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MEAT MARKETS. HJI P. VOGEL. DEALEK IN Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, And game iu season. lBE.HTTROltT STRIK IET A. MEÜTH, 24 DETROIT STHKET IOEW YORK MEAT MiïKET, Carries a full line of cholc fresh, salt, smoked meats, sausage nd lard. An eigrhteen years experience in New York City enablee me to put up meats m regula' Now York 8tyle. Tel" -none connections. i W. VOGEL. Ann Strest. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAK8. a_ kinds o BI K ATS AlVO SAUSAGES. Fresh lard always in stock. Poultry in season. MiSCELLANEOUS. r W. AHSDBN, -Dealer in- FLOUR, KEKD, COAL, AlsoLinseedOil Meal an excellent f eed for stock. No. 33 East Huron Stroet, next to Firemen'a Hall. ________ MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING. jlTRS. A. OTTO. v(EIXj Xj I XT ER, 1 Fourth Street. Has iuat recelved a cholee aasortment of the i?i thiniri in ladle and chüdrens headwear n Fel Vh and I Casamero. ohtldren handknnftewot'? oodB. .fascinatorj. trimmiags, &o. Lowest living pricos. 90 8. Fourta st, MUSIC DEALERS. MUSICAL MEROHANnTSK 25 South Fourth Street. Pianos, Orcass aso Trk Kew Rotrt Shottlü standard sewing machine." Lariest stock, lowest prices . Easient tetmB. ALVIN WILSEY, PHYS1CIANS. 1 HOWKLL. M. D.. PHTSICIAN AND 8UBGEON, HOOK 4, MASONIC HLOCK. Telephone, Dr. Nichols' office, Telephonc, No. 100, at the House. Calis Angwered Dar or Night. rR. u. D. WHITE Clairvoyakt Physiciak, Has removed to 204 Trumbull Avenue. Detroit Eapecial attention to the treatment of chronio diseases. R. JAMKS C. WOOD, Offloe Cor. Huron and Main. RestdenceB South División Kt. "J J"" trom 2 to 4 and 7 to 8p. m. Telephone No. uTJR.H R. ARNBT, Office over Flrot National Bank. Honra: 10:ftn h 12; 2 -.30 to 3:30. Can be reached at restdence. Weat Huron St„ at the "Prof. Nlchols place" bv telephone No. 9T, and will reply to oalls in the evening. RESTAURANTS. rpONY SCHIAPPACASSK, DEALER IN FRÜITS, NUTS.CONFBCTIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Fresh conaignments of fruit received daily. Cali and see m new erop of oranges, lemons, and bananas. No. 5 Main Street. ANTONBRAHM, BEASTAUEANT & OONrEOTIONEEY. Depot Street, opposite M. C. freight house. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Soft drinks, f uil line of tobáceo, clgars, etc. T JACOB KOCH'S LFETLE GRAND RESTAURAJÍT AND ICE CREAM PARLORS, MealH to order and lunches at all houw for from flve to twenty-flve centt. Con.f.e0n' tobacoo and cirars. Twenty-four East Washington Street. TMTRS. WM. CASPARY, COR. ANN AND FOURTH STREETS. Bakery, Eestaurant & Oonfeotionary Store. Ice oream and soda water, fresh bread, cakes, and canned goois. A good meal for 25 cents. Lunches at all hours. ANN ARBOR 8MALL FKDIT MUU8KRT All kinds of Berry Plante. Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellwanger Barry, Rochester, N. Y. Í3& Orders must be sent at once. _d Wii)esai)dSi}rUps Sweet and sour home-made wiue for Bonesett Shrub. Raspberry Wine and Svrup. Dried Pears. Plymouth Rock Eggs. EM1L BAÜR West Huron Street, THEONLY PLACE IN THE CITY TO GET FRESH SHELL OYSTERS AND CLAMS SERVED IN ANY STYLE IS AT J. SCHIAPPICASSEE S 3 K. HURON STREET. Wc keep the flnest collection of Candiee, Nuts, Cigftra, Cigaretts, and Tobacco in the city. TheUnitarian (Rev. J. T. Sunderland, A. M., editor) will be sent to new readers for examination, three months f ur ten cents . Address, ïhe Unitarian, Ann Arbor, Mieh. "Most excellent. "-Rev. Dr. Thomas, Chicago. " By all odds the best religious monthly in the United States."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News