered, that 8aturday, th 20th day of Decemix-r insUmt, atlen o'clockin thi lurenoon. ti aastgocd Tor rxamining and allnwin such account, atd that the deviste, legatees and heira-ailnw ei aid deceased and all other pemoni inlerettd in aaid istate are required to apper wesion of aaid Court, thtn to b holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aan Arbor, In said oouuty and ahow caufe, if aa the-ebewhT the said account should not 'oealUwea. Andjt Is further ordered, that said Adioinintralor Itive notice 10 the persons iniereated in naid eatate oi the pendeucyol said account, and the h.arliit thereof, bv causini? a copy of thia order to be pubLln íhe ANN ARBOR ARO". newspaper printed and circu lat Ing in aaid County. threa successive wueks previous to suld day of hoarinu WILLIAM D. HAUEIMAN.' ( true,f,Py-' Judge of Probat. Wm. G. Doly, Probate Register tstate of Wetzel Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTJT K_7uf Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the, Probate Cm,rt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the iTTr lne cuy' Ann Arbor, on Wcdnesdaythe sth dav of December n the year one thousaod eignt hundred and eijrhiveijrht. J'resent, Wr. D. Harriman Judfe f Probate. Jn the matter f the estute of Sophie M Wctzci and Gertrude M. Wetzel, Minon Leonhard Qruncr. the Uuaruian of sald wards comes into court and representó that h. is now preJlTa render his annual account as such GuarThereupon t 5 ordered that Saturday the aoth da ot Ucecmber .instant, at ten 1clock in the forenoon, af"K'"d for uauawiaK aud allowinp uch account and that the next of kin of said ward aud all otner persers inttresled in said cítate arircqaired to ?lf P r h' f ',üiO" f "id COUrt thn 1# be holden the Probate Office .n the city of Ann Artxr, in taid counlyandshow cause, ii any there be, why the sala account should not be allowed. And t i furtlwr orden-d, that said Guardian rive notice to the persons interested m said estáte of the ptndency oí iaij account and the hearing thereof, by causin a copy fthis order to be publishud i„ the Ann ArSok Akgus, a newspaper printed and circulatini; in said of hraT' " succcss'Te wecks preTious to said day WILLtAM D. HARRIMAN', WkuAM G. ñárv. Probate Ee& ' Estáte ( f Sarah A. Shaw. OTATE OF AilCUIÜAN, CÜUNTY" kJol WasttUnaw, ss At a bession f the ProbaW Cuurt tor ihe Coutity of Washteoaw, holden at the l'robateOth.einthe city oi Ano Arbor, on Hatuiday, the rstday ot December iu the vear one thuusand . ight hundred and ghtv eieht Preneot, William D. Harriman.Tudge' of ProIothe luatttroftbe ehtate orsarahA, Shaw de. On radii? mii fllinff the petlllon. duly verifieii.of KcbertShawpraying thal admioistration ut s.,in eslate m.y be srnted to Isaac Shaw or aome other suitableper on Thereupon it is ordercd ihat Mondav the 31st day of December, iustant. at ten o'clo'ck in the foreno nc ssigned for Ihe hearing ur said petinon ud thst the heirs at law f Baid deoeased ni 11 other pereons interesled in said estáte are requiredtoappearat a session of snid court. then tn be holden at the Probiits ofEcs in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ii any there b, whr the nrayerof the petitloner should not be ranted And it is further ordered that said petilioner eive notice to the persns interested in snid esiaie f the pendeBcy ofsaidpetition and the hearine thereof by causxng a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbo Aköü a newspaper printed and circuiafd in said county throe auccesaive welts preyious to said day of hearins. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAM, 'A'recopy.) Judge of Probate, W. G. Doty, Prehate Ragiitrr. Estáte of Fischer Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV KJnl VVashtonaw, ss Al neiuian oflheprobat rOurt forthsConiiyof Washtenaw, hol ten ut tb Piobate Office in the citT ot Ato Arbor, on Wed. ncsday the Bflhdaj of December in Ihe vear one thou8adeihthundredaodighty-eight. Present, Wllliam D. Harrlruan, Judge of Probate. In the niattr of th estáte of Oeore? Fiseher, John Fischsr, Anna Fbchcr, I.ewis Fischer atd Mary Fis her. Minors Leorhard Gruner the Guardian ol said watds, comes into coni-t anu tepresente that he ie now pnparrd to reader his ancuul account as such (iuardian . Thereirpon it is ordered, that Paturday tne 29tU day of December, instant, at ten oc'ock in the lorenoon , bo assiirned for examirjing and allowinff sucW account anii that the next of kin o. said wardsautt all other perroDs in erestd ineaides tate are required to sppfar at a sossion of saldi court, then to bu holde atthe Probate Offi-e iu the city 01 Ann Arbor, in said county nd show cnuse, 11 nny there be, why the said aceount should not be allowed. And it is further orderea, that said üu rdian give notice lo the persons interested In said estáte of the pendency of said account: and ihe hcar in p there f. by cnusinga copj f this order to be published in'the Ann Akbob Akgub a newspHper printed and irculating ín said county three succi-siive weeks previous to said da f of bearing. WILL1AMD. HARRIMAN, Atroecepy.) Judge of Probate. Wa. G Dotv, Probate Regisier. Estáte of Chipman Smith. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kjot Washiena,ss. At a sesioof the Probate Court for ihe County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office n theeity of Ann Arbor, on Mouday thsthird day o i December iu th year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. Present, Wiiilam D. Harriinan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estat of Chipman Smith, deceased. LuciusO Smith, the admimstratorof said etate, comes into court and represe its that he is now prepared te render his final account as sucb ad ministrator. Thereupoü it is ordered that Saturday the 29th day ol December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assiuned for examiniug and allowmLsuch account and thal the heirs at law of said decensed and all other persons interested in said rstateare required to pppear t a ses.-ion of said court, theu to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, ïf any there be, why the said accouut should not be allowed: Atditis furthei ordered, thatsaid Admlnlstratorgiye notice to the persuns interestediu said estáte of the penency ot eaid account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Auousa newspaper printed and circulatlug in ,said county three succeaaire weeks prtviuus to said day of hearing. WÍLLIAM D. HARRIMAN, A true coDy.) Juüge of Trobate. Wm. G Doty, Probate Register. LADIES Pos Do Tour Ovrn Pyeijijr, at Ilorne. Th y will dye eyorything. ïhey nresold eyery. where. PricelOc. apackèo. Theyhavenoequal for Strength, Brightness, Amount in Fnckagea orforFiistnessof Color, or non-fadiag Qualiöes. The ƒ do not orock or smut ; 40 colora, for sala b; John Moore and Eberbach & Son,


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