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A Qbeboyg&u eiiur, who soenis to have iad that ViirieJ experience for whieh the rateruity is noíed, i-oleuiiily vers that the water of that towu s a doadlier beverage, even, than Cbeboygan Ürewater. Just think of what itnmst be. An eleetrlc railway, to crnnect Marquette and Presque Isle, is to bo built another spring. Tuis s a part of a $1,00),(X0 schenie to mak? Presque lila a fainous northern Dunimer renort. A 65 X)und baaver has been cjptured by a Montnioieniiy county suootist. Oeoige Thompson, the Isabella county man who niaulcd the life out of Albert Harrington, a neijhbor, wilh a rail, goes ioto retirement at Jackson prieon for five years. The omnipresent and misi'hievous email boy yelled "flre" at l'owers' Opera house, Grand Rapiis, theother night, and the house being crowded, a panio ensued, several people beiag badly iujurod. Qaiet was finally restored and the play was concluded. R. H. Brown, a Howeil eitizen, is going to Europp soon. to se the sights and gather iu a $40,000 legaoy, whicb a Seotland relativo was erood euotiKh to die and leave him. Ce Jar Sprints Baptists - some of 'era at least - hfive issued nu edict tbat their p:istor, Rev. C. Oldfield, "must go." ïbe parson, it seems, Lad given oiïan33 by iiublicly denouncing oard playing, dancing and otber popular amusenienls. At last accounts the reversud divine had been locked out o{ the church, and was compalled to bold meetings at the hoiiiei of "the faituful," who approve bis course. Eobcrt HoGovvar., a Stui'gis citizen, bèing a victim of oold feet, betiiought bimself of a hot fiatiron as a eomfortable bed-fellow But tbe iron bad too warm a glow and Robert soou had a burued toot which he under took to heal with oarbolic acid. The sympa tbizing readu. -ill not ba surprised to learn tbat Robert will have a lirapin time of i for some days to come. ïbe Postal Tolegraph company is pushiu tbe work of building it9 linos in the uppe península, eigbt orews of men being era ployed at prese.'.t. Battle Creek touhs are suoh h "load" lot w'aoü air stsrl ttaat it is proposd to arin the pólice oí that city with gags with a view to the reduetiou of tbe surplus chin musía The proofs of the first Hormon Bible were read by J. W. Turnar, n Kalamazoo man, and as tbe book still continuas to be the oracle oL Mormonrton, 'tis prssuined tbat he did a good j jb of it. A poor artide of whisky kicUed up a bg row among tbe employés of the Water Power Canal corapany, at tha Soo, the otber dsy, before Cbristtnas, aud a man named Smitb was severely Btebbed. A Miubigan man, who owued a whole lot of worthh'ss land near Baldwin, traded it for a ÍIO.OOJ hotel in Indiana and tben took a trip down inta Ohio for a vaeation. But an eagle eyed offlcer of tbe law soon caniped on his liail and overhauled bim at Van Wert. The sharp b-ader will now have the choice oí uiakin anotber trade or spending a season in tbe bualile. A Montcatiu county man, whose duty it as to keep tue saws of a certain big mili in ood cuttiug trim, found it necessary to ork considerably over ten hours per day. Mnally be deraanded pay íor tlie time whieh ie overworked, and, lieing refused, brougbt uit and recovered judgment therefor. Casnovia has a bang-up new opera bouse hat's a bout as slick as anything of tbe kind o be fouud in any towu in tlie state of her ize. George Shaver, a youtbful St. Ignace katist, is supposod to have been rendered )ermanently Mind and deaf by a bard fall wbicti he had on the ico. The state asylum for the blind at Flint has seventy-nins pupila, but one having died at the iñstitution since it was founded. They are making excellent progress iu lxth work and studies, and the management estímate hat about $51), 000 will ba ueeded to earry on ,he work for the next twoyears. A Brand Raplds woman acknówledges that she did a har.dsome tliing by makiag a louso to house canvas for ;uui ch Kubsoriptions, as tbe people "name down" liberally and she received one-flfth of all sbe collected as a remuneration for her services. Tbe agents of Z.on know a good tbing when they see it as'well as otber folks. Upper península people want tbe state to offer a premium for tbe destruction of wolvea, as the pesky "vairainte" are getting too thick in that región for tbe taealth of pigs, sheei) nnd youug cattle. Harvay Day, a Willis deniien, is the owner of a Holstein cow that giveth sixtyfour pouada oC milk daily, hich turns out eleven Donada of butter per week. Many a meek-ayed little Jersey can easily knoek out this butter record, albeit their yie'd of milk might bo very inuoh less. William Reese, a Muskegon man, wbo1 seen 0( summers, and is old nouïh to know better, is in pursuic of a divorce, just becauae the o. g. in tbe case dotsn't do the house woi'k to suit hini. The home of Frank Tanner, living near Harrison, waa burued on the 27ib, his 'ear-olil boy perishing in the flaiues. The statemüiit that the giris can't plan for ie future may be true in some case, but is ot nacwssariiy a fact Away back last pring, a Venice girl bad ter eye oq Christms, and to make sure that md Santa iou'ldn't escape her sbe raised a farnily ot ïrkeys that were old Lor $35. Si), and Ubristaias wicb a big 0 carne ber way. Two years ago J. P. Weetfall, an Almont toan, insured hitBself $2,000 tvortb with tbe tfaccabse's order, stipulating that n oase of leath the money should l equally divided between bis ife and raother. Afterward ie ooi&ludod 'bat bis wife oug'Jt to have the wboltv amount. and o irranged tbc matter. Later on he died, tbe mol har brought suit or ber bare of the casb, but the court decidod tLat abe bad no clairus thereon. Tuomas Sowerby, a Grand Rapids hunteman w ..s awidentally shot by a compamon whüe in puranlt ot samo. Ha wi!! probably dio. A newly marrled Wacomta coiiple, each ot whom are 19 years of age, went over to St Johns ou tlieir wedding trip and foolisbly blow out the gas. Tlie louc) odor apprised the hotel people of tha true state of affairs and tho oouple were rescued trom arf uutimely deSth, sUhougU Ihua nearly suffocated. The question whether or not marrisge is a failure, det.nd!. lrgely ou bow you view Uw probleui. Mrs. Oturie Stratingh, a Grand Rapids lady, evidently takes the negative side ot the conimwirum, as g'ie obtamad a divorce the ottaar uforálng nn-1 was re-rnnrried the ame dy. A Ti-oy biby had been doctored ior eatarrh several months, but th attending physioial 8eemo! to afford but ittle relief. Finally the inobber disoovered a shoa button speedily reeovred from its "oatai-rh." Great is tbe ineiücsl skill of soma doctore. Calboun oouoty's sheriff offers .'iO for an interview ilh tbe fellow wtao's baan feeding poison to Bátele Creek cauines. Iq üii ago o' early graves and si)y proonred iivonjjs, Wty years oL eiided life iín't overly coaimon. but Mr. ati'i Mrs. ner Knapp, of Lowell, ce'.ebrated tbe BixtyiiïiitU anmyeriiary of their m irrisse on Christinas, those present rtpresenting flve generations. Fire at Cbelsea cleaned out sevenil old jusitiess builiiing which niakes rooin for better and neater lookiug ones. The Grand Rapids Boldiers' home was fouud iu prime condition by a government inspectiir, and so will draw $100 for each of the -150 ir.mates from the natioual treasury.


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