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Gardner in Fatherland to night. The Amphions gave an excellent concert last night. H. M. Taber ia assisting treasurer Moore to collect taxes. Rev. Dr. S. H, Adams preaches ia the M. E. church next Suuday. Stening Bullock haa an eleven pound boy to help him eat onions. The city engineer ia at work on maps for the use of the new street railroad. A social was held at Hobart hall by the ladies of St. Audrews church last night. l'here will be an eclipse of the sun on New Years day, whicli will only be partialhere. Ernest Dieterle is raising a young voter since last Sunday,- an eigüt pound boy. . The Adrián Press nominates Junius E. Beal, of this city, for presidenc on the republican ticket. Justice E. K. FrueaufE last week marned John 13. Stevens to Miss Mary J. Weed, both of Salem. The law department now has over 380 students enrolled. It is much more than self aupporting. A. A. Meuth broke ground Wednesday for a new house on the coruer of División and Detroit streets. The Postage Stamp at the Opera i House next Thursdav evening will be I a play well worth witnessing. The Lansing Journal in speaking of Senator Gorman says that he Is a debater of power and eloquence. Such is fame ! The Stockbridge Sun says "the brilliant editor of the Ann Arbor Coarieris James E. Beal." Frank Moran was sentenced to thirtv daysinjail by Justice Pond for being drunk on Main street last Sunday. An oyster supper will be given in the fifth ward Sunday school this evening for the benefit of the Christmas exercises. Thomas Dowes and Miss Margaret Deegan were married in this city, by Rev. W. J. Fierle, on Tuesday of last week. City treasurer Moore began the collection of taxes Monday. A thousand dollars had been paid in by 11 o'clock of that day. The engagement is announced of MissLouie Craig to VV. W. Lovett of Detroit, at present a junior in the literary department. The dry goods stores of the citv will be open evenings from December 9 to January lst for the accoomodation of the holiday trade. Judge Chauncey Joslyn has commenced suit agalnst the city for $!()( attorney fees. The suit is commeuced in the circuit court. The Monroe papers tbink that Judge Kinne intends 10 hang up his stocking in Monroe, as he has adjourned -court there until December 24. A party of eight hidies of this city visited the annual art exhibition in Detroit, on 'JL'hursday and report a delightful time and üne display. Invilations are out for the marriage of Miss Delle W. Pratt, daughter of John Pratt, of Lima, to Johu E. Parmelee, of Grand Rapids, Mich. The ladies of the Baptist church will sell articles suitable for christmas presents next Thi-rsday and Friday afternoon and evening, December 13 and 14. Peter Duncan died in the sixth ward on Weinesday of last week and his reraains were taken to St. Clair, Mich , for burial. He was flfty-six years of age. Prof. Cari Majer, a well known music professor of Detroit, who has played in this citv several times, died on the Nordland steamerin mid-ocean November 9th Show the Argus to your friends and teil them they can get it from now to January lst, 1890, for $1. Thev wijl also have a guess as to the number in those envelopes. The inmates of the county house say they had a good dinner on Thanksgivin? dav, all the spaieiibs and minee pies ihey couldeat, lots of fruit, cake apples et cetra. J. T. Jacobs Camp No. 90, Sons of Veterans and Ann Arbor Lodge No. 320 I. O. G. T., held a pleasant joint social and dance at Firemens' hall last Friday eveuing. The Methodist, Congregational, L'resbyteiian and Baptist churches imite witn the Students Christian Associalion in a meeting ac University hall next Sunday evening. X young man natned Stoll who vvas rusliing at the post ofïice last evening, wis taken in custody by Postmaster Duiïy, and turned over to the ollicers who took him to Fraternity Lodge, F. and A. M., on Wednesday evening elected C. IJ. Davison, M.; M. D. Miller, S. W.; J. L. Wilcoxson, J. W.; C. Thompson, J. D.; G. H. Pond, Sec; Dr. VV. B. Smith, treasurer. Last evening at the residence of the brides motber on Williams street, , Henrv J. Kellilea of Milwaukee, and j Miss Louise Meinderman weremarried, Hev. Dr. S. Earp and Rev. Air. Belser , officiating. . Mrs. Eva Jenkins has flled a bilí in 1 the circuit court asking for a divorce I trom her husband, Ormond C. Jenkins, the whilom Ann Arbor dentist and coroner whose accustomed haunts know him no more. I James B. Mowry of Ann Arbor town, died last Saturday, of oíd age. He only i lacked five months of reaching four ( score years of age. The funeral ser( vices were held Wednesday forenoon from the house. Secretary D. G. McGuire delivers an i addiesí to-morrow Saturday evening on ''Organized Labor, lts Aims and J Benefiis," at Firemen's hall. Mr. Mc ; Guire deserves and will undoubtedly have afull house. i Judge Clauüius B. Graut, of 1 quette, ex-regent of the University, is one of the strongest candidates for the ïiomination for judge of the supreme court that will come before the repub" lican convention next spring. The India ink portrait, suit of clothes. silver vvatch, and three steel engravings whicli will be given tjcur subscribers on February lst are exciting considerable aüention. Guesses are coming in lively. Have you guessed yet? Only one of the republican electors received more votes than did Junius E. Beal of this city and that one only received one more. The republican elector who reeeived the least vote in this state was Russel A. Aleer. Mrs. Catharine Collins Klopf filed a b 11 of divorce from lJhilip Klopf, in the circuit court last Friday. The parties were married in Ypsilanti, November 12th, 1883 and the bill charges desertion after thirteen montha of married life. Mrs. Mary Ann Johnson, wife of Edward Johnson died, November 27. i ii the fourth ward after asevereillness aged sixty-three years ten months and twenty-four days. The funeral services were held from the house on Sunday. Guesses for the Akgus prizes are coming in rapidly and we urge our friends who desire to get the handsome portrait, the suit ot clothes, the watch oi the engravings to make their guess tarly, while they have a greater choice of numbers. Mrs. William Ciute, nee Austiu, died in Dundee Tuesday. The funeral services were held there yesterday afiernoon and theremains were brought to this city for bunal. Mrs. Clute was well known in this city where she formerly resided. While. John Taylor of Northfleld was going bume from the city his horses balked while crossing the track near üornwell's pulp mili. A train camealong while Taylor had the animáis by the bits trying to induce them to move, demolishing the wagon but notinjuring the horses. The following officers were eleeted by Wabhténaw eiiapler, No 6, lt. A. At., last Monday evening, J. L. Stone, II. lJ.;L. C Goodrich, K.; N. D. Gates, 8.; J. A. Gates, O. H ; W. W. Watts, l S.;K. H. J. Clark, R. A. C; S. S. Blitz, 3 V ; H. A. Kyer, 2 V.: lt. Cuthbert, 1 V-; D. Ci. Fall, Treas.; Z. Roath, Sec; T. Taylor, Sentinel. Jacob Luckhardt, administrator of the late Michael Luckhardt, will sell at. auction, Tuesday, December 18, at the farm a mile soulh and a rmle west of Lodi town hall. five horses and colts four cows, ïifty-five sheep, nine pigs, a larse numberof farming implements, eiglit tona of hay, four hundred bushels of oats, household furnituie, chickens, geese, turkeys, etc. Fred Krause, acts as auctioneer. The Ann Arbor Oommandery Social Club have appointed the following committee to take charge of a series of socials to be given through the winter. Chas. E. lliscock, C. o. Millen, T. F. Hill, E. B. Abel and John R. Miner. The tirst social will be given next Tuesday evening. Members of the commandery are authorized to invite their friends. The Chequamegon Orchestra will furnish the music for dancing. The Commandery Quartette will help to entertain those who do not dance A series of üve chamber concerts at Hobart Hall has been arranged provided a suUicient number of seasou subscribers is secured. Three of them will be by the Detroit IJlilliarmonic club, one a lecture concert on English Folks' Songs by Louis C. Elson, of Boston and the otlier. which will be given Tuesday evening, December 11. will be bv Dr Louis Mass, pianist assisted by Miss Al'.ce Andrus, soprano. At tlie residence of Cunty Treasurer eleet, Gus. Brehm a musical entertainment was given last Moudav evening in honor of his friend. Mr. Talmer Aberdeen,a member of the Detroit bar. Music was furuished by Mr John Beecraft on bnth guiiar and znher, Mr. William Thomas favored the company with the popular songs of the day with guitar accompanimönt. Miss Emily Gwinnerand brother Robert rendered a fine vocal duett at the piano, Mr. Herman Giauf showed his ability as a j banjoist and Mr. Aberdeen executed a 1 very difficult solo on theviolin. At the close tbe instrumentation was ] solidtited and the remainderof the company consisting of Miss Brehm, Messrs, ILeinrich, binder, Mathews and Buur joined in the chorua of several of Mr. Thomas' songs after which the compnny adjourned. Gus. doesn't do tliings by halves.