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Bach & Abel. Busyf Quite Busy, Notwithstanding the Mild Weather. A good stirring business, made last week a cheerful week at the Mam and Washington corner. People know we mean business when we advertise a Cut in Pnces. We told you last week about the reliable Black Silk Striped Velvets t 75c; we said they ougqt to go flying and they did. You won't buy ofusmuch longer a $2.00 Striped Vel vet for 75c. Our large assortment of Combination Dress Patterns, at $10.00 has attracted a good deal of attention. They are handsome, reliable as to quality, and no two patterns the same, and quite cheap. Holiday Handkerchiefs and Mufflers now ready for inspection. We have a reasonably large assortment. We don't care for many words about those 54--inch Broadcloths they telltheirown story. They have been $1.75; now $1.25. At$i each: We will sell this week about 25 dozen Fancy Aprons that have just come to us. These Aprons are very fine and well made. The selling price should be $1.50, and you can't buy the same qualitv elsewhere for less than$i.5o. We haven't lately aone a more welcome thing in Cloaks then putting a big lot of Seasonablc Short Wraps, at HAiF the regular f rice. This is the way we will save jou money. All of our $8 and $10 Short Wraps, $5; All of our $15 and $20 Short Wraps, $10. Nota grain of reason for the drop- except that we don't wait till sundown of a season to do such things. We are showing a large assortment of Muffs, Monkey Muffs, Hare Muffs, French Seal Muffs, Natural Beaver Muffs, Lynx Muffs, Alaska Seal Muffs, Martin Muffs, Fox Muffs, Racoon Muffs, and Opposum Muffs, etc. BACH & ABEL. __________ % NEWGOODS! LOWER PRICES Than Ever. IiASIBK' Mil W FOR $3.OO ae fine as anv dealer can show you in French Kid. In these goods we have OPERA, PflILADELPHIA, New York and Coijitjioij Seiise Toes Í i'rom 1 to 7, and A to C. Ladies' Patent Leather Fosea Shoes, onlv SiOQ Ladis' Kid Shoes tor $1.00. Our (xent's Seamless, $1.75, ts a clipper. Our CorduvanShoes for tö.Oü, will wear as long as any two pair Calf Shoes. Give us a trial. We can save jou money. Ladies' Kubbers, 25c. SaiflUe) ïraïise, 48 South Main St, - Ann Arbor. Commissioners' Notice. uTATE Ot? MICHIGAN, COUNTY Ooi Washeimw, m. 'Ihe undeisiMned havinj been appointed hy Ihe Probate Court tot ,U Couuty, commieaioners to reurive, examine anu djust all clinni and demands of all eisuns agaiiint ihe estute of John Smith, late of saiii coimy decrai-ed, hoby givf notice that six months from diite are nllowed, by ordr ot Probate tlouit lor crediiorsto present their claims agaiithe Btute of said ecenstd, und tl at incy ïtill nieei at the otfic of Ueorge C. Pau in the vlüageol Uexter inuid eountv, on Jlondnv tl e founbdny ot Murch aud on Monday tho ihirrt C yoïJunen-xt.Hi ten "'clock a. m. t eachof md dn) to receive xaniine and adjust sid luim 1 Dated December 3rd,18S8. JUHNCROAKKIN, JOUN COSTELLO, Conunl8ioHrs, Mortgage Foreclosure. WHBKBAS dei'ault has been made in tho cnnditions of a eei-taln Mortsrage madeby GeortceW Healey and Anna Healey, hia wife of tne City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to Martin Seaboltof the same place, dated the socond day of septóniber A. D. 1887, and reeorded in the office of the Ronistor of deeds in and tor said County on tne aecoud dny of September, A. U. 1K87 i.'i Uber72ofMortgaesatpare230,bythe non- uaytnent of moiieys dae thereon, the power of sale coutaiuod in said Mortgugo has bet-oinc operative; and on whiohsaid Mortiraire there Is olaimed to bo due at the date of this notice for prinolpal and Interest tbe siim of iour huud.-c-d and elghty-eight dollars aod üfty oenis Mtí 5) and nosuit or prooeedings at law or in Chanoery haviug bei-n inalituted to reoovor theamount, orany pari thereof now reinaiiiins Beeured by s lid Mort.g-.ise. Now, tueretore, notice is hereby given, that by virtui' l ' iukI puwer of S.ilc and in pursuance of the Bfcvtute in such oase madB and provided the Siüd Mortgage will bs forelosed ly a sale uf tne promisds theivin descriDeii, or so mueh ihereof as may be necesaarytosatitfy said .jortgaste, attorney foe and expei this foreolosüie atpibllo auotlon, to the higrhest the easterly 1ront door o1 the Coürt house io the said i.ity of Ann Arbor aaid Court house being the building in whloh the Oiroült Courc tor said County of Washtiinaw is h -IJ, ou Monday the 1UU day of Maroh A U itSc-y at ten o'clock In the lorenoon of that day, standard time, whch land and premisos are de-cnüed as folio vs, to-wit; All that ce.tain piece, or parool of land sltuatsd and being in tb -City of uin Arbor, Oounny t Washtenaw and State of Michigan,. -kiiowh aud deBcribcd as Lot number Six In Lflock number Ono ol Dauiol Hiscock'sadditionAo the City ol Ann Ai'bor, Michigan Dated D ceinher (ilh. A. p. 1888. MaKTiN SblAüOLTMortíjafroo. ï. McKEllNAM, Atforney for Mortgageo


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News