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A. MKUTH, 84 DETROIT STREET NEW YORK MEAT M4BKET, Carries a full Une of chotee fresh, salt, mokert meats, sausage and Inrd. An eighteon years expertence in New York Olty enables une to put up méate in reerular New York atyle. Teli"Nhone oonneotlons. p W. VOGEL. Ast. Street. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. A kind o meats aivd sausages. Fresh lard always in etock. Poultry Ín seaaon. NliSCELLANEOUS. r W. AM8DEN, - DBAIjER IH- FLOUR, KERD, COAL, Ateo litnseed 011 Meal an excellent f eed for atocle. No. ! East Hurón Street, noxt eo Flremen's Hall. MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING. ]KS. A. OTTO, 3LIXj Xj 1 3ST BE, 19 Fourth Street. Hae lust received a cholee assortment of the Stesttl,ln?slnladles and childrens headwear Ín Folt, Plush aud Caeameros, ehildrens handknlt worsted boods, fasciimtorR. trimmlngs, &c. Ixwest living pnces. 90 B. Fourth bt, MUSIC DEALERS. MUSI 85 South Fourth Street. Pyisos, Orgass md The New Rotírt Shuttle "STANDARD SEWING MACHIKE." Larsest stook, lowest prloog . Easiest terms . ALVIN WILSEY, PHYS1CIANS. I""R. Ju. D. WHITE Claibvoyanï Physioian, Ras removed to 204 Trumbull Avenue, Detroit. Sapocial attentlon to the treatment of ohronio disoases. TR. JAMES C.WOOD, Offloe Cor. Hurón and Main. Rcsidenceö South División st. Office hours fromS to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 11. TE. H E. ARNDT, Offloe over Firt National Bank. Hours: 10:30 ;o 2-30 to 8:30. Can be reached at residenoe, West Huron St., at the "Prof. NiohoUs place" by telephone No. 97, and will reply to calle in the evening. RESTAURANTS. mONT 9CHIAPPACAS8E, DKAI.EH IN FRÜITS, NUTS.CONFECTIONS, TOBACCO AND OIGARS, Fresh conaisnments of fruits received daily. Cali and see my new erop of oranges, lemons, and bananas. No. 5.Mam Street. A NTONBRAHM. EEASTAUSAIÍT & 00ITFE0TI0NEETDepot gtreet, opposite M. C. freijfht house. Warm meals nd lunches at all hours. Soft drinkg, f uil line of tobáceo, cigare, etc. T JACOB KOCH'S MTTLE GRAND RESTAURA2ÍT AND ICK CKEAM PARLOR8, Meals to order and lunches at all houw for f rom flve to twenty-flve cents. Confeotions, tobáceo and clffars. Twenty-four Kast WashIneton Street. TraB. WM. CA8PARY, COR. ANN AND FOURTH STREETS. Bakery, Eestaorant 4; Oonfeotionary Store. Iceoream and soda water, fresh bread, cakes, and canned sfooija. A good meal for 25 cents. Lunches at all bours. Ijl WAGNERiBRO. Manufacturers of C&Égss, Wagons asi Biigies. OÜR WORK IS FIRST-CLASS. HEFAIRilG Ai HOH A SPBCIALTY. 35 37 and 39 First Street, THEONLY PLACE IN THE CITY TO GET FRESH SHELL OYSTERS AND CLAMS 9BRTED IN ANY STYLE IS AT J. SCHIAPPICASSEE'S 3 E. HCRON STKEET. Wo keep the flnest collection of Candies, NuU, Cigare, Cigaretts, and Tofacco in the dty. HENRY RICHARDS, No. 9 Detroit Street Dealer in all kinds of wsm mm, fence posts, etc, Aleo all kinds of 8TOVE AND COIÏD WOOD. Terois Cash, I am agent for the Celebra ted km lán íú Mowers ! And keep a full line of Ropairs for the saine. UUNEStPM Do Tonr Own Ttyvlng, at Home. They will djre eTOrything. Thejr reaold every - where. Price IOc a package. Theyhavenoequal for Strength, Brigbtneu, Amount in Packages or for Piwtncss of Color, or non-f iiUiig Quahtics. Thay do uot crook or amut; 40 oolora. í'or lulo b; John Moore and Eberbacd &Son.


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