Took Their Own Live

Tlie munliei of persons who have cotumitted suicide in the United Stutes during the yenr is l,4f7, as compared wilii 1,387 in 1887, 914 in 1SWS and 978 in 1885 Of the total nuraber 1,1 -tí wre malos and 342 females. The cai:sw ere as follows. Despondency : . ,4S3L(quor 103 ünkucnvu 88S Disappoiuted lové ...130 Insane 194 Ili-hualtti 81 Domis-tiu ibfellcity..ll Bu8Ü3ess losse 48 Of the aliovo chsbs öïci shüt tbemsalves, 349 took poison, 22S haned thomsolves, 131 drowned themselves, 111 cut their throaK, 38 threw bhemselves in frjnt of loeomotives, 25 jumped frotn Windows or bousetops, ]H stabbed tbemsolves, X bumed themselves, 4 starved theuaselves, 2 Uow themselves up with powder, 1 strangled himself, and 1 scalded hitn-.ll'.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News