The Charles A. Vogeler Co.

Chronic Rheumatism. Prompt, Permanent Cures. Once Cured, Always Cured. Fort Madison, lowa, Feb. 24, 188T. Suffered everely wlth rheumatlsm in knee; could hardly move. Two appllcation of St. Jacobs OÜ completely cured me. Ko return in 2 years. J. E. DUFFEES. Once Cu re tl, Always Cured. Canajoharie, M. Y., Fb. 10, 1887. Awoke with excrucfating pain in shouJder, trled varioDs remedies with no effect. Went to my offic; pain becamo insufferable; went home at 11 o'clock and ased St. Jacobs OU. The efEect w.u magical; pain ceased; returned to vork at 1 o'clack. Cur ha remained purmanent, WILLET F. 000K. Once Cured, Always Cured. LowftU, Mafia , Oct. 29, 18S6. Ead serere rhenmatism in knee; trlod manr remedies without relief; trled Sv Jacobs 011 and was promptly cured, Ho return of pain in aeverfcl yeari. DAVTD LAWKEÏfCE. Pro o f. The tcitimony cannotbe dlsputcd. It has been verlfled and renewod after a lajwc of yearH' Ho return of pain. No ccmpetition can show Uit resul ts. At Dkugoibts and Dkaleiis. Baltimore, Md.
Ann Arbor Argus
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