At MACK & SOHMID'S. Old prices will be dropped entirely in this sale. We will "bunch our goods" into 25, 40, 50 and 60 Cent Lots, making"a display of each on our counters, prices attaohed to each display, giving every customer an opportur.ity to see and profit by this determined "cleaning out" sale of dress goods. CLOAKS TO SHIT ALL. Tbis mild weather lias left us a full and complete assortment. Prices ranging from $1.75 to $60.00 each, lïxed so every one needy of a cloak enn select a stylish garment for lefs tlian the cost to manufacture. "Remember !" Those who come first have first choice. Displays of Dress Trimmings, ïowels, Stamped Goods, Etc., too mauy to mention, will be found on our counters. Ml AC K&SCHMID.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus