The Floor Tumbled In

Carlislk, Pa., Jan. 2. - Ou Saturday night a panlo occurred in the Lutheran churcb in dtoughstown, this county, resultinp; in the srrious Djury of a minibar of persons. The Union Sunday school was celebrating Curistinas, au i the building was crowdod to ts utmost capaoity. Soou after tbeexereiaos began, a loud creakin? noise was haard, and an instant later the floor began to sink. Tiie scholars and others present becarae panic-strickeu and made a rush for tlia Windows and doors. Tue men smashed out tbe winciow panes and a nuniber wer.i seriously out. A uuinber of woraan and cbildren were tranipled ujion iu their efforts to escape, and the followlng were injured: Newtou Gooiïbeart, cut about face and head and tnternally injured, condition critica!; Kellie SlouftVr, int rnally injured; James Gaer, lag and aim brokeu; Charles Hall, interually injureil and can not live; Lottiy Cru mor, arm oruitsed and slightly cut An examirmt'on of the building was made, and it was found tbat the sills had broken and that the floor had siiuk to tbe dspth of teu f aet.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News