
H ín Rcated E ■! liy a H John HH miitsoir Be froiu a Hi.'ii ii bis HF .-.-n' ri.'ly HiiMiug wero HE ■ i u Hugo H'ivhich ocouHl i n:,' was old, Hjtrtitions, and Hs on building Kw. No insurHJF rrviminnrli sirHf Kichardson Drug HH HTer of Fuurtb slreet V HpWed at 3 o'olock yesHay inomiiiiHVtm loss is nbout $?59,■ on stock and $50,000 en buildings. HF1? was considerable exritement during He fire csusiid by heavy explosiona of bonHKine, oils, etc. The building stood one block H south of the Soutbern hotel, and thero was almost a panic amons the guests of thali Lostelry until it was found that there was no dangpr oí a spread oL the ütinies. The insuraneo on buildins and stock is fi50,000, most) y pluced by H. M. Blossom's apenoy of Ibis city. It is believud tbat Andrew Geragtity, uight-watohman in the Rteliardsou drug house, perisbed in the fl unes, es he has been missing sirio? t'ne üre was discovared. His wife and daughter remaiaed about tho ruius all yesterclny,h";j;'ng tlie firemen the searca for bis body, but tlio ruina vver= s.ill burning anJ no search e nild be made.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News