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Michigan State News

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The state printing house of Tborp & Godfrey has boon dissolved, Mr. Thorp continuing the business Frank Golf rey will ba resdy to draw official ligtatning and a goverament salary about March 4 next. A $10,000 Bie structc Meeoita on the h, being tbeir third big blasé durin? tüe past two years. Beven business bousas were üurned out, more or less insured. Somebody seems to have had a lingering suspicion tbat the January blizssard might yet wake up and howl, and 80 helped tbemselves to 500 worth of clothing from EarlVs store at Buiding. A Mió rnnn claims to have shot a deer that weigbed 3'S% pounds. That fraction of a pound soit u' gives the story an air of accuraoy. By a recent decisión of the state supreme court Horace Murray, who was given a tifty-year seutence at the Jacfcson prison for criminally assaulting a Brady girl 9 years of age, has been releassd. An agent for a coru binding device ie roaming loosa in the state, who persuades tris victims to give him an order for just one machine, wbich afterward grows to an even 100. Burnisu up the old musket and give him a reception if he come3 your way. A West Branch saloonist bas beeome defendant to a $.1000 suit for selling the ardent to Charles Canan after bis wife bad forbidden such raio. An Auna mau bas just pail $7öO to settle a breacá of promise case. As this is the second time that he's forked over money to the sam ghl under similar ciroumstances, the curious of the town are wondering if it"s going to b. a caso oL three times and out. The Michigan Military academy in going to havo a real live government Gatling gun, jusL to show the studeuts how to make things rattle in case pf an emergeucy. A newly married Holly man blazed away iuto a charivari parly and peppered tbree or four of the crowd with bird shot, so that they'll stay at home for some days to come. gei alhng pretty well without street lamp-;, as a sitiull boy and lautern pilot eau be hirod un dnrk nigh's for a nick:l. American furniture manufacturers are going to got tht-u headstogetber next montb at Grand Kapids and se what can be done toward securing a more favorable classification of freight ratcs for that industry. Manistiquo claims that her prosperitv hath a sohd foundation. There isn't a doubt of it, for there's 2t'O feet of solid rock beneath her. A Birmingham lady is contentad and haPPyt a'd that, too, despite the f act that sbe's never mude application to become a dime museum attraction. Albert I. Bidwell, an old-time resident ot Lenawee county, died at Orlando, Fla.,,on tbe 8th. He was largely inttrested in orauge culturo in that state. Williañf Smith, an East Saginaw art dealer, caused tbe arrest of Ida Curran, a book agent, on a charge of larceny. But Ida was acquitted, and now she comes back at William with a $5,000 damage suit for imprisoument. The incendiary fire fiend is still plying his nefarious calling at Three Rivers, barns belonging to Dr. Miller and a Mi's. Roberts being destroyed on the night of Duc. 7. Lansing is trying to eoax the Allen knitting factory, of Michigan City, Ind,, into locating at the capital city. There are 100 spirituous watering pluces in St. Clair county, of which uumber one-half are credited to Port Huron. A Muskegon merchant has been arrested for running a gift enterprise in connection with his business. Xt proved to ba an excellent "trade stimulator"- too good, in f act, for tbe comfort of some of the merchaiit's competitors, and tbat's what kicked up the r&cket in question. There's som prospect that Ionia is to have a mammoth cold storage house, where the grocer can keep himself and his porishable produce cool - for a cousideration. Louis Nicoli, the Marquette carpenter who shot E. S. VVilson, a government contractor, last Jnlr, as found guilty of atlempted murder and scntenced to twent.y-five years at Jackson. Wilton is paralyzed and may live for y.ars without being able to btir hand or foot. The crédito uf the Lowell National bank, which failed in September last, have reCelved a 40 per cent. dividend on their claims aggregaliug f?.0aO. Three years ago a couple o' Sanilac county cit.iz ■ n began clearing up a SÍO0acre farm, and the past season ri.sed 1Ü5 tous ot iiay and 900 bushels of wheat thereon. Some ohap bui'gled the Alaska postofti $50 tvorth tbe otlier evening, while K'jvural little koejjsak ■ of Postmaster Colson's are also missing. A Siddons parson wandered mit in the primevol forest theother day with a dog and gun for a little rest and recreation. While thus engaged an iunoceut doer aiine amlbing along and the parson blazod away. The deer esoajxd, but a relentless game worden "caught on" o the sport and mad'i tha parson wha'k up w i tïi a $50 fine. The latt "combine" has le(n cntored into ly tbe Iniindrymen of Dütroit. 'Twill cost Detroitftra sómethltig hom-eforth to keop ciean Tbirteen I rirties havo beon rodticad to asbes iu ita ■ ])i.ioit cremaUry during the past year. The K.Tsinnkv City Hospital ssociation ralsed $8,000 by holding u carnival, and is now out of debt. Tbe charity (nr.ertaiumentsdeujs u bï a feature of modern civilsation. George Whirl, a Miwhervilln huntsmmn, ii said to have whirled tlin life out of twentyeight Vwars in the upper poninsuln tiu.s season. When (Joorge and his gun tnk to tbe woods there's troublo bruin. John Gnlehouse, a Trufante ritteen, was convictd ím the United Status court at Grand Rapiilo of making comiterfeit siver dollars. Weallwr üags are now regularly displayed at 104 Michigan towns, but il.'s advisable to take along your overcoat nhon going away from home nvon tbough tht warm weathor flag is tlying from (he raastbead An Ionia lady went down into the house cistern tbe ofher dy on an exploring expedition to Uie condition of the family water supply. But just as she started to climb the return trip tho pesky ladder broke and the pr woman was imprisoned for two mortal hours in the cold, daimi cavern, before tho folks could lócate the voico that supplicated for deliverance. A"Soo" man claims to have a medal tbat carne direcc frotn Fharaoh's tonib. We supposed that Pnaraoh had s.ispended the medal business Bever! years ago, but when a"Soo" eitizen solemnly aversatbing. eVe not tho one to (lisputH bis claim. Muskegou bas quadrupled her population since 1870, an.i is forging rigbt along on tbe ighwixy oí proiper ity. A Kalka;ka county man, wbo wagered $100 that the jury of which he was a merubar wouldn't agrw, bas s!nce hoeii pyeing a $31 fine squarely in tho face. Hu won't tiet so oud next time. Marquette's Snow Suoe club has got lired of waiting tor gnow and has goue tO Uufflüg t on the bare, brown earth. That's what most everybody wants nowadays- tbe earth. A Battle Creek polieeman bas had a new H8 oveicoat stolen. The man who coined the term, "sleepy pólice," may not have been so far out of the way after all. Michigan has 7,318 school houses, 453,915 iupih and 15,5(56 teachers, tbe wages of the atter agregating nearly JS.OOO.OOO. Male teachers average a fraction over $45 per month, and fernale teachers $81, althongh ha preponderauce of the lutter enablos thera to draw two-tLirds of the sum total of the salarie paid. Less than three-fourths of the childreu of 6Chool age attond school at all. Jackbon sinners are'being hustled toward repeniance liy a powerful revival now In asssion in that city. 'Tis estimated tbat nearly 500 have already made tbeir New Yeur's resolves, but how many vill keep 'em s quite anotber question.


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