A Great Banquet
Arbor Tent, No. 296, Kniglits of the Maccabees, did herself great credit at the banquet, Wednesday night. Over nine hundred people sat down to the well laden tables. Over nine hundred people had a happy, jolly time. This lodge got the banner last year for the largest increase of membership of any lodge in the state and the enthusiasm engendered in the contest still continĂșes. The public installation ceremolies, on a platform appropriately ;overed with a canopy, followed the music by the business men's quartette, and Past Grand Commander Arthur Bassett, of Detroit, acted as installing officer. Mr. Bassett then presented Past Commander Banfield with a beautiful jewelled emblem f rom the members of Arbor Tent. The presentation was a most happy surprise and the jewel was deserved by Comraandev Banfield, if any commander ever deserved a jewel. Great Lieut. Com. L. N. Case, of Detroit, then spoke on the benefits of life insurance, Mr. Bassett told of the great growth of the order, which has 19,000 mernbers in Michigan and has paid $300,000 insur anee in the state in the past eight years. Miss E. E. Banfield gave a highly appreciated reading and Miss Hurlburt a recitation in excellent voice and manner. Music was furnished by the quartette and Miss Minnie Davis. Dancing, conversation and games were indulged in until a late hour. The Chequamegon orchestra furnished the music and everybody had a most pleasant evening.