Casualty And Crime

We now comu to mv-h;s iiiat have filled liriuH'S ivitli surruiv or disgrave, or botb, deinoraüzed cotnnnmitieH, ir deslroyeá property. To begin "ti disasters, IVjS li 19 besa leai proliflc of Icww i lili', in the vrhole world than 187, or fors; v 1:1! yeara past, by many thousumls. The foüowing table gi ves the loss oí life occnrrliig by vaiiious disarfters in tliis country d urmg ! be rear: Diownlng 1 Oi' K.'llpic building. . 70 Flrs 46 1 Cyctones 350 Wind diïia-UTs 191 [..ifchtning jn Bullór explosions , . á!T Powder aud other Total 1,861 explosiona 3B1 I Tlie 03=i of life by railrondx ims Citilnn ofï as rompurcd witli tbat of lat year. ïhe total auniber ofkiiled asrepcirted by tulegraph is I,fi54, as oornparud with 1SÍ7 111 1S87, 855 in lS-6, and t'-tT in !SS5. Tbe total nuiöber of tifatse vnuii-!y injtired alsosbowga hci-eas", bing .,8'Jt as oom pared with 1,999 in 1887,8(50 iii VSSfi, aud!3b iu l- The most ser. ons oue oecarred Oct. 10 on the liolugli illey raihvay, in wliich ÍS were kii:etj and 45 injurod. Tne cholera, thouh not so fatal as n past years, claims 6,2h5 victims in Cbin 1 and 6S0 in Chili. The yellovr fev?r, which broku out in Jacksonville in August, raged until the ürst week in Decemlier, with a record of 411) victiins. The total number of deaths by pestilence for the year is 7.S13, as compared with 105,070 in 1887, 100,B()0 in 1886, and 101,000 in 1S85, showing that the year has been a comparatively hoalthy oue. The whoie list of ca-ualtitt in the Old World, n bero the loss of life was important enough to be telegraphed, includes those perishing by disease and battle; and, including the y ello w f ever vietims in this country, is ti6: Iu7, as compared with 157,950 in 1867, 118,023 in 1-Sfc, ind 8SJ,S45 in 1885. There have been no great battlos during the year. With the exception or a small loss of life ocoasioned by rvbellions in Tuibet, Samoa, Hayti, and Afghanistan, amounting to 3,3:iG, the little wars have been confinad to Airica, the casualties in which bave beeu 5,634. or a total of 6,'.tJ4, as compared with !),578 in 18ö7, 14,374 in 18S}, aud ail.000 iü 1885. Botaras reported 4,01f lives have been lost upon the oceau and 80 upon the lakes and rivera (a total of 4,093 as compared with 6,79a in Ujtff, 2,749 ia J8W. and S.897 in 1SS), 1,554 by railroad8,Si,b61 by disasters in tha New Worlri, 40,300 by disasters in the Old World, and lfi,M)7 by battle and pestilence, making in all 74,6!7 as conipareil with 199,164 in 1SS7, 122,791 iu 1886, and 387,43 in 1885. The loss of life by disaster has been especialiy severe in China, where the enorraous total of nearly 40, '.'00 lires have been sacrificad, Jít.OGOof them being the victims of an enrti.quake, and tbe remaindar of floods. The greatest marine disaster was the loss of the steamer Pemptis in the Indian oeean May 12, by which 1,100 lives were lost.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News