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Local Brevities

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Sporting parties are having good luck 3hing o the river. Dr. J. Kapp has placed a stone walk n front of his residence. Prof. M. L. D'Ooge willpreach in M. 5. church on Sunday morning. ïwo Detroiters spent Sunday in jail or being drunk late Saturday night. The mi88ionary contribution of the M. E. Sunday school this year ws119. Will Carroll has rstutned from rip to Virginia amU othr southern oints. The Cocker league has chanfted it ame to the Wesleyan Guüd of the ünL ersity of Michigan. Mrs. Frank and Mis Emma Herbert f Ionia, have opened dress maling arlors at 66 north Main street. Thomas Walker was given five days n jail Wednesday by Justice Frueauff or being drunk on the streeta. Herman Hutzel, Christian Schlenker nd Christian Lutz are rejoicins; over an ddition to their families this week. The Freedom treasurer paid f926 into ie county treasury last Saturday, as hefirst installmentof Freedom 's taxes. The Ann Arbor Savings bank has eclared a semiannual dividend of five )er cent, payable the flrst Monday in anuary. L. J . Knowlton has lost his express eceipt book and would be thankf ui if ie flüder would notify him of its whereabouts. The Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northrn Michigan railroad now has 245 miles of road in operation. Two years go it only had 130. A pension has been graated toWilliam i Eussel, of Ann Arbor, and the pen" ion of Charles S. Hewitt, of Dexter, ïas been increased. Qaite a few Ann Arbor republicans re talking of attending Harrison's inuguration, when the Michigan Central will gire half f are rates. The average attendance in the M. Eunday school for the past year has Deen 265. The largest attendance any ne Suuday has been 411. C. F. Stabler, treasurer of Ann Arbor ownship, will receive taxes at the ounty treasurer's offiee every Friday nd Saturday during December. The Knights Templar gave a very leasant reception Tuesday evening which was greatly enjoved by those 'ho had the pleasure of attendinc. Rev. Mr. Sunderland will exchange extSunday withA. J. Jennings, of 'oledo, who will preach morning and vemngin the Unitarian church in this ity. AlmiraF. Minaker. of Ypsilanti, has led a bilí in the circuit court asking a ivorce f rom Byron Minaker on the round of drunkenèss and failure to upport. Rev. J. T. Sunderlaudon Wednesday f last week married Austin F. Smith, of Ann Arbor to Miss Ida JS, JBackus, f Webster, at tlie home of the bride's paren ts. Michael Klais, of Scio, was sentenced o ninetydays in .the Detroit house of correctioa.Monday, by Justice Frueauff or au assault and battery upon Margaret Klais. Dr. C. D. Ilampton, of Harbor Springs, who has been spending tlnee weeks unóer the treatment of . Mis. Pieice in this city left for bis home ast Saturday. Work on the addition to the high schojl building is still goine; on. The juilding will be occupied next Septem)er. The extra accotnmodations are sadley needed. The first reception under the auspices of the Wesleyan Guild of the University of Michigan will be held in the parlors of the M. E. church Monday evening, Dec. 17th. Miss Maria Osborne, daughter of Henry Osborne, will be married to James LaRue, of Detroit, at the residence of the bride's father, west of this city, next Thursday. Fred Markham, who lives on the Whitmore Lake road, lost 150 in the city last Saturday. He had just been paid $1,150. He deposited $1,000 in the bank and the balance he lost. M. M. Green bas purched the interest of his partner Charles O. Brush in the firm of Brush & Green and will continue the livery and hack business of Brush & Co. f rom theold stand. All of the assessments of the Washtenaw Farmers Mutual Insurance company were paid in this year, excepting about $40. The company has added about $140,000 to its risks this year. A farmer from near Chelsea was down here drunk Tuesday, admomshiug the marshal to go to a warmer climate. After spendiug the night in jail and paying $1 fire and costs, he was released. The Business Mens Association is called to meet this eveniug in the council room at eight o'clock. A draf t of the pioposed new cbarter will be submitted and it is desiied that the attendance be large. The annual meeting of the VVashtenaw (Jounty Agricultural and Horticulural Society will be held in the basement of the court house, on Tuesdayi Dee. 18, at 2 o'cloek, p. m. sharp. All are cerdially invited. Uuiversity hall was well filled last SuHday evening to listen to an able address bj Rev. Dr. Tatterson, of the ïochester Theological Seminaiy, given under the auspices of the Students' Christian Association. Der Deutsche Hausfreund, the new Germán weekly edited by P. G. SuKey, start off well. ïwo excellent Germán storie by a well known author ara begun and the paper looks well jpliographically as well as editorially. Thomas Mann hps purchased the second Land store on Fourth street reently run by F. II. McFall, who goes o California. McFall sold to Albert 3ettis on Monday of last week. Pettis un the store just one week and sold to dann. Golden Bule Lodge last ïhursday evening elected the following officers; W. W. Watts, W. M.; K. H.M. Clark, S, W.;N. J. Kyer,J. W-; N. D. Gate, Sec; D. C. Fall, Treas; J. A. Gates, 8. D.; R.H.Cuthbert, J. D.; J. R.Miner. Tyler. Married, at AuTrain Alger county, iovembor 13, Dr. Alex Beaden, of Slunising, Mich., formerly of Battle Creek, to Dr. Eddith E. Taylor, of Tompkinsville, Pa. Both parties were members of the medical clas3 of '88May success ever be theirs. ïhe pioneers of Washtenaw county will be interested to learn that a fine India ink portrait of the late Luther James has been presented by his nephew, Jas. L Babcock, to the pioneer society and now adorns the walls of the pioneer room in our county court house. The Royal Arcanum elected the following officers Tuesday erening: Regent, C. S. Fall; Vice Regent, H. J. Moore; Secretary, J. Q, A. Sessions; Treasurer, ö. 8. Blitz; Collector, F. II. Belser; Orator, Dr. J. N. Martin; Warden, CE. Godfrey; Sentry, F. Stofflet. Christmas tickets will be sold on the T. and A. A., December 24 and 25 and .New Years tickets on December 31 and January 1 for one and a third tare for tMe round trip. They are sjood going only on the day of sale and returning m. ƒ - ' - - r - m - - - - - - - - - - - on all regular trains up to and including January 3rd. Marshal Sipfley has quite a large rouges gallery in his office including photographs of many of the noted ciimnals of recent date. Ile carefully preserves photographs of all persons wanted for crime which are sent to this city. Amony them we are sorry to say are some former Ann Arbor boys. The project for a building for a school of musie is again revived. lts projectors talk of organizing a company with$20,000 capital to and ask the city for $10,000. They wish to put $30,000 into building and grounds. The Oberlin school with 500 students is pointed to as showing the possibilities of our school of nausic. E. C. Higgins, who has been in Sawyer & Knowlton's coffice for the past tvvo years, leaves next week for Arkansas city, Kansas, where he goes into partnership with an old and well established attorney. Mr. Higgins is of the kind to succeed and we hope he will like Arkansas city as well as Arkausas city will like him. The A. Ü. U. W's. have elected the following officers: Christian Rolh, P. M. W.; Ernest Rehbery, M. W.; Wm. Herman, F.; Christian Helber, O.; Fred Graf, i. J. George Koek, Financier; George Halier, Treasurer; Paul Schall, Guide; Henry Schrnittler, J. W.; Charles llaab, O. W.; John Koch, Representative and Emanuel Luick. Altérnate. The M. E. Sunday school has elected the following officers: Superintendent, Rev. A. F. Bourns; assistant superintendent, Herbert M. Frost; lady assistant, Miss Ella Bell; superintendent primary department, Mrs. JVlarble; secretarv, D. Douglas; treasurer, E. F. Gay: librarían, C. E. Mutschel; assistant librarians, O. Ingalls, Will Tolchard; chorister, Geo. W. ltenwick; pianist, Miss Davison. The Unity Club will produce Longfellows "Courtship of Miles Standish" dramatized, before the public next Monday evening, in the parlois of the Unitarian church . ïhe charocters will be represented in coslumes peculiar to the times of the pilgrim fathers. Scènes have been designed and executed under the airection of Misses Hunt, Fisher, Harriman and VVhitman. and the training has beeti in charge of Mr. Louis 13oyle, wbo so successfully brought out "ïhe Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green" last year.