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UDIEStPPSS Do Toar Own Dyclng, nt Ilomc. Th-T will djre everything. They ure old ctt where. Price lOo. a Tliey liavenoequl tor Streugth, Brightness, Amount ín Paukatfes or íor Fnstness of Color, or non-fadiiig Qualitiea. Thay do not crook or smut; 40 oolor. Tor sal b John Moore and Eberbach &Son. Chancery Sale. TÜEOIRCÜIT COUliT FOR THE Ooiintyof Washten.iw, in Cbauoery. lolph Wetzel.cbinplaiuant, vs., Ellzabeth Wetzcl.defcndant. Iq this cause t Rppearinir by dueproof that itciinnotboasocrtíiiiKi'i ín what or country the said defpn'líint resides, on motion of E. B. Nori'i-s of Counsel, for Complainant ordered that defcudant cause her appearanee in this cause to be entored on or bcfore the llrnt day of Mny, A. D, 1889, and in cieraulttliereof said bilí be taken as cout'essed by said defendant and thnt finid complainiuit cause this order lo be duly publislietl or pergonally served pPrsuant to I iv. Dated at Aun Arbor this 30th diy of November A. T. 1888. B.B. NOBRIS. EDWABD D. KIHNB. Sol. for Complt. Circuit .IndKO. (A true Copy) Arthíir Brown.Depiity Register. Estáte of William W. Gooding. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Ata scssion of the Probate Court íbr the County of WaslUenaw, holden :it the roíate Office in the cits of Aun Arbor, on Thurs;iy, Uu 2otlt da y of Decentber, in ihe year. one tousand L-iht hnndred ;uul ciglity-ciht. present, Wm. I Hnrnman, Jaosfe of Probnte. ín the matteE oï the (-stUc ut Willium W. Goednjí decuased . On rcudinu and tllinj; t!io petition dnly verilicd oí lunry Stuniinliuscn, praying: that he may be icensed lo sell the Real Estáte whereof said dceased died seieed. TlnTcupon it is ordered, that Mondav Ihc i (tb day )f lanuarY next, at ten o'clock in the torenoon, )9assi{Ded for llic heurine of S'iid petition, and bat llic lieirs at law of baid deceaaed, and ill other persons interested in said estáte, are equired to appear at a session of said court then o be holden at the Probate Office, ir. the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause, ifany there be. why thc rayer of the petiüoner should notbegruntcd. And t is further ordered, th;ït said petitioner frive noticc o the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof by causnjr acopv oí thi order to be pnblishcd iu the Ann Akbor Ákous, a newspaper printed and circvilalin n said countv tliree sufcessive weeks previous to said d.y of hearin.iLLiAM HABRtMAN [ A. triie copv.] Judgc of Probate. Wii.i.i vt G. Don, Probate Register. Estáte of John H. Sweet. OTATE O F MICHIGAN, COÜNTÏ' Oof Atasession of the Probate Courl tor the couuty of V ivshteDaw, holden al. the Probate Office, in the rtty ol Ano Arbor, on VVcdni-Rday the l'Jth day of Jember in the year ooethutisaiid eisrht hundred and eighty-eiírbt. Present, Wllliam D. 11 ai rimú n , Judge of Pro ín the métier of the esUte ot' John H, Sweet, dcceased. On reaaing and filing the petition, auly vended of Louise Sweet" praying that adirinisiratiou of enid estáte mav gi-anted. lo Zci ae Sweet or some othertíuitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mouday. tne fourteentli day of January next,at lOo'clock ín the forenoon oe aaslsrned for tbc hearing of Balt petition and Uut the heirs-at-liiw ot sail ,1eceaseil, and all other persons interesten in said estáte, are rtquired to appear ut a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. and show cau.w.if aiiy Ihere bo. why the pmyer of the petitionfr should not be gralited: And it is further ordered thal said petitioner give notioe to tht; persuns iaterested in sal( estáte ol the pendency of said petition and th htarine thereof. by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Aks Aubor ABOUS.anewspaper priuted and ciiculattd in said couuty thiee succesaive wefks prevtous to said day of heaiing. WILLIAM U. HASKIMAN, (atruccopy) Judgeof iJrobatc William G.Doty, Probate Rtffister. Mortgage Sale. YVHEBEASDEFAULTUAVINfiBEENMADE in the conditions opa Certain Mortgage executed by John Downs and Hiinnah Downs, hm wife. to Paschal Maon, in his ltfe time, dated ltli day of Deeeinher one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three and recorded in the office ot ieiter of the Deeds tVir Wushtenaw County Mkhigaa, in Liber46of Mortgaises at Page 368 on aid lttb d y of December, by which d;faiut the power of salé in said montage eonuimd, hab beconie oueiativu and the suui of one hundred andthirty do lai biir.gclüimed to lic due and unpaid hereon at the Anta of this ni)tice and uo procceiliug at law liaving been had to recover the debtsecured thereby. The said mortgngce, havingdoparted this Ufe :ind the uiidersiïned having lietn dlllyappoinlud Adiniuistrator of hls extatc. Notice ishereby given thitt said mortgage will be torcclos&l by iisaleortheinartgafred premises, ti satisij said mottgag e debt and the costa of thia pioceeüing includinï an attoiney fee provided tor thereiu, at the smith front door of the Cour House in the eity of Ann Arlior, Michigan, (tha hemg the plice wheit.' the Circuit Cnurt for tbe Couuty of Washtenaw is held) on the lh dav o Marcb, A. D. 13S9, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the land in múá mertgíig conveved and then and there to be sold ure de cribed" as follov.s: All that certain piecenr parce eiland iituat in the city of Ann Arbov Stat of Michigan, to-wit: Lot number four in Bluck ruuiber two ot Patridge's additior. to the city J Ann Aibof according to the recordcd plat thereo together with the hereditamenu and appurtei anoe thorcunto belonjíiníf. ,„fOAnArbor,Dermlo Administratov. E. B. NORB18, A'.toruey for Admiaistrator. Commissioners' Notice. oTATE OF MICHIGAN, COüNTÏ Ooi' Washtenaw, w. The undersisned havniK heeu appointed by the Probate Court tor said County, lorumiesioneis to receive, examine ana ndist"ll claims iiud demanrts of all persone Hgíunst the estáte oí W alter J. Whitlavk , late of tiwd cuiaty ilcce:ised, herel)y give uotice Itiat six months from dute ure allowed, by order of said Probate Court tor creditorsto present their cla.rus aainetthe state of said rieceased. and that thcy will meet at the llo ri'sidenceof aiil aeeejiediu Annrbor lown in taid county, on Thursday me 2Stb day of March anil on Friilav the 2th C-.y of June next, al ten o'clock n. ui. ot cicl ot auld day't to rect-'ive examine and ailjust aio uluiius, n.iuü December 28th, 18SS. lïKN.) M1N BBOWK, JOHN Al.l-KN. Qemmiaalouftr Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXTV ofWashtenaw. The undertigned ha ving been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Coiiiiniíwioiié's lo receive, examine and adjust all olaims and déinands "f all persons agsuuit the c&te of Sarah A. Shaw, late of Baid County deceased, hereby give notice thut six monthsfrom date are atlcved, by order ol said Probate Cc.v:rt, tor crcdltors to present tllcir claims aguinst the estáte of said deccan-d.and that tliev will meet at the residence of' ïaaac Shaw in the townrfiip of "n= in said Connty on Saturda; the 8oth d.iy ol Mare h and on Mondav the ist day ol lulv next, at ró o clock A.M.ofeiich'ofaaiddnys, to receive, examine and arlmstsaid claims. n,1.,H,,l-c,n:,er3.s.,.wsi[AWi ALKREDDAVENPORT, Commissioiiers.