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Michigan State News

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The Muskegon Car works have orders ahead for6uO freight-ears, with more in prospOct, The hog erop of the state is panning out ingoodshapo. A good corn erop tells the story. A Pin ) River woman, named Barrett, has fled to Canada with an itinerant preacher. The berelt husband takes the matter philosophically and has already applied for a divorce. Shipments of ore by water from Lake Superior ports haveaboutelosed for the season, out large quautities will go by rail during nTmter Lake shipments from the Marquette range aggregate nearly 5,000,W0 tons for the season just closed. Thatstale chestnut, the Charivari, isn't always a compound of unmixed and unalloyed pleasure. Charles Neson attended one at South Rivertou and was killed. The edict has gone forth at Vermontville that the pesky English sparrows "must ;o. A eitizen of that town brought down twenty-two of 'era at a singie shot. Grand Rapids parties talk of investing MO0,0UO in a uew Masonic temple that shall se worthy of tbe pusji and progress of the 'second city." The latest advices from the Calumet and Hecla mine fire indieates that the subterauean blaze isn't as serious as at flrst reported, and that it will soon be under control. Arrangements are being perfected for a big meeting of the Short Horn Broeders' asociation of the state at Lansing on Dec. 19 and 20. Reduced railway rates have been ecured on all Michigan roads. A Mancelona shootíst recently bagged a black fox, a "bird" that's rarely found in his state. A Benton Harbor dealer in wetgoods filled a customer sj f uil of budge that his team ran away, colliding with another vehicle and inuring lts driver. And now the injured party joeth for the dealer's bondsmen, for indemnity damugee. Salma Moon, a Belleville pioneer aged 87 'ears, who resided upon the same farm for more than half a century, is dead. Lapeer folks are getting ready for a ouncing building boom in the spring of 989. A Luther editor has been putting his rollr skating experience in print. It required onsiderable spaca to properly expresa his eelings. Another Luther pencil pusher avers tiat there's mighty close to 11,000 railroad ies bet ween Dser Lake and Totten, but how ie obtained the information on tbe statement s based, we "pass" by in silence. A Grand Rapids youth has been ornamenting his faiher's lawn by steahng trees rom a cemetery. But he's suspended opers tions for tbe present, and takes his m-eal t the bastile. A Flint faetory is shipping brooms all the way to Bath, England. Clean sweeper, no oubt. Moreland agriculturalists are bathed in ars because there's no market for the 00,000 bushei of önions they raised this eason. While out on abm-glarhunting expedition Grand Rapid deputy sheriff had his horse nd buggy stolen. Of course he'd like to inow who did it. A few years ago, John E. Burton was a onductor on a Wisconsin railway. By forunate speculation in Michigan mining stock n the Gogebic range he became .very wealthy, but now he is again a poor man. biches, sudilenly acquii'ed, will persist in laking wings and flying away. Itcostthree Jackon men noarly $100 for the fua of trying to demolish a local saloon. The saloon seems to be a costly institution to deal with, the best way you can fix it. The muoh-abused roller skate is charged with being responsible for the divorcement of a Port Huron couple. Tne ineipient stages of the allair date back a number of years, while the case has only just come to a focus. Tbey'll yet be charging the fall of poor old Mr. Adam to the same cause. Mt. Pleasant and Big Rapids are figuring on a line of railway to connect the two towns and make 'em neighbors, as it wera A Calhoun county jury has given William [iller a verdict for$7.2ÖJ against the Grand 'rank road, because Miller lost a foot while n tbe employ of that company. Between the opening of navigation and ec 1, 4(18,17(5,000 feet of lumber has been ïipped by lake from tbe Saginaw river. Detroit cast over .5,000 votes at the late ection, being nearly ibree times the nnm)er of that of the whole state of Nevada. The Soldiere' home near Grand Rapids is 'uil, with no room for another disabled vet■an. Funds for an additional building will 3e asked of the next legislatura. An Ishpeming chap vvho undertook to re:ail a barrel of Portland cement for a polishig powder at 25 cents per spoonful has gone o board at the county calaboose. About a year ago George H. Hunn was a reman on the Michigan Central, but was ólled in a collison caused by the earelessness 1 a train dispatcher. A Jackson Sjury reently aw-irded Mrs. Hunn, his widow, the um of $7,575.18. The compauy offered $4,)00, and she sued for Í1.'),000, the verdict beg a compromise. The Calumet and Hecla company is anxous for the privilege of an interview with ie chap who fired their mine, and offers to )ay $10.000 to wbomsoever will bring him While navigating a railway velocipede on ie G. R. & I. tracks near Vicksburg, J. 3rush, of Austin station, was overtaken by freight train and severely injured. The ngine headlight bad gone out and Brush iled to note its approacb. A Moorland man wants $5,000 damages 'rom the neighbor who took a bite from the nd of his nose. But what's a man with oney and uo nose good for, anyway. The Harrison Wagon works, located near ïrand Rapids, was scorched $15,000 worth n the 6th. Well insured. East Saginaw's iOJ teachers draw $5,000 er month in salaries. They look after 4,032 irehins, big and little. Albert FosW is one of six people who ere resideuts of Jackson fifty years ago, nd haven't emigratad to the farther shore or any other country. Albert still lives the same house he built half a century ago. Michigan annually expends $K5,0Oü for the care of her dependent children, while New Yorks pays out $3,000,01)0 for the same purpose. But then New York has a much larger family.


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