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Every Household Should have Ayeï's Cherry Poetara! It saves thousands of lives annualiy and is pecnliarly efñcacious in Croiip' Whooplng Co:i;li, aiwl Sore Throat! "Afteran extensive practiee. of nearlv one-third of a centnry, Ayer's Charrv Pectoral ia my curo íoií leeenl coUU ,„;i coughs. I prescribe it, and belieVe it to be tlio very best cxpcctoiani, novv offered to the people." - Dr. Vo!m O Levis,, West Bridgewater, Pa! " Some years ago Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of aathma after the best medical skill had failed to give me relief. A few weeks since, beins acain a llttle troubled with the disease, 1 was promptly Relieved By the same remedy. I gladly offer tin testimony for the benefit of all similarlv afflicted."-F. H. Hassler, Editor Argüí Table Koek, Nebr. "For children afflicted with colds eoughs, sore throat, or croup, I do not know of any remedy wbich will gire more Bpeedy relief tlian Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have found it, also, invaluable in cases of wbooping cough." - Ann Lovejoy, 1251 "Washington street Boston, Mass. "Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral has proved Tomarkably effective in croup and is mvaluable as a family medicine." - D. M. Bryant, Chicopee Falls, Mass. Ayer's Gherry Pectoral, ÏBEPABBD BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. 8olJ by 11 Druggint. Pricc $1 ; six boules, $5. Timk Table (JSevied) Jult15, 1888 eastwakd. Si f L g 2 . a i &r5 1 If.S A M A. M. P. M. F.M. P M. I. M. r.M. rhicnoo, Lv. SI'S SI'OJSIO 440 10 10 8 10 3 5: Kalsmaisou .. 10 20 1 83, 6 58 j 50 3 H 2 27 6 88 Btittle Creok li 15 v 1 7 :(! 7.15 127 3 15 6X1 JacksoB I 0 4 15 8 49 9 35 6 446 8 ï( Gr88 LakeJ 143 9 55 43 5 va Cbelsea 204 10 12 7 l 5 11 Pejtpr i 2 17 10 24 7 "7 5 41 Delhi "lls.j 2 82 I . ?.l KH AEEOÜ.. 2 48 5 30 9 41 10 40 7 rsi 6 01 Ylwlliiull.... I 3 l 545 9.;3lli 5:i 08 6 17 Wayne.Iunc! 3 2i 6C6 Illll 8 33 6 43 Detroit Ar II 6 45 10 45 11 Si) 9 .'0 731 61. The a'H 1010 1105 2 0Ü! '2 10 12 45 25 5 50 Falls View... i 59 8 44 6 46 SlftK'ra Falls '2 21 6 0.1 1 3 47 liño Buffnlo 232 Saai fi 15' 6 atl 4 55 8 05 WI5STWARD. II %i S " oss. L II ft t% : ■3 I sa 3 S C I _ÖMJs P.M. A.M. A. M. A.M. P.M. BnffHlo 1130 55 615 9 00 100 Niag'raFall 12 45 6 43 2 Í3 6t. Thomas... 'i 9 55 1110 l.OS 5 40 A.M. A. M. P. M. P. H. " V Detroit, Lt... 7 30 9 11' 120 4 00 00 . .t i WayneJunc 8H 9 53 I 445 838 1056 Tpcilantl 883 1017 Í 12 5 12 90U18 ASH ASB03.. 8 50 in 40 2 24 5 30 9 14 11 33 5 K Delhi Muis.. 9 i.O 5 42 Deiter 9 08 6 50 9 44 5 1 Chelsea 9 22 6 05I0IH) 27 Graas Lake.. 9 43 6 27 in 25 42 Jwkson... . 10 13 11 46 327 710 1056 1254 6 B Bftttl"Creekl2 09 123 4 88 8 52 12 27 2 17 6 KahniiRïoo... l;.O 3 0 5 15 9 45 1 2" 3 07 8 4 C3lti'!nro Al. 8 10 B4d 93011 -n 7 0" 7 4M 4' O.W. KUGGLKS, H. W HAÏKS, 6. P. & T. Attent, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arboi. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. TimeTable;oi!i4 intu ttoia.Siiuday,.oT. 4th, '88. Goídk North. stations Qoing South. 8 Mn'il Standard Time I'as. Mal! 7. lab. Pa . Phsb. i xp. Exp. Paar ... P. si. a. u Lt'] [Ari p, m p. m 3 2. J 3 ...... TOLEDO..., .. 1 1" 11 00 4 05 6 19 Mi.nroe Junct'n 12 Ï4 l 2I 4 If 6.7 üundee 2 11-10 13 4 SI 6 4i Miliin - 12 0" 9 50 A. M. 4 fr 7 1)8 ....FiUtfieid .... 11411 82 a.k. ♦7 SO S 07 7 2' ..AMI AKKOi. 1 1 'S 9 Ï0 9 3i U 6 27 Ï3 Leland's.... 11 lu 05 10 6 4S 7 49 Whitmore Lakt 1" 5 8 Mi _ 6 52 7 6 Hamburg... 10 48 8 45 _ 6 84 H 45 Howell 10 li 8 3 .... 7 16 9 Í6 Durand 9S: 7 30 7 4j lo ( Cuiunna 9 17 6 a Ï (ift ]0 10 Owomo 9 1n 6 4 i 18 11 3o llhca 7 M) t Si _ 9 35 11 S5 ....Jjt. Loui 7 3 S 16 9 41 U u - Alma 7 27 S 10 _ 0 12 46 ...Mt Plennajlt.... fi 48 4 SJ __.. ji if, i S3 Fnrewell 6 lis 3 5 J2 E6 3 8' .... Cadillac 4 16 ü 00 SAGIJíAW DIVISIÓN. Going Korth STATieKS. Golng South. 6 5" _ a. h. Ut ] LAr p. m I4S Puranu 7 "0 " 10 37 Fluhing 6 O.S "...... ..... 12 3ti „Eat Sagluaw.. 4 01 All puesenger traius run asily exi ept Rundaj TraniB run on tbctiouth Lyon Braucb leaTt i Arbor at 7:0U .. m. I t luí u't al ;::, W orden'ai 7:4ó una arnveal toulb Lyo at 8,0u a. ni.; leaTi Soulh Ljoual -:St' . m., Wordtn's al 6:45, Le land' al :00 aud urrive at Atiu Arboi at !:30 a.n Counectionsat Toledo witli lallroadb diTerging. At Mauhatan Junuliou wilt Wbcelilig A Laki ErieK. U. Al AltxiaJuDciion wi KL. S. H"j and F. & 1'. M. lt. R. At Mouroe Juuc tioe L S & M. S. H'y At buudee wiih L. ti. 4 W B MidM.4U.Kj. At Milán wlth W.,St. L 4P Ky. Al littarield wilb L.S. M. 8. Rv. Ai Ann Aib..r wilh Múliitan Central 1{. R, and al 6oiub Lyon wilh Detroit, l.ning and Northen R. K.. and (i. T. Ky. At HauiüurB wiib M A Linfüiviuioii Grand Trunk U'y. Al Howell witl Detniil, Lunmuic & Northern R'y Al Duranc ith Chicago & Uraud Trunk K'y aud Detroit Uraud i.aven & Mihvuukee K'y. At Uwosw Juuciion wilb Detroit. Grand Haven & Miiwaukee K'y and Michigan Oeutriü K'y. At St Louib with Detroit, Lauing & Northeru P'y ni Hagiuaw Valley & tít. i-onlo K'y. Al Alm wlil Detroit, La siiig JcNnrtheru ti'y. At Mt. Pie ani with Klini i l'ere Marqueite R'y. H. W. ASHLEY. W. H. BtJKNETT, SuDerimendertt. Cíen. Has, Agent; A. I.P V1SLKY, LoCHlAirent TThen Baliy wu sick, tro (to her Castori. When sue wns a Chlld. uhe cried foi Castori, When abe becain-j Miss, she olai{ to Cmstori, Wban lbo had ChUdren, abe kto them üostori,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News