Classified Ads
A t a. meotfi. U DETROIT 8TBEBT NEW YORK MEAT JR-iillBÏ Carries full lino of choice írosh, sal smokert meats, sausafro and lard. Au eigbtce yoars expcriüuoe Ín Niv York City enabU mo to put up meats 111 regular Ñow Yor style. Telphoiie cuuncctions. As Stbbbt. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS A kinds o Meats a.vd sausages. Frcsh lard always in stxck. Poultry in season MiSCELLANEOu's" r W. AMSDEN, - Dealeíi im- FLOUR,FEED,COAL AfD ALL KINDS OF HARD AND SOFT WOOD, BALBD HAYANDSÏKAW. Alao Linseed OU Meal an excellent feed for stock. No. 33.Eat Hurón Street, next to Firemen's Hall. MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING. RS. A. OTTO, :LvLIXj Ij 1 3ST BE,, 19 Fourth Street. Fia just received a cholee assortment of the atost thlnprs in ladies and childrens headwear n Feit, Plush and Casameres, chlldrons handknit worated hoods, fascinators, trimmings, c. Lowest living prices. 9U 8. Fourth St, MUSIC DEALERS, MUSICAL MEBCHANDISK, 25 South Fourth Street. 'inos, Orcans and The New Rotary Shuttlï "STANDARD SEWIN'G MACHINE." Largest Btock, lowost priccs . Easiest terms. ALV1N WILSEY, PHYSICIANS. rjR. u. D. WHITE Claikvoyaxt Physician, HIaa removed to 204 Trumbull Arenue, Detroit. Especial attontion to tbe treatment of ohroaio diseasea. nVL. JAMES C. WOOD, Office Cor. Hurón and Main. ResideneeB South División st. Oflloo hours trom 2 to i and T to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 111. I)B. H K. AHNDT, Office o vor First National Bank. Houre: 10:30 to 12; 2:30 to 3:30. Can be roacbod at resldenee. West Huron St., at the "Prof. NichoU place by telephone No. 97, and will reply to oallB in the evening. Tl HOWKLL, M. D.. PHV8ICIAN AND SUKGEON, OOM 4. MASONIC BIjOCK. Telephone. Dr. Niehols' ofnce, Telephoue, No. liW,at the House. Calis Answered Dayor Nifht. RES1 AURAN TS. rrOXY SCIUAPPACASSK, DEALER IX WMJITS, KÜTS, COXFI3CTIONS, TOBACCO AXD CIGARS, Presh oonsinments of fruits received daily. Cali and see my new erop of oranjes, lemons, and bananas. No. 5 Main Street. NTON BRAHM, EEASTAUEANT & CONFEGTIONERY, Depot street, opposite M. C. freight house. Warmmealsand lunches at allhours. Soft drinks, full line of tobáceo, cig-ars, etc. T JACOB KOCH'S LITTLE GRAXD RESTAURANT AND ICE CREAM PARLO RS, Meala to order and hinches at all boura for irom flve to twenty-flve cents. Confections, tobacoo and eig-ars. Twouty-four East Wash(nsU)u Stveet. lyrus. wm. caspa kv, COR. AN AND FOURTH STREEÏS. Bakeryj Eestaurant &; Oonfeotionary Store, Icecroam and soda water, f resh brend, cakes, aud canued groods. A (jood meal for 25 conts. Lunches at all hours. p WAGNEEABRO. Mannfactnrers of Sirria,, Wagoas asi Suggiss. QOB WORK IS ÏTBHT-CLASB. BBPAIRIffi JU HËSESHOfflG A SPKCIALTV. 35 37 and 39 Pirst Street, -A-HTIÑ" ARBOR. THEONLY PLACE IN THE CITY TOOST FEESH SHELL OYSTERS AND CL A MS SBRVKD IN A.NY STTUt TS AT J. SCHIAPPICASSEE'S 3 E. HUUON STHEET. We keep ilie finest oollectioa of Caadles, Nuts, OijfHr, Cigaretts, and Tol acco in the c-it. HENRY RICHARDS, No. 9 Detroit Street, Dealer in all of HASEWQQD LDKBSL FENCS POSTS. ETC, AUo all kinds of STOVi: AND COK1 WOOD. Terms Cash, I am ag-ent for the Celebrated kM Mm iú Mewers ! And keep a full lino of. Ropairs for the satuc.
New York Meat Market
F. Wagner & Bro.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Mrs. William Caspary
Mrs. A. Otto
L.D. White
John Jacob Koch
James C. Wood
J. Schiappicasse
Henry Richards
Dr. H. R. Arndt
Dr. Charles Howell
Daniel W. Amsden
Charles W. Vogel
Antony Schiappacasse
Anton Brahm
Alvin Wilsey
A. A. Meuth
First National Bank
Firemen's Hall