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White Blood Is Shed

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New Ori.eans, Dec. 18. - A special to The Picayune f rom West Point, Mis., says: News reached here yesterJay morning oL a horrible tragedy enacted Sundity night at the viüage of Wabalak, Más., forty miles south of West Point ou the Mobile & Ohio railroad. Five white men were killed outright aiid six woundod, thres mortally. The particulars of the shooting are givaii as follows: Sonie to months ago a wliita farmer living a few miles froin Wahalak lost his gin house, togother with eight or ten bales of cotton, by a iire which was evidently tho work of incendiarles. Suspicion pointed to two nogroas living in tlie vicinity, with wbonj tht. farmer liad bad some trouble. Bufficient evMenee baving been secured, au offlcer Raiidny night attempted to arrest one oí tlsa ncgroes. The negro resisted arrest and suooeeded in making hi3 es-cape, aftor liaviug brutally ussaulted the offlcer. Tb vvñls in tiie ueighborhood then organiz9:l to captnre ths negro, and proceoderi towani tb? feiiow's house witn the intentioa ot arrestlog biin. Before reaching the house, bowerèr, tlie.y were tireJ upou from by fifty well-armed uegroes, and every wliite ma.i in the party was shot down. The horror-stricken people have tel egraphed for áid. Seventy five armed men left Meridian, Miss., yesterday morning for the scène of the tragedy, and West Point will furnish inore help. Bt. Louis, Ma, Doe. 18.- 2-.H0 a. m.- A peeial front Wahalalc says that hut one man was killed- a white man Damod 8otb Cobb- wbile four were wounded, only oue of whom was ut all soriously hurt, tbe other hre being hut slit;btly scratched. The xisse was not a legal body, and no warrant ■ad been iesued for the negro, Tbere is ittle likelibood of f urther trouble.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News