Kit Grale

[Copyright.] "Now then," Tnss sung out, "hold her tidrly an' keep your eyes about ya" On they foamed, straight for the light, four koen eyes searehiug intoDtly. But they saw do spar. ünly the tumbüng waves, seething, sunlitand tipped with foam. On they went. Kit's heart sank. No mast in Kiglit on eitüer hand. Presently Marlin turned. "Luff, K!it," he said, "hard o-leo! Put her about. U'e niissud hcr that time. Guess she must 'a feil off to !oo'ai-d, sailin' so clus to the wind. Wu'll hev a botter chance afore it. Now, t hen, l'nlJ fur the spire, an' don't let her fall off, Kit - if anything, luff her a p'int." The boot jibbed round, and filled away before the wind on the port quarter. Again they searched keenjy, anxiously. They saw no spar; on tiiey foaraed. Kit's heart weighed lil;e lead, and full of fear. Tho clump of eedars drew on only too ewiftly. Another quarter of a tnile, and they wil] be abreast! Slio -tood up in her excitement, strained her sbarp eyes - oh, how eagerlyl She forgot the belm one moment; tho Iwat's head feil nway to lee. Tass did not notice. Suddcnly he saw. 'Luff, Kit," he shouted- "hard a-leel Hard, I aayl you're off the courso three p'ints." She seized the tiller, but she did not lnfl. She jammed it hard to port. Her face was radiant as an angel's, She laughed and pointed east "Ilurrahl" she cried- "hurrah ! Imrrahl The mast I themastP' Sure enough, there it was, the tip of a mast two feet above the tide. Never was a sight more joyful to heart of man than these two feet of wave washed spar in Kit's glad eres tliat da v I They ran alongside. The tido was rising now; tho w-aves wasbed over it every tima. It was soinewhat out of the line between light and spire. It was deeper in the water, too. But for Kit's momentary forgetfulness they raast have gone by and missed it. It was hit or miss, the simplest accident decided - chance, providenco, fato, what yoo will. Martin tore a shred of old muslin- tied it to tho mast. "It'll help us next time. Kit," he said. "Now for Ruthorbyl - flfteen mile to wind'ard. Wind west, half no'the, an' pretty fresh. Put her about, Kit - hard a-lee - clas on the wind- there! Head her fur Kensel Pint. A long leg an' a short un." Away they went, bowling breozily, boonding on tho tumbling rollers. The suu sank behind the blue hills in the far northwest. Night drew on slowly. The light house lanterns fliished out ono by one; tho dusk deepened: the brightness died out of the west; it grow chilly. Old Tass got out tlie shawl whicü he had brought for KiL She wrapped it about her, and it silont - steering on, on. Old Tass sat a little forward on tbO weather side, his eyes wandering, hisgray loeks straggling from under his cap. Ho was a shrewd, kindly old fellow. Frank and free as the soa he loved, without its deceitful wiles. If he Hked you, you had a friend through thick and thin. If you wronged hira, you made an enemy for life - not treacuerous, hut fearless, and almost unforgiving. He sat idln, aDd Iet Kit steer: he kuow she was harassed by anxious thougbts of her father, alone at home, and that it was charity to let her have this task, that necessitated continua! watchfulness. and might partially dissipate her gloomy meditationa Ho feit, as he watched her askanco, a etrange mingling of pity and admiration. So they sped on. The full moon iwung up out of the east, and silvered the crested wavea The island shore approached nearer and nearer. They opened Hilbury bay after a wliile, and far in could see the gleam of tue low light on the bar. Then Kensel Point drew on abeam, and hid it from sight. Tbeir course was straight for Gull reef. Thoy ran close in; the whito line of the wave washed ledge stretchod sboroward before thora. Then llarlin said: "Luff, Kit! Put her aboutl Luff a-leer The wind had veered meanwhile more to the north of west. The boat payed off again on the starboan] tack. Kit looked back at the long, low neck. Beyond that ridge, only two miles away as the crow (lies, was her bome. How suo longed to know what was going on there - how she fretted horself with anxious fcars! Would she bave gone on then had she known what a day would bring forth upon that spray white reef! Sho did notknow; and the Bess went foaming on. nortbward, close to the wind. The oioeks in the town were striking the Iiour osthey ran up Rutherby harbor through the aiichorod vessels, lying quiotly bead to wind, their red and green lantems swinging in the fore shrouds. It was 2 o'clock. Tbey tied the boat to the pier, climbed out, and went away up the desertod street. "Ye'i-e quite clear, are ye. Kit," asked Marliu, "as to what I told ye as wo come along, how ye'd best talk to VagnunV "Quite clear," said Kit They stopped at a small brick liouse. Marlin bangetl tbe krocker. A wimiow opened above and a head ani)e.arnH "Who's that knockin'? Wliat d'ye wantr "Tbat's him. Kit," said old Tass. "Speak him rough." "Do you want to flnd the Onwardf" callcd Kit "Hold on a minnte. ril come down." He opened the door presently. "Have you found her" he asked, eagerly. Then recognizing Marlin, who stood with his back turned, he asked rather millenly: "What do ye want o' me, Tass Marlin I ain't been a-doin' anythink to ye." "KitUrale," said old Tass without turning - thero was a strange gleam in Uie old gruy eyes, and a look of righteous wrath in his weather tK-aten face- "ye may teil (iat Ingram that Tve got nothin' to say to him, and no dealin' witb him. This is your affair, not mine." "L" yon want to flnd thp Onward," Kit said, "give rae pen, paporand a hght" He went in. Kit followiug, stntck alight and brought writing materials. Alarlin staid without. Kit sat down, took the pou and wroth She was awkward witb the pen, knew nothing of legal forma She only knew tbat this money wonld save a soul from death, if it was not too late, and that this man woold cheat her of it if he could. She handed him the paper. This is what he read: Rctjterot, July 80, 183a I hereby frwly promLse that, if Ishall beshown, by Catharine OraJe, of KenHel Point, tbe present position of the schooner Onward, and shaJl rofuso or delay to pay immediately aftcr to Catharine Graie, on sliowinR, the advertised reward. 1 will pay to lier ao additioaai sum of eqmd aiuount ten days from dató "1 wont sign it," he said. '-D'ye think Vas a robber, missT' "Th I've nothing more to say," slio stiid. She walker] out "Come, Cap'n Tass," sbe sid. "H. Awsn't want tho schoouer.1' They starled down the etreot. lasmai came runtiing ont. " Uold on I" he called. " Wbat's Uw rwkí o' bein'so tlmrp? Vü sign the curScd paper f yeTJ gfmmo a chanoe," ] Two hours later they were in the Bess, in line with Ooose Nock light and the white spire. Tht-y found the mast without rauoh troublo. They then ran into tho nearest harbor, went all three to a tavern. In-ram counted out the money, grudging every coin. Kt gave him the paper he had sigrled and he went away. Kit and old Tass were together again alona It was past & He made bor eat some breakfast, and saw her safely otf in the 8:30 expresa V. Arrivlug iu the city, she went dij-ectly to a shop in Holly street, whereshe knew ayoung DiaD from Hiibury was clerk. Torn Denham was very glad to see Kit, as most who kuew her wore lle was homesick- poor boyl- in that greac iiabel, and the sight of a homo facedid bhn good. Kit told him she would like to have tiim go with ber, as witness to a little matter of business, and, ti-ade being dull, he etuixly obtained leave of absence. 'Tm ffOiug to Bulüon lane, Dpritiara," she Bald- -No. 80. I don't know the way Vou'U show me." Tom was only too proud. They fonnd the plaoe easily enough. Mr. Wyckel was in. He rose poütely to receive them, made them Bit down. believed he had uot the honor of their acqnaintaiioe, could he serve them in any wayt "My immo is Catharine Gralc," said Kit, 'Yon hold a mortgagoagaiust somo prouerty of mino." His niannor changed at once. A.1, yes, I do; let me sec," referring to a note book. " 'Mortgage- Haliburton farm- due June 2, I8f8, for ÍSOÜ- default made- demand sent June 23- no answer- motion to foreclos liled J uly 13.' WelJ, young woman, what have you got to sayí Suppose you've come to hog off. I know the dodge- ruin anddespair Pretty face down on bended knee, iiair pulled down, eyea rubbed red, 8ham tears. It's all in the story books. But 1 teil you leforehand it's no use trying it on me. I'm too oíd a bird. i teil you 1 want my monoy, and Tm going to have it The court will grant a decree of foreclosure in a ew days. Then you'd better look out for other lodginga. That'sall, 1 believe." "Not quito," said Kit Her face flushed hot with pride and scorn. Her lips were white, hor teoth flrm eet. "Not quite all. Abraham Wyckel I despise your base imputations. Do your worst. 1 wouldu't taka a penny from your hand if I died. Only a coward would strike a man that's down already. Only a brute would trample on him. But 1 defy you. You will not sell usoutl" "By beaven, I wil]!"le sworo, rising in wrath. "Who'll hinder meF "I will," sbo answered, quiet and flrm. "You will? Ha, hal thatfs good," he laughed. "How'll yon do ifc, my ladyr "Here and now," she said, "I offer you payment iu full of all debts, interest and costs. Hero ia the money. ilako out the bilL" She took out the gold and laid it on the table. The lawyer was utterly abashed- shamed, hutnbled. He turned away to hide his Lace- sat apart and wrote the bilL He handcd it to her without a word. Debt, interest, costs, disbursemente, it read, six hundred and wid. She counted out the raoney, pushed it aoross the table witb the bill. "Receipt it," she said. She put the receipt and the rest of the money into her pocket Without a word she went out witb Denliain. "By George, Kitl" says Totn, "didn't you ent up rough, thoughr The angry flush went from her faoa She laughed; sbe could have danced in the street She hati boon thirty hours already in constant action in the open air. She feit no weariness; indeed, she was restod more than she had boen these months. She feit fresh and light as a biri The debt paid off, principal and interest - three hundred and odd in hand to start afreshl The thought made her bound and laugh. What would he thinkf Wbat would Ira say? How he would laugh when she told him the story! She bade Tom good-by. Now for home! She longedto fly- home, homo I She ran along, threading her way thi-ough the press and throng - down Bullion, up Ship. She forgot that the boat did not leave for hours. Sho went aboard and waited. She oould notreador sit. Shewalkedabout - wore away the ti moas she raight. At last they got off. At the soeond landing- the water was low- the stearaer stuck fast on the bar. There was 110 help for t; they must ivait tül the tide went down and roseagain The delay was annoying euough to any one. It fretted Kk sorely. But the time passed, though very wearily. It was So'clock when the gangway waa thrown ont at Willowtree doek. Kit hurried asbore and ran away up the road. It was high tida. the calm waters rippled and gtearned in the moonlight througli the trees that fringed the road. Her heart was full of anxiety Sbe longed, yet foared, to know how things got on at home. She ran along quieldy Turning a bend, she could sec the poplars before the house, tlie white beacb below thetn. But the Koam waa aowliere Co he seen. A vague dread strikes to her heart. Wherecould it Imt Wherecould it bef Clif Crackel might not have brought hor home. Kit hoped so, ünt"feared She ran up to the house, looked in at tbo window There was uo one in the living room. She went in, run to the kitchen. Bridget sat there alono. Her eyes were red; she had been crying. "Where's father, Bridgetr she asked, eagerly. "Oh, miss, an' it's meseif that's glad for the sight o' yeze. Shure, yere pa has rook on drefflo bad iver since ye wint, intirely. He stayed about, moodsomo like, an' actín' quare. He'd sit wid his hid in his han's, an' think an' thinli; an' often l'd hear him a-sayin', 'she hadn't ought to 'a left me, she hadn't ought to 'a left me alone.' Dade, thin, an' I Cried to chare hira. 'Shure, sir,' saya 1, 'ye should take heart. ' But lie wouldn't bear to t 'It's no good. Bridget,' he says. 'There's no help- no help.' I was 'feared he'd be after doin' somethin' afore ye'd get home. But he samed moro cheerfullor like to-nigbt, bein' he expicted ye. But when ye didn't come, be got gloomy again. lie come in forninst the door aftber a bit, an' says he, brighter than be'd been, 'Bridget.' says be, 'I'm goin' to bed. If Miss Kit ooines in, till ber i was tired and oouMn't wait. Good night. Bridget,' hesays. 'ye've been a faithful girl to us, an' Üod'U róward ye.'" There was a woIxhik homo for you, friend. Pray beaven you aiay nuver come borne to tbe likel Kit ran up tlve stairs, listenod at tho door, .heard no souud. Hlie opened it ajar, listened again. Thai. was still sleep- no broath, uo sigh. 81e pufihml tho door open, went in. The bod was amooth- no one hal lain there tüat nignt 1 wrung ber hands one moment "Too late" sbo cried. "Too late, too latei Ofnie - goueT' Then fltyi awny- out of the house, through tbc side gato, over to the barn. She Btifled tbe despairing cry "Hopet" shecried, silently- "hop., yetl The reef I" The horses stand at their raoks umnching th6ir hay. The moonlight streams in at the wkle dcxjr- lies white by Unes of shade on the littered floor. lioliert whinuies to her, shaking his head, wolcoming her home. Still, Robert, stand! no time for playl 8he slips the bridle over his ears- lot the throat latch hangl No I - - . time to saddle- Death rides fort. VVho rides witb trim need not tarry- fling leg and away, and spare not! She leads hiiu out, O[ens the gate of the laiio. leaps up, and away. The long, steep bil) is hof ore them. Up they go, oonnding, bounding. On the right tho Early Bow app]&) hang ripe, the locust thioket stands dark on the loft They pasa the pond on the left- Robert pants up tho steep. Over the ridge now the road lies lovel bofore them. Braver horso, truer heart ncver rodo tilt together. Choerily. nheerily, Robortl Speed! speodl Qallopas you ouver p;allopd beforo - gallop for life or deathl The païe horse runs before - so pa 1c that none may se. His hoofs make no soumi, his phantom riilor utters no cry. But his pace is terribly swift - he stays not tor ternx or walll Forward., br.ivo Robert, to save, to savel Nobly ho galio] s and f ree. His nostrils are Öanio; his heart and bis pulse 011 lire; tierve and sinew of steeL The rein flies Ireel The girl leans forwani on his glossy neok, olings, and urges liira on. Pree and wild he runs- head low, npek curvod, maüc flying, nostrils wide. Hisshod hoofs clatter on tbeseattered stones, thunder on the troddou turf. His fore legs doublé under him, supplo as springs of steel, shDot out bef ore, sharp and swift as their recoil. His haunohes come forward under him, swift and strong as steain, keen asa piston's throb- hurl him on like light. The hay barrack leaps behind. The level Belds slide back on either hand. Sheep beOs tinkle sweetly on the rngbt; lambs bleat and mothers ory A minute agoall was ealm; now a wild gala whirls by The roar of stormy seas is in her ears- in her heart a wijd despmr O God! it cries, give help! give help! Fa-ster, brave Robeit, laster! Speed I speed! i be tañe hes level for half a mile, smooth and arm as a eouree, the racer as kocn as a hound Half a mile, half a mile, svrift and straight as an arrow's flight, with the fiery power anrl heave of a railway entine. The long, green line of turf whirls under their flying leet. Field after üeid, field after field. The eato stands open at the further end; thank heaveu for thatl Through it they dart like a flash - through itand on. Through the stumpfield the road wiuds now; sweepa round to the left through tbe hollow. Horse and rider bound on. Down the decline with a rushing plunge, bound through the hollow witb a fiery sweep. The blackberry vines trail round the stumps right and left ünder the leaves the fruit lies ripe and sweet. Oa they go. Up, now, out of the hollow, striding fiercely, laboriug a little in the soft, new ground, a cloud of dust trailing behind. Through the gate, now, at the farther end, into the wood beyond. Por the next half mile the road is a slight descent, winding among the trees. Down it goes Robert, firing, running keen and free, doubling, striding fierce as ure. The tree boughs arch the path. The green leaves brush Kit's face; her cheek is wet with dew. A sharp branch cuts her mouth; it bleeds, but she knows it nos. ïrampnng, trampüng, on they fly. The gate of the wood beyond stands wide. Through it they tramp- sharp around to the left, with a plunge. Sharp to the right again, instautly after, pass the chip strewu opening, where the woodmen hew railway ties. Up there on the left is the blackberry hill, a matted thicket of rines, heavy and sweet with the luscious fruit. The great trees stand apart; the moonlight sprinkles through. Rider and horse fly on, like aswaUow's skimming flight. The shod hoofs clatter and tramp. The pathway swerves to the right The ground sinks on the left, parts in two shoroward ridges. The road runs down the right. A shallow vaJley drops between, widens, opens broad and clear of trees. There lie the salt grass meadows, dotted with pools, grown thick nith the rank salt grasa. Yonder she sees the line of the beach that rose ubove the plain of the meadows, and bid is the sound beyond. On they tramp - brave horse, brave, eager heart- up a slight rise with a lift. Gaining the level, they turn a bend. Right before them, not twenty rods away, the bars stand, flve rails high. One instant Kit deliberates, no moi-e. Every second is precious. A minute may lose her tho race. The pale borse gfUlops terribly 6wift, stays not for fence or wall! Shall we wait to let them downï She &an't - she cantl She sbuts her eyes, clings eloser, crios an unworded prayer, urges the brave horse on. He undcrstands, seos what is tohedone; he will do it if mettle can. Kit holds her breath, and clings. She feels herself hurled forward in a wilder spurt of speed, then lifted and borne througb the air with one great flying bound. They strike with a heavy rebound. Robert staggers a little. Kit is near being Hurig u íhe earth, but she clings with a desperate trength and keepa her seat. Robert gatbcrs QitnBSlf together again, strides on as been al befo ra The bars are behind, and the track s cloar all the way now- all the way The footing changos, itissand now, soft spa sand. Ah thers is tho opening just ahead, the gleam of wator beyondt Tbe bushes leap back ou eitber hand , rider and horse as one, snoot out from the f,!ip as frora a bow. Through the white fetlock deep sand, over the stpny ridge, the flereo rush carries them, down the sloping tide sands, into the very wave. Whoa, Robort, wboa! Gently, gently' Brace y ombrave feet in the dripping sands, swerve to the rigbt, to the east. A way to the east there, a mile away, along tbe lonely shore, you see Giill Hief, stretching out from tbe land. At the farther end, partially bidden behind that Qigbest rock, glearning white in the moon's white light, what do you seeí A sail! A saill VVhat is iti What does it mean Rit knows. It means life and hope- hope vet! Her heart leaps up. There is hope, thero is hope, it cries. Thank üodl ThankGodl But thoy must not stay now or sparo. On, agaín, on. Porward,' brave Kobert, speed, speed I Btride as you never strode, gallof witb fire, doublé and spring with migbt For life, for life! Freely and wild be runa Pulso and beart of flro, oostril and flank aflame, fiber and nerve of steel, power of steaml Eyes wild and shot with blood, each breath a fiery gasp, eaob spring the leup of a wild chamois! Oh, the mad rush of that ridp for lifef Will she ever forget tbe burling flight between saa nd sbore, the gale on lier cheek, the hurruane ia her ears? A raile! a tnilel Between eoa and shore, on the firxn tide sands. And stil) t)ie pale borse runs tiefore with his ghustly slteleton rider. Faster, Kit, faster yet! Proy God they be not too late! Summer broozes, flee from before, waft tbem on fiom bebind! Shelving sands, clog not the steed's brave feet; give him smooth footing, and flrml Tide ripples, wash up and lave his hot hoofs! Hasten them, eartb ajid air- hejp them, for life's sweet sake! On tliey dash, hoofs clattering Üke haiL Kit's e3'es aro on the sail; she see3 only that The moonlight lies calm and white. The summer waters murmur on the sliding sands. No lifeon that lonely sbore, save ouly the one mad flïght High banks leap np on the right, a hundred feot shoer. Beyond, in the wood, Kit heni-s the whippoorwill's mournfuJ song, the owl's uncanny cry. The sound makes her shudder - so weird, so wildl it sounds like an omen of dath. Half of the mile is behind. The reef draws nearer- nearer every stride. The boat swings slowly round the high rock Continuod on Fifth
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News