
The old sexton, Mr. McDonald died New Years day. Fred Alley is on the sick list . Our oli and respected citizen, Lorenzo Jones is just recovering from a severe sickness. Dr. Lee is liead man ïti the 1. O. O. I' lodge, with Lieorge Merrill, vicegrand. Quite a gathering of M. K. ppople at the "Shadow Social" at the house of George Jewell on New Years eve. Sopt. Thompson, of the Baffinaw schools, spent ev ï'ear with the Muidocks. The very able and popular pastor of the Af. E. church, Dr. 8. II. Adams, ia bein? tempted by loud and important caüs trom Chicago, where he formerly oucupied 'the larger pulpits with good sacceís. But he thinks that his health has not yet sufficiently recovered to accept. The Doctor's irapaired e;ilth is Dexter's gain.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
George Jewell